قائد عصابة في صور يحظى "بعناية قضائية خاصة"

Read this story in English W460

أقدم قائد عصابة، يدعى واصف ص.، أمس الاربعاء على اطلاق النار على أحد المواطنين، في صور، وأرداه بعد أن كان قد أصاب ثلاثة مواطنين بإطلاق النار خلال الساعات الـ48 الأخيرة.

وأفات صحيفة "النهار" أن المصابين الثلاثة هم جهاد الشياح وعلاء مقبل وأشرف حلاق.

ولفتت الى أن واصف لا يزال يتنقل بسلاحه حراً في المدينة وضواحيها برفقة مجموعة من المسلحين بالمسدسات والبنادق والسكاكين. وهو يردد علناً امام الاهالي انه يحظى بعناية قضائية خاصة بعد أن دخل السجن أكثر من مرة بعد اطلاق الرصاص وتهديد الموسم السياحي وليالي شهر رمضان في المدينة.

وكشفت "النهار" أن سجل واصف، حافل بالجرائم، تبدأ بالاعتداء على المارة سواء كانوا من المدينة أو خارجها ولا تنتهي بفرض الخوات على اصحاب المحال والمؤسسات التجارية والاقتصادية.

وكانت قد وصلت رسائل عدة الى المسؤولين تشكو ممارسات واصف وتناشدهم العمل لكبح جنوح هذه العصابة التي زرعت في قلوب الصوريين الرعب، وفق "النهار".

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 10:37 ,2012 آب 09

how does the picture relate to the story? :p

Thumb lebanon_first 16:33 ,2012 آب 09

Naharnet have a database of pictures plus they receive news. They just match news with the closest picture they have on file. No relevance.

Thumb jcamerican 10:41 ,2012 آب 09

I guess his name is Wassef Shiite.

Default-user-icon correction (ضيف) 15:27 ,2012 آب 09

It's Wassef Al-Shii3eh, you Americans want to Americanize-Anglicize everything!

Missing roberto46 11:43 ,2012 آب 09

new _guy I agree with you they are the zbeleh in Lebanon ,just drive through there areas .

Default-user-icon LeDude (ضيف) 12:02 ,2012 آب 09

well ur mentality is zbeleh cose u think like that new_guy and roberto same goes to u...

Thumb lebanon_first 12:55 ,2012 آب 09

Stop attacking a whole community because of these thugs. It is not HA's fault for protecting it. It is not the chiite community's fault.

Thumb lebanon_first 12:56 ,2012 آب 09

I meant It IS HA's fault. NOT the chiite community.

Missing roberto46 13:37 ,2012 آب 09

Habib their community only care about Iran,and since when they have shown any respect for thier country.Dude they hang pictures of Irianian people all over their areas ,they are only Lebanese when they need a place to stay when their leader starts a war bigger then him .

Default-user-icon Maher (ضيف) 16:14 ,2012 آب 09

Funny people Hezbollah and his ilk. When it's suitable they are one community and should be treated as such and they take care of their own. New TV incident and a visit to the hospital by an official of HA.
Now they dis-own the king-pin, how conveniante...If they are not the ISF then allow the ISF into all areas under your control with NO interference from you...

Thumb lebanon_first 16:31 ,2012 آب 09

They are not the justice department but they are providing cover and protection for the illegal activities of many groups, from amal's 30% tax in port Beirut to the protection of the priest kidnapper of baalbeck to the protection of the nonpayers of electricity bills to the cover of the invaders of EDL... shall I continue? I understand the chiia were ma7roumin for a long time, but it is enough. If they want to keep their weapons, they have to become extra clean and act on corruption from their community. Else they are automatically an occupying milicias of thugs.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:01 ,2012 آب 09

1-About the port, I have proof due to personal experience. I was offered by the transitaire 2 choices: pay 30% duties to the gouvernment or around 20% to HA and amal.
2-Conversions are legal. Kidnappers are not legal. Noone should be allowed to "kidnap" people. Cheikh or not. Kidnappers should not be negotiated and reasoned with and allowed to get "mad". they should be jailed. Fullstop.
3- Beirut and mount lebanon are the only ones paying taxes and fees to the gouvernment. That is a fact. Some sunnite regions dont pay edl, but most chiites dont. That is a fact too. I have this from nonpartisan contacts high in EDL.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:02 ,2012 آب 09

4- EDL. settlement was not fair to the state. They will make an easy exam and have everyone pass and get employed. Just a decision to save the face of bassil and defuse the crisis.
I had a lot of respect for HA, they liberated us from Israel. But now their role is over and they are turning into a thug militia like LF became in their last days before RETURNING THEIR WEAPONS.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:07 ,2012 آب 09

This said, I understand that there is a huge M14 propaganda machine against HA and Aoun. And that the behemoth marketing machine is taking every opportunity to discredit M8. But the fact remain HA lost its legitimacy because it is covering thugs. And this applies to HA, Amal, SSNP. But not to FPM whose positions I respect.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 18:21 ,2012 آب 09

Well what's one more thug, they have thousands of them in Dahieh.

Missing roberto46 04:34 ,2012 آب 10

LeDude thanks for the complement,will ask the Mayor of Tyre to name a street after you .

Default-user-icon unitedlebanon (ضيف) 08:09 ,2012 آب 10

this issue should be addressed more to visual media so that the government takes an action about it

Default-user-icon TRJ (ضيف) 15:55 ,2012 آب 10

mowaten do you really believe what you write or what you say? im not M14 nor M8 but please re-read the propaganda you are tried to feed lebanese ppl ! stop hiding and giving excuses its about time you guys admit you are indeed a militia/mafia .