خارجية فرنسا: الوقائع المنسوبة لسماحة خطيرة ونأمل أن ينهي القضاء تحقيقه

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أعلنت فرنسا أن الوقاع المنسوبة إلى الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة الذي أوقف الخميس "خطيرة" معربة عن أملها أن يظهر القضاء الوقائع الكاملة.

وقال متحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية فانسان فلوراني عن سماحة أنه "موقوف وما تشير إليه الصحف حول الوقائع المنسوبة إليه في حال تأكدت، تعتبر خطيرة بشكل استثنائي".

وكان قد أوقف سماحة الخميس عبر دهم منزله في جوار الخنشارة من قبل قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي ليعترف في ما بعد بحسب تقارير صحفية أنه كان يعد لتفجيرات في الشمال بطلب سوري.

واعتبر فلورياني انه "ليس من شأن فرنسا التعليق أثناء العملية القضائية ونأمل أن يتمكن القضاء اللبناني من إظهار الوقائع".

وجدد المتحدث الفرنسي تمسك فرنسا بمحاربة الإرهاب وحماية استقرار لبنان وأمنه.

وتابع أنه "من المهم في هذا السياق، صدور نتائج التحقيقات المتعلقة بالهجوم على قوات الطوارئ الدولية، ومحاولات اغتيال رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع والنائب بطرس حرب".

يشار إلى التسريبات التي تصل إلى العديد من الوسائل تقول أن سماحة كان يخطط لاستهداف البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي الذي يزور عكار في الثالث عشر من الشهر الجاري.

التعليقات 14
Thumb geha 17:12 ,2012 آب 10

samaha is just one of the syrian regime executors. let us hope the others will start falling one after the other.

Thumb geha 05:21 ,2012 آب 11

open letter to our president:
after the arrest of samaha and knowing the details of his plot under the orders of his master bashar, you are kindly asked by the Lebanese people to close the syrian ambassy in Beirut, and go to the interntional court to open a new case against the murderor bashar assad.
you are in charge of maintaining the integrity of Lebanon, so kindly do act as you should.

Missing crusader 17:29 ,2012 آب 10

and again.... when you check tayyar forum, you can see how a aouni is more assadi then assad himself. My Gooood!!!! they are defending the most corrupt syrian puppet in lebanon more then any official pro syrian!! if you read all the comment it looks like samaha is the real lebanese patriot... the same patriot the fpm was insulting when aoun was in paris!!! and they dare to name the opposition of narrow minded and brainwashed!!! hahahahahaahahahah you really have to check the stupidity of Nelumbo Lucifera, of course jean the most stupid administrator, X the syrian einstein..., and of course VENOM the so called stupid analyst pro army i dont know what.. wouuuuhahahhaahah and of course the other idiot abou sandal who thinks he is very clever FPM!!!! it is funny how they all motivate themselve

Missing crusader 17:40 ,2012 آب 10

and the funniest is that everyone on the forum dont understand how such a think could happen!!!! Wouuuuuuhahahahhahahaha

and again the most stupid comment of tayyar goes to abou sermeye (sandal in french)

The only Moutafjjirat that Sme7a transports are the incriminating information he stocks in his brain, about those bunch of collaborators called 14 Batata.

Hopefully soon enough when he will be out, he will blow some of them in their faces and we will get to watch their fall, Bel Sawt Wal Soura.

he is talking about the most corrupt MP in Lebanon history.. the most senior advisor of bashar... who now is a hero!!!! pfffffffff......

Default-user-icon OH (ضيف) 17:48 ,2012 آب 10

To be polite: Stuff it France...

You kept Khomeini safe for years before he came back to Iran, same with that other dangerous wacko Michel Aoun. You were coddling Qaddafi months before he fell, and you were making peace with Assad after he was back blowing up people in Lebanon.

And we should listen to you, why again????

I repeat

Thumb AngryLeb 18:10 ,2012 آب 10

I was shocked , how can a Minister , a VIP guy representing lebanon can do that , It s a shocking news

Missing crusader 18:21 ,2012 آب 10

they told me you have to read it to believe it!!! so i read it, and i was shocked and i believed it :-)

Missing roger@10452 19:20 ,2012 آب 10

have you wondered why Aoun and his boys are keeping very quiet on this??? Hmmmmm....

Missing roger@10452 19:34 ,2012 آب 10

This is only the beginning. I hope more of those traitors are caught between now and the next election so then the real patriots will sweep the parliment.

Default-user-icon حزقه (ضيف) 19:52 ,2012 آب 10

الله لا يرده

Thumb makhaleh 21:06 ,2012 آب 10

this is the first time on this site in an article where u dont have flame thrower and all these idiots talking trash back at us.....i guess now they are scared because a big thug was arrested a step up for the lebanese government and a step forward for a free syrian lebanon

god bless lebanon and all the lebanese people who truly love this beautiful country of ours and stand against these thugs

Missing youssefhaddad 22:02 ,2012 آب 10

The Syrian regime is so cornered that it hastily started to devise ways to salvage its hide. It used the same old tricks of assasinations and bombing but now without the usual prudence and the necessary coverup by lebanese collaborators and security apparatus members.
Samaha wanted to become the hero who saves Assad regardless of how many innocent lives and how much destruction are suffered by the Lebanese.
This is an arrest for the first time backed with solid and irrefutable evidence and Samaha might start talking a big story to save his hide while incriminating a lot of his fellow Syrian agents.

Missing suede 03:05 ,2012 آب 11

I used to post on the Lebanese Forces forum (defunct now) with the same username and used to love shooting down Baathi propaganda spread there by their FPM and Hizbscum subjects. When I tried to register to the FPM forum to spoil the Assad wankfest, my account was not permissioned without me making any post since it seems the insecure administrators have recognized my username and now adopt a policy of allowing a handful of dissenting voices (that they ban every now and then), delete any decent articles or evidence that damns that curse, aka the Aoun family, or their new God Bashar.

Default-user-icon Vana (ضيف) 12:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

What happened to the forum Suede. I was looking for it but to no avail...