أنباء عن الإفراج عن المخطوف التركي بعد إعلان ماهر المقداد عن اختفائه إثر إشكال في الرويس

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شهدت منطقة الرويس في الضاحية الجنوبية إطلاق نار إثر إشكال أوقف جرائه شقيق أمين سر رابطة آل المقداد ماهر المقداد، ليعلن بعدها الأخير عن اختفاء المخطوف التركي لدى العشيرة آيدن توفان.

بدورها نقلت وكالة أنباء "الأناضول" التركية عن مصادر أمنية لبنانية "أن الجيش اللبناني قام بعملية نوعية لتحرير المختطفين السوريين والتركي المحتجزين لدى آل المقداد في الضاحية الجنوبية في لبنان".

ولم يذكر المصدر تفاصيل عن نتائج العملية الأمنية.

ومساء أعلن ماهر المقداد لـ"LBCI" قائلا "أنا لست مسؤولا عن المخطوف التركي ومصيره بعد حادثة الرويس اليوم".

وتابع قائلا "في أثناء إشكال الرويس اختفى المخطوف التركي ولم يعد لدينا ونفتش عنه حاليا (..) هناك طرف ثالث دخل بينا وبين الجيش وأطلق النار على القوى العسكرية".

وكان قد أفادت قناة "الجديد" مساء الجمعة عن "إطلاق نار في الرويس يعود إلى اعتقال الجيش حسن المقداد شقيق ماهر المقداد".

وأوضحت قناة الـ"LBCI" أن الجيش أوقف عدة أشخاص إثر إشكال في المنطقة وبينهم حسن المقداد.

وتحدثت "الجديد" عن استياء عارم في الرويس وربما الأمور لن تمر على خير.

ونقلت القناة عن ماهر المقداد قوله "أنه لا دخل لشقيقه في الإشكال وهو تدخل للحل".

وسطع نجم ماهر المقداد عند خطف حسان المقداد ابن العشيرة في سوريا منذ شهرين من قبل عناصر مسلحة.

وأعلن ماهر حينها عن ما يسمى "الجناح العسكري" لآل المقداد الذي ظهر في ما بعد على شاشات التلفزة.

وقام هذا الجناح بخطف عدة سوريين على الأراضي اللبنانية وتركي.

التعليقات 23
Missing rudy 21:51 ,2012 أيلول 07

bajam is as bajam does

Thumb jadski 21:53 ,2012 أيلول 07

omg ... this is so unexpected ! GOOD JOB ARMY !!!

Missing gabby3 22:30 ,2012 أيلول 07

Go Army!!! Arrest more of the criminals!!! Where are the Hezz to agree with this arrest? This is a new militia.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 22:35 ,2012 أيلول 07

What now are those criminals going to start kidnapping Lebanese army soldiers?

Default-user-icon Tarek (ضيف) 22:44 ,2012 أيلول 07

May god bless our beloved army. Beef up secuirty our heroes as no one is above the law.

Thumb primesuspect 22:47 ,2012 أيلول 07

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much to the army for making this point at the most crucial time. M8/14 can only agree on this one. Lebanon needs its army, this army more than ever.

Missing youssefhaddad 22:51 ,2012 أيلول 07

Al Meqdads were incited by the Syrian regime to create sectarian trouble because Hezbollah did not respond to the regime's requests to do so.

Thumb lebanon_first 23:58 ,2012 أيلول 07

either that or HA felt cornered and launched its dogs (the mokdads) to undermine the state. I hope your version is true...

Default-user-icon Fado (ضيف) 09:18 ,2012 أيلول 08

The Army would do an operation such as this in Dahiyeh without Hezbollahs approval. I can assure you that. Sad, But True.

Default-user-icon ramezg (ضيف) 23:11 ,2012 أيلول 07

In my opinion the "clash" with the army should have continued until every person with a firearm in the area, every person shooting at the army, every person involved whose name is on an arrest warrant, and every person whose last name is Meqdad, is either killed or arrested. Why did the army stop shooting after they arrested only one of them?

Thumb lebanon_first 23:57 ,2012 أيلول 07

I don't beleive above is true. if it is, it is the best news for the state of law in Lebanon since the breakup of the samaha cell.
No more red lines for the army. We are paying millions to have a strong army. And it is starting to deserve the money.
Fine it cannot beat israel or syria. Fine it will not go into a civil war agaisnt HA. However all the smaller issues are to be cleaned. Mokdad and the gang, palestinians thugs, islamists, petty thieves, organized theft gangs, NO MORE RED LINES TO THE ARMY...

Missing shark12 00:04 ,2012 أيلول 08

The Meqdeads family are a branch of Hezb Iran ,and with Assad going down Hezb Iran is playing the good cop game.Good job by our brave army.

Default-user-icon rolfen (ضيف) 02:19 ,2012 أيلول 08

Somebody help them find their hostage again.

Missing cedars 04:00 ,2012 أيلول 08

Very Amazing to admire where there is an existence of Syrian Assad supporters (i.e. Tripoli or Dahieh) then we have muscle men shooting at the army to undermine the state authority.

Thumb makhaleh 07:04 ,2012 أيلول 08

Hope its not to good to be true...yalla liberate he south and get rid of the terrorist thugs that live there...GO ARMY GO

Thumb geha 08:42 ,2012 أيلول 08

if your comment was real, the army should have disarmed this group totally arresting all the members of this clan.
all they are doing is just a show.

Thumb Bandoul 08:53 ,2012 أيلول 08

brother Geha, please give the army a break. They're doing the best they can't with the situation at hand. Do you really want to see the Army enter into a direct conflict with the Party of Terror and Intimidation? Do you realize this will split the Army and spark a new civil war?

Thumb Bandoul 09:12 ,2012 أيلول 08

I meant they're doing the best they CAN, typo!

Thumb geha 09:52 ,2012 أيلول 08

I will respect the army when it will do what it is supposed to do, i.e. take control on the ground, arresting any weapons bearer, and preserving our sovereignty especially on the syrian border.
currently all they are doing on the syrian border is catch arms smugglers, but they are not defending our border from daily syrian aggressions.

Thumb Bandoul 17:03 ,2012 أيلول 08

@geha, nobody is denying that you have a legitimate gripe. What you are expecting them to do puts the Lebanese Army in direct conflict with HA which is something Lebanon cannot afford right now. HA is a non-Lebanese mercenary group which will defend Iranian interests even if it means challenging the authority of the Lebanese Army at any cost. If you do the math, you will realize what damage this will do to the country, the people and the future of our children. HA must be defeated politically and if that is not possible then by the direct intervention of another party.

Thumb AngryLeb 10:13 ,2012 أيلول 08

I said in the past , arrest the whole family

Default-user-icon time to turn (ضيف) 11:33 ,2012 أيلول 08

i guess for some lying is an art.... not a sin..... but let it be known the God of abraham is holy, perfect and righteous and hates wickedness. only those born again of Spirit know Him.

Missing roger@10452 13:51 ,2012 أيلول 08

It is about time that the Lebanese Army strikes with an iron fist against ANYONE who tries to de-stabilize the country.

Clean-up of all "off-limit" areas including Dahyee & all refugee camps must start soon and the Army needs a campaign of "Shock & Awe".