وفاة طفل عند مدخل أحد مستشفيات الشمال وأهاليه يتنقدون الاهمال بحق الانسان

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توفي الطفل مؤمن خالد المحمد وهو يبلغ من العمر سنة وعشرة أشهر، ومن بلدة برج العرب في عكار ووالده يعمل شرطي بلدي في البلدة، بعدما أصيب بمرض السحايا ورفض مستشفيات طرابلس والشمال استقباله.

وأوضحت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن سبب الرفض يعود "لعدم توافر المال لدى عائلته من جهة، وفي ظل قرار وزارة الصحة بعدم تقديم الاستشفاء للمواطنين على حسابها من جهة أخرى".

وفي التفاصيل أن أهالي الطفل تنقلوا بين عدد من المستشفيات التي رفضت إدخاله، وعندما تأمن جزء من المبلغ توفي الطفل عند مدخل أحد المستشفيات.

وتحدث رئيس بلدية برج العرب عارف شخيدم فأسف لـ"غياب الاهتمام الانساني عند القيمين على المستشفيات". وطالب "المسؤولين ووزارة الصحة بفتح تحقيق مع المستشفيات التي رفضت استقبال الطفل على نفقة وزارة الصحة، إلا عند توفر المال اللازم".

وشيع الطفل منذ دقائق وسط حال من الحزن والاسى والاسف على الاهمال بحق الانسان في لبنان.

وكان قد أعلن وزير الصحة علي حسن خليل الإثنين عن قرار وقف استقبال المرضى "بعدما لم تؤد المحاولات الحثيثة لاصدار مرسوم تخصيص إعتمادات الإستشفاء تسهيلا لاستشفاء المواطنين الى أي نتيجة".

إلا أن خليل عاد أعلن اليوم الثلاثاء معاودة الوزارة تغطية نفقات الاستشفاء مطالبا بـ"إصدار مرسوم يحدد الاسقف المالية وميزانيات الاستشفاء في الوزارة".

التعليقات 24
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:10 ,2013 شباط 19

What a shame. What a loss. God help his family.

Health Minister Ali Hasan Khalil announced on Monday that hospitals will stop treating patients at the ministry's cost! What if it was his son? Why did it take the dead of a baby for this government to change mind? Shame!

Missing beirutbastard00 23:29 ,2013 شباط 19

We are a failed state. A failed people.

Thumb jcamerican 23:31 ,2013 شباط 19

Real professionals and humanitarians in those hospitals. My advice even if you have the money, run away. Poor child. In the USA would never happen and if it did, the parents would be millionaires after this tragedy.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:13 ,2013 شباط 20

Please provide a link FT. Not only do hospitals get sued as JC suggested, but people in charge will get charged with neglect and manslaughter and serve JAIL TIME.

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 23:39 ,2013 شباط 19

TFEH. Disgusting. My god. God help the family.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 00:00 ,2013 شباط 20

And they wonder how people stop believing in the institutions of government and civil society and become susceptible to extremist ideologies. What would you do if he was your son, brother, nephew, …?

Missing hitech 00:05 ,2013 شباط 20

Poor kid. This is the responsibility of the Health Ministry. In Lebanon patients are supposed to show funds to cover their treatment unless it is a case of emergency. A meningitis case can be deceiving, especially in kids who are too young to explain what they are feeling, and it might look like high fever caused by the flu. Hospitals might not accept him because they would not deem it urgent. Had the Heath Ministry not issue their decree, he would've been accepted. The parents have grounds for a lawsuit against the hospitals and the government. In reality if this was a viral meningitis, there is really not much anyone can do. Children exhibit non specific symptoms and when symptoms become obvious to seek medical care, it is usually too late to avert permanent damage or death. May he rest in peace.

Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 00:57 ,2013 شباط 20

and you ask for the lebanese dispora to return to lebanon? what i bloody joke.

Default-user-icon Amir (ضيف) 00:58 ,2013 شباط 20

Disgusting as many rich individuals and also association from Tripoli could have saved the child.
Would have participated.
Nothing to be proud of .

Missing ssnp4ever 02:05 ,2013 شباط 20

What is M 14 & M 8 are going to say to the poor parents ,shame on the hospital & its staff for letting this boy die ,where is Asir the low life ,where is Hassan the lair .My prayers are with this boy’s family ,rest in peace little brother ..

Thumb kanaandian 03:20 ,2013 شباط 20

That is really sad! Lebanon must prioritize things.

Thumb kanaandian 08:57 ,2013 شباط 20

Glad you like it, flamethrower.

Default-user-icon Anonymous (ضيف) 10:51 ,2013 شباط 20

simply tragic...

Thumb music66 12:02 ,2013 شباط 20

AL kafi you words are true all you stated have children and shame on that kind of treatment where parents are turned away with the sick children due to not being able to pay. Very sad story Allah yarhamoor. Healthcare world wide should be a number one issue for all parents. No child in any country should be turned away from any hospital point blank.

Thumb music66 12:06 ,2013 شباط 20

British Lebanese does Lebanon even have such a thing as legal aid. Can anyone answer this for me please thanks.

Thumb music66 12:08 ,2013 شباط 20

Apologies computer froze as comments enter three times ,..,lol it wasn't my nails I swear.

Missing peace 15:25 ,2013 شباط 20

what has this minister of health done to make things evolve? nothing, not even the beginning of a discussion... he should be ashamed to be at the head of this ministry.
public hospitals at least should be compelled to accept anyone disregarding their bank account! it s call humanity... but in leabanon bank accounts are more important than human beings...
it s a shame !

Default-user-icon therenegade (ضيف) 15:50 ,2013 شباط 20

we are dying on the streets, we are dying from the cold without energy.
we are dying without electricity, no law on the streets, kidnapping everywhere, billions stolen from the government by politicians, enough to make beirut look better than dubai, no jobs for people, we are not even getting visas to work outside and thus:
we worry who is shiites, who is sunni, who is maronite, who is druze?
we all live together, and thus one word from these criminals separates us for nothing.... have you taken a moment to think how many millions and billions the people ruling us since the end of the civil war has made and how much we have lost as people?
maybe it is time to act against them all, maybe it is time we either die rather than living like sheep?

Thumb Elemental 19:22 ,2013 شباط 20

IV antibiotics to treat the child should be given regardless of cost, to those hospitals I say you FAILED your oath to treat all sick people regardless, and you FAILED the people of Lebanon, this is absolutely disgusting.

Missing beirutbastard00 19:51 ,2013 شباط 20

Move back to leb n change things.... Lol

Thumb music66 10:08 ,2013 شباط 21

nah let her stay in England. lol

Default-user-icon Calgarian (ضيف) 07:20 ,2013 شباط 21

What kind of DOCTORS are these? What kind of health minister we've got. All are careless devils. All I can say TFEH

Thumb music66 02:23 ,2013 شباط 22

True world wide many nations spent more money on warfare I am talking in the billions than on healthcare isn't that sad.
The dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid. The human population seems to be losing so much human life from all corners of the world due to war, poverty,natural disasters, lack of health care from governments. The list goes on World wide. Beginning to wonder how much longer for the human race is headed in a very bad direction. Truly sad

Default-user-icon Mohamed (ضيف) 12:32 ,2013 حزيران 11

When someone writes an article he/she retains the image of a user in his/her mind that how a user can know
it. Therefore that's why this piece of writing is perfect. Thanks!