جعجع يعرب عن قلقه من تدخل "حزب الله" في سوريا والحجم الذي بلغه: الحزب أسقط عن نفسه صفة "المقاوم"

Read this story in English W460

أعرب رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع عن قلقه من " الاخبار الواردة من سوريا في الايام الاخيرة عن مدى تدخل "حزب الله" هناك والحجم الذي بلغه"، مردفاً " لقد أسقط "حزب الله" عن نفسه صفة الحزب المقاوم حتى على المستوى النظري، بتدخله في سوريا بهذين الحجم والمدى".

وأشار جعجع في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" نشر الخميس الى أن "الاخبار الواردة من سوريا في الايام الاخيرة عن مدى تدخل "حزب الله" هناك والحجم الذي بلغه، هي أخبار مقلقة جداً"، متسائلاً "الى اين يأخذ "حزب الله" نفسه؟ وإلى أين يأخذ الاخوة ابناء الطائفة الشيعية الكريمة، او لبنان وكل اللبنانيين من غير وجه حق وغصباً عن ارادتهم"؟

وإذ دعا جعجع "المراجع الرسمية اللبنانية الى مطالبة "حزب الله" بالتوقف الفوري عن ارسال مقاتليه الى سوريا، لأن تورطه هناك يهدد بانعكاسات كارثية على لبنان"، سأل "أين اصبحت مقولة "جيش وشعب ومقاومة"، هذه اللافتة التي يرفعها الحزب؟ على اي مقاومة يتكلمون؟ مقاومة الشعب السوري المنتفض لكرامته وحريته"؟ مشدداً على أنه "قد أسقط "حزب الله" عن نفسه صفة الحزب المقاوم حتى على المستوى النظري، بتدخله في سوريا بهذين الحجم والمدى، وفي شكل لا يقبل الجدل".

يُذكر أنه كان قد قتل عنصران من حزب الله كانا يحاربان الى جانب قوات النظام السوري في منطقة القصير السورية الحدودية مع لبنان، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر قريب من الحزب الشيعي في منطقة البقاع في شرق لبنان لفرانس برس الاثنين.

وقتل الشهر الماضي ثلاثة لبنانيين من "الموالين لحزب الله" مقيمين في سوريا في معارك مع مقاتلين معارضين في قرى شيعية سوريا حدودية مع لبنان، بحسب ما ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

واقر الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله في تشرين الاول بان بعض اللبنانيين المقيمين في الاراضي السورية الحدودية مع لبنان والمنتمين الى الحزب يقاتلون "المجموعات المسلحة" في سوريا بمبادرة منهم ومن دون قرار حزبي، وذلك "بغرض الدفاع عن النفس".

وهدد رئيس هيئة الاركان في الجيش السوري الحر سليم ادريس، عبر "وكالة فرانس برس" بقصف مواقع لحزب الله داخل الاراضي اللبنانية متهما الحزب بقصف مواقع للمقاتلين المعارضين في سوريا.

وفي السياق نفسه، وجه جعجع في حديثه دعوة إلى "العقلاء واصحاب الرأي ، خصوصاً في الطائفة الشيعية الكريمة، الى الوقوف وقفة حق. وقفة تضع حداً للزجّ بالطائفة وابنائها وبالتالي الزجّ بلبنان في صراع دموي وتاريخي لا يعرف مداه إلا الله".

كذلك، أعرب جعجع عن استيائه لـ"النهار" من "تدخل مجموعة من الصبية في اعتراض عمل العدالة من خلال كشف شهودٍ أو وجوه لها علاقة بالتحقيق الدولي وبالمحكمة الدولية، ليس عملاً بطولياً على الإطلاق، بل هو تعبير عن سقوط أخلاقي ومحاولة فاشلة لضرب مؤسسة دولية قانونية تسعى، ولو لمرة في تاريخ لبنان، إلى إحقاق الحق في هذه البلاد وكشف وجوه من يقفون وراء الاغتيالات السياسية".

وأردف "على هؤلاء الذين يتباهون بفعلتهم هذه ان يدفنوا رؤوسهم في رمال ضميرهم بدل التباهي بما ارتكبت ايديهم"، داعياً "الاجهزة الامنية القضائية الى اجراء المقتضى وتوقيف الفاعلين وحماية مَن عُرضت صورهم واسماؤهم من هذا الترهيب المقصود والواضح الأهداف".

وكان الناطق بإسم المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان مارتن يوسف أشار لـ"النهار" لخميس الى ان "المحكمة لن تعلق على قائمة شهود الإدعاء التي قدمت في المذكرات التمهيدية لأنها سرية".

واضاف "إن قائمة الأشخاص التي يمكن ان تتعرض حياتهم للخطر بسبب هذا الموقع غير المسؤول، لا تعكس بدقة سجلات المحكمة الرسمية"، معتبراً ان "هذه المحاولة للتهويل على الشهود لا تخدم مسار العدالة في لبنان".

وكانت حصلت قرصنة على موقع جريدة "المستقبل" من موقع الكتروني مجهول نشر لوائح مزعومة لشهود الحق العام في قضية اغتيال (رئيس الحكومة السابق) رفيق الحريري.

التعليقات 37
Thumb mckinl 08:37 ,2013 نيسان 11

Geagea should stick to his businesses or he will be losing more packages at the airport ...

Thumb mckinl 09:46 ,2013 نيسان 11

@ geha

Open warfare against Iran will begin the process for WWIII. The Straights of Hormuz will close, oil will skyrocket in price and the world will enter a depression.

This depression will force politicians to blame foreigners inciting a call to war. This is just what the West wants right now. Only a diversion such as this will mask their financial plight.

Thumb jumblatdedon 13:58 ,2013 نيسان 11

Hezb scumbag dogs, they will get whats coming to them, they cant help but support their shia hegemony to rule the mid east & send operatives all around the world on irans orders giving Lebanon a bad name

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:47 ,2013 نيسان 11

Ooff Ooff Ooff. Iran will trigger WWWIII? You are definitely smoking the good stuff!

Missing rudy 20:16 ,2013 نيسان 11

I agree with mckinl on the ww3 logic.

Not that iran will declare ww3 but it might ensue sooner or later from a hit on iran. You can't forget that 2 other powers being china and russia won't just sit and let the usa destroy every country who even thinks of increasing their military capacity to become a world superpower.

Destroying iran and the world economy just so they protect israel will be a dangerous precedent that growing powers like china won't allow.

Missing VINCENT 22:05 ,2013 نيسان 11

"Destroying Iran and the world economy just so they protect Israel ..." This is so pathetic. Blame your problems on Israel (not that I give a shit about them). If you replace Israel with Iran, you will have the same conflicts (real issues that hit their pockets and religious beliefs) within the Arab/Muslim countries that we have today. The difference is, now you will have the Persian dogs barking in the region. They can both go to their virgins up/down there as far as I am concerned. So, I take it then China, Russia or a future world power would risk WW-III to protect Iran as this is U.S.'s main goal and/or concern re. Israel?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 01:09 ,2013 نيسان 12

First China and US will not enter into war over Iran. Two go check up on china's military might or lack there of. You will be surprised at what you won't find.

Missing akkar1 08:47 ,2013 نيسان 11

Why is ha fighting in syria? It nothing but a fake resistance

Thumb mckinl 08:51 ,2013 نيسان 11

They are defending Shiite villages and camps ... Their presence there is also helping people stay put so that there are fewer refugees.

Whether their strategy will work is debatable and their effort is taking a terrible toll on their people and their influence in Lebanon.

Thumb Kalzyturks 09:05 ,2013 نيسان 11

I disagree Mckinl,

Syria is a life line for HA.

Naturally they will need to get involved to maintain that life line.

They have always relied on weaponry supplies to come via Syria.

To maintain their respect and integrity in Lebanon. They need to keep their eyes in Lebanon and no where else.

If these individuals were acting on their own but were HA solidiers. Nasrallah can easily stop them by giving a clear statement not to go and not to get involved which I doubt very much he will ever do that.

Missing akkar1 09:17 ,2013 نيسان 11

Then if it is ok for them to defend shitte villages and camps why isnt it ok for the sunnis to do the same?

Thumb mckinl 09:40 ,2013 نيسان 11

@ kalzyturk

HA will deal directly with Iran should Syria fall. HA may get even more support as Iran looks for influence ...

As I said, HA is paying dearly for their role in Syria. Now it looks like the powers that be will drag the Syria conflict out over years.

@ akkar1

The foreign Sunni fighters that engage in Syria are from extremist groups that will want a Wahhabi government ... they have said so.

The second war in Syria will be to expel these extremist groups so that a more moderate government can be implemented.

Missing maroun 10:48 ,2013 نيسان 11

not only a fake Resistance,also fake excuses.

Missing samiam 13:39 ,2013 نيسان 11

mckini, you need to really look at what is actually going on and what HA is telling you, because they aren't the same thing.

Missing greatpierro 13:54 ,2013 نيسان 11

Comin the war is now between Iran and the gulf countries. It started as a revolution against a tyrant regime. But Iran cannot loose Assad otherwise the Islamic revolution in Iran is in danger. The gulf countries are fighting the influence if Iran in Syria. Hizbullah does what Iran wants

Missing greatpierro 14:01 ,2013 نيسان 11

The Sunnis extremists are backed by the gulf. Why so? To fight the Iranian axis. It does not mean that the gulf countries want a Wahhabi or salafist country. Gulf countries are against Salafists and in Saudis Arabia Wahhabism is retreating. So why Salafists are sponsored by the gulf state? Simply because you cannot send motivated fighters to fight a foreign war without a major motivation. In that case it's Allah. This also explains why the Salafists are not getting better and more sofisticated weapons.

Missing greatpierro 14:05 ,2013 نيسان 11

The strategy seems like a war of attrition. Iran axis will stumble slowly in Syria while the Salafists will also be weakened in this process. Only then can a moderate sunni majority Government. take over the political power in Syria. Unfortunately this means more war, suffering, and killing. If HA was to have a Lebanese independent position I guess it would distance itself from Iran.

Default-user-icon clearly (ضيف) 20:11 ,2013 نيسان 11

So you agree with us when we say they are not the lebanese resistance they are the shiite islamic resistance in lebanon, this is clear now.

Missing VINCENT 03:20 ,2013 نيسان 12

First, the question is who is H.A.? Are they Hezeb Lebnanne? No. they have made it clear that their allegiance is with Shiite religion, and whatever Country has the wealth, therefore, the military power, etc. So why shouldn't they fight in Syria? Lebanon has to blame itself for allowing foreign countries to steal its people's identity and loyalty. When the so called "civil war" began, the generation of my parents always said: "Diaano Lebnanne. Fatoh El-musleminne oue rahetel Balad". Now this may sound insulting or prejudicial towards Muslims, but wait it is not. They weren't saying this because they did not like their Muslim neighbor or the religion per se. But because we all knew if the Christian government is devalued and compromised, and the Muslims step-in, THEN THIS ANCIENT CONFLICT BETWEEN ARABS, EVEN BEFORE ISLAM, IN THE REGION WILL BE IMPORTED TO LEBANON AND OCCUPY ITS FREEDOM. In short, "MA HADA AAREF IMPTO LA LEBNANNE" and sold it to the highest bidder.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:54 ,2013 نيسان 11

I hope the twelve hizbollah dead fighters are the socalled 'pilgrims ' and we'll get the file to rest ! Hizbollah has proven on and on to be THEE terrorist organisation with global reach, let alone domestically ! By now the cases are too numerous to mention: Bulgaria, Thailand, for the most recent ones, but Argentina, Egypt, Azerbaidjan' etc.. for the older one. Hakim, where is the resistance in all that? The wine leave has dropped long ago, and Hizbollah as a surrogate Iranian terrorist organisation, had gone under the radar for too long, since the early 80's ! Now that's over.

Thumb geha 09:08 ,2013 نيسان 11

hizbushaitan will be the biggest loser when the Syrian regime will fall.
retaliations will start soon. let them deal with this on their own.

Missing karim_m2 09:37 ,2013 نيسان 11

Samir Geagea is a worthless Salafist employee.

Fal ya7kom al ikhwan!

Default-user-icon Troika (ضيف) 10:06 ,2013 نيسان 11

Save us you crap Karim .About time naharnet banned you for irrelevant propaganda

Missing maroun 11:05 ,2013 نيسان 11

they should ban him for his stupidity.

Thumb Kalzyturks 10:00 ,2013 نيسان 11


Yes HA will look to deal with Iran and vice versa. But will be very inconvenient for them.

Yes HA is paying dearly not only her but Iran also. Being alienated by its support for Assad and worked against Gadaffi Mubarak etc....
A lot of people liked HA including myself but I have seen the other dark side of this resistance.

Majority of the fighters in Syria are not foreigners but Syrian Citizens. And not necessarily Wahabis or salafists. Yes both sides have taken advantage HA and Extremists.

In saying this.... It should not undermine the goal of the Syrian people.

Maybe they the syrian people were not involved in the uprising but have been naturally forced to fight for survival as the Assad mercilessly kills everyone.

Thumb mckinl 10:24 ,2013 نيسان 11

I agree ... I'm with the Syrian people ... always have been ... I only analyze what HA is doing ... I neither condemn or condone it ...

Thumb mckinl 10:35 ,2013 نيسان 11

Here is a great piece on Syria ...

How the West Fueled the Ever-Growing Carnage in Syria
The actions of the United States and its allies in Syria have only led to escalating violence and chaos.


Thumb shab 16:41 ,2013 نيسان 11

filthy militia

Default-user-icon Phazlo Bomtibaj (ضيف) 16:44 ,2013 نيسان 11

Once again, Dr. Arreet 7akeh proves that he talks a lot about nothing and and knows nothing about a lot. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati?

Missing akkar1 17:04 ,2013 نيسان 11

phoenix the hole point of having a resistance in lebanon is to defend lebanon from israel this so called resistance has trangressed by fighting in syria it not here to protect lebanon its here to protect its own interests and thats the shia people period

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:20 ,2013 نيسان 11

I may be a bit off here but from what I remember was we had one incident of Lebanese salafist or Wahhabis killed in Syria ( please correct me if I'm wrong) but we have had countless incidents of HA there.

Thumb Bandoul 19:13 ,2013 نيسان 11

@the1, it's good to see you showing your true colors. I doubt very much you have any legitimate LF affiliations but you make large claims sitting behind a keyboard and posting anonymously masquerading as someone with influence/ties in the LF organization. Reveal your name so we can at least move your accounts of what may or may have not happened from the fiction column to the possibly has happened column. Anyone can make claims, only the courageous back them up with a true identity, state your name please! Or is it FT's alter ego?

Missing rudy 20:28 ,2013 نيسان 11

Sorry bandoul but as someone who also supported LF, I have pulled back support and I find it hard to condone anything geagea is saying recently. Not because he is lying or because he is wrong, but because he is only telling one side of the story when the other side is as clear as sun. And like I criticise HA for their involvement I criticise the sunni leaders for encouraging the rising extremism in their ranks and their involvement in syria.

And by encouraging it is true whether directly or by just letting things become so bad for their communities that young men turn to religion

Thumb Bandoul 22:24 ,2013 نيسان 11

@rudy, you are entitled to your opinion....let's agree to disagree.

Thumb Bandoul 19:21 ,2013 نيسان 11

Extremist Shia and Extremist Sunni, both sides of the same coin, both should be totally rejected chapter and verse. There is zero tolerance for Terrorist/Islamist whether known as HA,Ikhwen, Jama3a, Wahabe, Nusra or any other balllout masmar BS label. Anyone who desecrates the Bible, Qur'an or the Old Testament to advance an agenda of hate, intolerance and the obliteration of the other is a terrorist, pure and simple.

Thumb ousama.ben.laden 00:15 ,2013 نيسان 12

مجرم حقير مثواطىء الله يحاسب المجرمون والنصرة للحق

Missing topace 07:28 ,2013 نيسان 12

Gigi stay out of politics for Allah's sake, you are a bad influence on the christian population , bleaz you history cannot be overturned , you are simply a murderer of you own people & church !!!!