فرنجية: أموال خليجية تدفع في الكورة وجعجع يستفز الناس في مناطقهم وبيوتهم

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دعا رئيس تيار المرده النائب سليمان فرنجيه ماكينة المرده الانتخابية الى "تكثيف العمل من اجل تحقيق فوز المرشح القومي في انتخابات الكورة الفرعية الدكتور وليد اللعازار"، لافتا الى ان "اموالا خليجية تدفع من قبل الطرف الاخر لتأمين الاصوات لمرشحه".

وقال فرنجيه خلال لقائه الماكينة الانتخابية للكورة في مبنى المرده في بنشعي الخميس "لدينا معركة اساسية وسياسية في الكورة، فرضها الطرف الاخر الذي لم يقبل تأمين الاستمرارية لثمانية اشهر، بعيدا عن اي استفزاز، لكن (رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية") سمير جعجع في كل مرحلة يستفز الناس في مناطقهم وفي بيوتهم، ويدعون انه حق ديموقراطي".

ويشهد قضاء الكورة الأحد المقبل معركة عن معقد نيابي بعد شغوره بوفاة عضو كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" النائب فريد حبيب، وتحتدم المعركة قبل أيام من الإنتخابات التي تحولت لشبه منازلة قومية قواتية.

وشدد فرنجية على أن معركة الكورة "معركة سياسية بامتياز وليست معركة الحزب القومي فقط، بل معركتنا جميعا. فنحن فريق واحد ولدينا رؤية واحدة"، معتبرا ان "الطرف الاخر يحاول التباكي ويتهمنا باشياء حصلت قبل ان نولد".

وتابع: "لا نملك القدرات المالية التي يملكونها والتي يراها الجميع وهي واضحة، عبر الاعلانات التي فاقت قيمتها المليون ونصف المليون دولار، فيما نحن لم تكلفنا كل المعركة مئتي الف دولار، واتكالنا على الناس الذين لا يباعون ويشرون واتكالنا على وعي الناس وذاكرتهم وحماسهم".

وتابع فرنجية "جعجع يتغذى بالمال من بعض دول الخليج، فيما فريق 14 اذار، جزء منه يتمول من السعودية وجزء اخر من الامارات او قطر. ولان الخليج اليوم منسجم مع بعضه، فان هذا الفريق منسجم داخليا".

إلا أنه اساتدرك قائلا "لكن عندما تعصف الخلافات هناك ستعصف هنا، وسيعودون جماعات جماعات، ولهذا فان سمير جعجع يتكبر اليوم على (رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد) الحريري، لانه لم يعد يحتاج للمال السعودي".

وسئل فرنجية عن استقدام المغتربين للمشاركة في الانتخابات من قبل الطرف الاخر، قال "المغتربون هم اساس في العملية الانتخابية، ويلجأون اليهم ساعة الحاجة وعلينا ايجاد خطة لاقفال هذه الثغرة".

من جهة أخرى وضع فرنجيه انسحاب الوزير سليم كرم من جلسة مجلس الوزراء، في اطار ان "هكذا امور تحصل في الجلسات، لكنها لا تشكل مشكلة".

وعن سياسة "المردة" تجاه الدول العربية قال "الرئيس (الجد سليمان) فرنجيه كان مع الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر وبعد ذلك مع الرئيس حافظ الاسد، واليوم نحن مع الرئيس بشار الاسد لانه في هذا الخط العربي، ونحن كلبنانيين وكأقليات، لا يمكننا الا ان نكون مع ارادة هذه المنطقة وتحرير فلسطين".

وختم رئيس تيار "المردة" سليمان فرنجية قائلا "لا يمكن ان اكون مع العرب في دول اسلامية، بل اكون معهم في العروبة وفي تحرير فلسطين، وهي قضيتنا".

التعليقات 27
Thumb geha 17:20 ,2012 تموز 12

hahaha, they know they are loosing these elections, so the accusations start.... :)

Missing rudy 16:11 ,2012 تموز 13

of course, as long as bashar tells him what his dignity is

Thumb jabal10452 17:33 ,2012 تموز 12

yalla ballasho!

Default-user-icon Montreal (ضيف) 17:34 ,2012 تموز 12

Please correct this article

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 17:46 ,2012 تموز 12

They're beginning to sound like a broken record, come up with something new and clever to say or shut up already, those who disagree with March 8 are automatically labeled Wahabis, and when they win seats in parliament it was because of the gulf money ,aren't March 8 politicians on Syria/Iran's pay roll? They know the LF candidate will win the seat so they're in damage control mode, hypocrites, how pathetic.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 15:01 ,2012 تموز 13

Your march 8 aren't on the Syrian/Iranian pay roll? Don't kidd yourself mowaten, your views are well documented, what a hypocrite.

Thumb Bandoul 17:59 ,2012 تموز 12

The term “Syrian Social National Party” candidate used in conjunction with a Lebanese political election is insulting enough. To have a Lebanese political figure endorse such a candidate -obviously loyal to a foreign country- is injury in addition to the initial insult. Shouldn’t Lebanese elections be for electing Lebanese political parties instead of foreign ones?

Thumb lebanon_first 18:36 ,2012 تموز 12

Indeed. I would like for example to endorse a candidate from the "lebanese social national party" to stand for elections in Deir el Zor.
What the F... do the syrians or their stupid criminal party have to do with our beloved koura?

Thumb extramildcake 08:20 ,2012 تموز 13

The SSNP has no loyalty to the present-day Syria. I'm not even part of any political party in Lebanon and I know that. If you knew anything about history and if you didn't have your head so far up your ass, you would know that the "Syria" in the SSNP stands for Greater Syria, a nation that existed before the Ottomans arrived. It had nothing to do with present-day Syria. Present-day Syria just happened to take the name because that is what the French decided to name it. Grow a brain before you say something stupid like that again.

Thumb lebanon_first 12:21 ,2012 تموز 13

True the Syria of SSNP refers to "greater Syria". However this "greater syria" idea gives me and most lovers of Lebanon the creeps. Lebanon has advanced by leaps and bounds during the past century while your beloved "greater syria is stuck in the 19th century. Not interested. sorry.
As far as SSNP's loyalties today go, you are way offline. SSNP's is pushing Assad's agenda in Lebanon, and they are probably the most criminal party in lebanon. (which is not a small feat)
Reference your uncalled aggressivity (I dont see why you attack people for expressing their opinion), If you didnt get enough love as a child, you should probably see a shrink. I am sure they have good ones in Hassakeh or der el zor.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 18:54 ,2012 تموز 12

to Suleiman Franjiah ; your ancestors will be turning is their grave if they know what have done ,once proud and loyal family to the Lebanese causes and now your associated with the Syrians !. what m i saying ? i must be thinking of another true Lebanese family

Default-user-icon Saadeh (ضيف) 19:31 ,2012 تموز 12

Translation from Little Suleimanese Franjiese to English: "We are going to lose this one so big our arses are going to be handed to us and we'll have nothing to sit on and the best excuse for that loss is this, so here you have it. Again my apologies to all but you know that we are not smart enough to come up with a proper excuse."

Thumb beiruti 19:51 ,2012 تموز 12

And Iranian/Syrian blood money is funding you, little slyman. When you cease engaging in the conduct for which you accuse others, then you can have standing to complain.

Missing thatisit 20:04 ,2012 تموز 12

slieman beik ma3 ley -- where do you and others get your money from? I don't think it rains $$$ in zoghorta..

Missing thatisit 20:07 ,2012 تموز 12

ssnp is a party that has a handle in most killing in Lebanon. After all they are the pioneers of political assassination. How can aounists accept them as allies is beyond me

Missing samer_shami 20:35 ,2012 تموز 12

Dont worry, its not only the ssnp, smallah 3alaykon, every lebanese party has its fair share of murderers, assasinations and other crimes on their bloody hands. Mustaqbal is the only party without war criminals.

Missing allouchi 20:59 ,2012 تموز 12

Hiki bedreh .... Mr. Franjieh is Iran not paying you enough??? Assad never gave you money??? do you have any proof of what you are howling about? NO you don't...you are just preparing an excuse for your upcoming loss...we get you, you you you ;)

Default-user-icon Pierre (ضيف) 21:15 ,2012 تموز 12

Single Vision of what? what kind of vision do you have for Lebanon with allies such as Assad, SSNP, Hizbullah ????? what is it please share with us.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:02 ,2012 تموز 12

SSNP should be OUTLAWED. It is by far the most criminal party in lebanon and it represents no-one (Except syrian interests.)It did most of the massacres of May 7. It executed a number of the bombs. Even our current so-so gouvernment should move against it.

Missing kiserwanyaseel 01:47 ,2012 تموز 13

He said: “Funds from Arab Gulf countries are being paid to the other camp in order to ensure the success of their candidate.”

Missing kiserwanyaseel 01:53 ,2012 تموز 13

He said: “Funds from Arab Gulf countries are being paid to the other camp in order to ensure the success of their candidate.” and where are the funds coming from to ensure the success of your candidate? i know of march 8 supporters who are being flown in for free.....................................................................

Missing kiserwanyaseel 01:55 ,2012 تموز 13

“The other camp imposed this electoral battle on us,” he continued.
how? the seat was for lebanese forces. so unless you have the seat then it is political battle?

Missing kiserwanyaseel 01:59 ,2012 تموز 13

“The Koura battle is strictly political and it not only includes the SSNP, but the all of us as well,” declared the Marada Movement leader.
who is all of us? why didn't you run a candidate or why didn't aoun run a candidate? you are scared to lose the seat and want someone else to take the blame for the loss... aoun claims that he represents the christians, then why did he not run his own candidate? afraid to lose!

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 09:31 ,2012 تموز 13

WOW, damn FT are you ok? are you sick , are you running a fever? Never thought I'd ever hear you say such a thing, that's a good step in the right direction, keep it up man and you'll be on your way to recovery.

Thumb lebanon_first 12:25 ,2012 تموز 13

Fadi you should see shades of grade are shades of Grey... you cannot compare FPM's political agenda to SSNP! The first ones are pure lebanese differing in view with March 14. the latter are a bunch of thugs.

Missing vaclav_havel 16:38 ,2012 تموز 13

wlok inta law menel "werti" kennet seret wazir? 2aw yemkin 3elmetak 2aw l laye2a wel fehem yali btemlekoun wassalouk?
damirak l lebneni moch bey3o la sadi2 l 3ayli bashar? masle7et l sha3eb wel balad mcoh 2aham men masle7t l 3ayli?

rou7 7a2ak bassli ya beik!

Default-user-icon george khoury (ضيف) 18:12 ,2012 تموز 13

In the name bashir,his killers should not win a seat in a christian city.