"السوري الحر": "حزب الله" يحتل 8 قرى سورية وسنستعيدها مهما كان الثمن

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اتهم الجيش السوري الحر حزب الله بـ"احتلال" 8 قرى سورية بالمناطق الحدودية بين البلدين متعهدا باستعادتها.

وقال مسؤول الإعلام المركزي بالقيادة المشتركة لـ"الجيش السوري الحر" فهد المصري لوكالة "الأناضول" التركية مخاطبا أمين عام حزب السيد حسن نصر الله "هذه القرى التي تعتدون على سيادتها سورية سكانها مختلطون من السنة والشيعة والعلويين والمسيحيين، وهناك قريتان شيعيتان فقط في تلك المنطقة - بعض أبنائها من اللبنانيين- وبالتالي نؤكد أننا سنستعيد قرانا المحتلة مهما بلغ الثمن".

واعتبر المصري أن حزب الله "غارق حتى أذنيه في إراقة دماء الشعب السوري"، لافتا إلى أن قوات الجيش الحر قتلوا، أمس الأربعاء، عنصرًا من الحزب في منطقة "عقربا" في ريف دمشق بعدما تمكنوا من التجسس على موجات اللاسلكي التي يتعامل بها عناصر الحزب بين منطقتي السيدة زينب وعقربا، بحسب قوله.

وأضاف: "نؤكد أن هناك عناصر للحزب تقتل كل ساعة على كل الأراضي السورية وبالتحديد في ريف دمشق".

وأوضح المصري أن المعارك في القرى الحدودية في ريف القصير والهرمل مستمرة منذ 3 أشهر، متهما حزب الله بالسعي إلى إخلاء هذه القرى من أهلها من الطائفة السنية في إطار مخطط "تهجير طائفي وممنهج يتبعه حزب الله"، معتبرًا أن "مدينة القصير السورية ومنطقة عرسال اللبنانية قلعتان صامدتان في وجه هذا المشروع".

وكان قد نفى نصرالله الأربعاء أن ينخرط الحزب في مشروع دولة شيعية علوية مع سوريا قائلا "أجزم لكم أن ما قبل ويقال عن مخطط من هذا النوع هو كذب وافتراء وهعار عن الصحة وليس له أي دليل أو أساس".

وشرح نصرالله أن "المعطيات الميدانية تؤكد العكس ففي تلك المنطقة لم يقم السكان اللبنانيون وأغلبهم من الشيعة وبعضهم ينتمي إلى حزب الله لم يقو هؤلاء حتى هذه اللحظة (ولا في المستقبل) على السيطرة على أي قرية سنية".

ونشبت مواجهات في مناطق وقرى حدودية متداخلة ما بين لبنان وسوريا مؤخرًا، مع إعلان الجيش السوري الحر قبل أسبوعين مقتل عدد من عناصر حزب الله في اشتباكات بريف منطقة القصير السورية.

التعليقات 17
Thumb joker37 18:00 ,2013 شباط 28

started as an article about the fsa guy, somehow mid article it morphed into an article about hassan nasrallah.
mediocre journalism by al nahar. written by an amateur.

Thumb kanaandian 02:51 ,2013 آذار 01

In Syrian land only. If these towel heads go on Lebanese land, same policy works for them.

Missing people-power 04:49 ,2013 آذار 01

Hey douchebag (joker37), if you don't like Naharnet, then take a hike. Nobody is forcing you to come here, unless maybe you are paid to come here as a pro-hizzy propagandist

Missing people-power 11:44 ,2013 آذار 01

Tommy Boy, you really should see someone about your paranoid schizophrenia. At first I laughed at your comment for it's paranoia, then I laughed some more at it's stupidity. Is the FBI still watching you? Did you ever find a new place to live after your home in Phoenix went into foreclosure?

Thumb joker37 23:20 ,2013 شباط 28

you sound like an oracle.
"i foresee a dark future for all who oppose the FSA"

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 23:36 ,2013 شباط 28

anyway hizballah mlitary apparatus in lebanon is moving to irak
in the near future: ask kerry and khaminei,hassoun has to obey.maliki is in danger and the farsis chose to lose lebanon not irak becose the fall of bashar is coming shortly ????????????

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (ضيف) 23:39 ,2013 شباط 28

Whoever dressed the silly narrow shouldered salfist pictured above should be whipped, tortured ,made to confess ,then strapped with a suicide bomb and sent out to face all of Hezbollah alone .Poor tsate is sooooo unforgivable when one has all that Saudi and Qatari money at their disposal.

Missing aounophobia11 13:54 ,2013 آذار 01

You sound like a salafi ironicly lol

Missing feekahraba 23:59 ,2013 شباط 28


Default-user-icon Samer (ضيف) 02:47 ,2013 آذار 01

Let politicians or leaders appear on the news and say whatever they want, but people should never fight or kill. Every person will be liable for their acts in front of the Creator. To Hizbullah: go back to Lebanon. To Assad : step down and if think u r right and loved, u will be re elected. To FSA: clear ur self from extremist during and after Assads fall.

Default-user-icon simon Hokayem (ضيف) 03:40 ,2013 آذار 01

you are an idiot...

Missing hamoody 08:12 ,2013 آذار 01

Well according to former secretary general of hezzbollah sheikh Sobhi al tufayli, al muhtaram, he says that those hezzbollah members who are killed fighting in Syria go to hell. Got to agree with him on that one. They asked what Shia kafir before they shot and killed him. How many women he raped , and he answered none, and replyed that he committed mutah, they are brainwashed to believe all these innovations, be warned about these people, they are cold blooded killers. Put your shoes in a women that got raped, or an elderly man who was beaten, or a child whose house crumbled on above them,

Missing hamoody 08:15 ,2013 آذار 01

Look how the syrians treated the Lebanese Shia during there war . Although they were victims, there misguided leadership made them pay the price of the war, the syrian people who opened there homes and hearts for there Lebanese neighbors, and hezb iblees is over there now taking part in the killing and destruction.

Missing hamoody 08:22 ,2013 آذار 01

An Iranian clergyman by the name of Mehdi Taeb who heads state sponsored center for strategic studies announced on February 14th of this month, that Syria is 35th Iranian province. But infact Iran is only 31 provinces, so if Syria is 35th, who did he mean by the others, 32 is Iraq, 33 is Lebanon, and 34 is Bahrain. I hope people start to see the strategy and trend that the Iranians are playing, they dont just hate us the Muslims , but they hate all Arabs , and even the Arab Shia. America and Israel are very comfortable with the Shia ruling, don't let hezb Iran let you fool you

Missing hamoody 08:27 ,2013 آذار 01

They are biggest traitors, and my proof to this, is look at bashar or his father, only good at killing his people , but when it comes to the golan heights, not one has been fired after 1973, as for the Shia in Iraq they came on the backs of the American tanks to save them from saddam because they are not real men to fight themselves. Some might say well the tanks cameos from American bases in saudi or Qatar and I don't deny this, But they helped with invasion but the ultimate prize when to Iran, they killed over 1.5 million Sunni and forced out more than 5 million from there homes

Thumb kanaandian 16:24 ,2013 آذار 01

I think I am cheering for the Khomeneists here. I am reading too much bad news about what FSA brothers are doing to Christians in Egypt and Libya. If these primitive bearded smelly draconian savages step foot on Lebanese land, I hope Hezbollah sends them to their mermaids in Hell.

Default-user-icon saad51 (ضيف) 15:22 ,2013 آذار 02

kanaandian.i don't know what you are on or what kind of drugs making you hallucinate.in Egypt or libya and syria.whenever people flee their homes because of security problems the media never say those are Muslims and Kurds or druz.but if one christian family flee the media start jumping up and down in order to paint bad picture on the ground.let me say to you if you want to know the truth ask the Iraqi community living in Lebanon if any Sunni organisation have ever threat them or killed any christians.the true fact is Iraqis who are blaming the Sunnis of what themselves are doing to both Sunnis and Christians.ITS THE TRUTH NOT THE MEDIA BAD PAINTED PICTURE