خير الدين ينقذ صحناوي من الموت...في غابات أفريقية

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تمكن وزير الدولة في حكومة تصريف الإعمال مروان خير الدين بمساعدة عدد من الأصدقاء من إنقاذ زميله وزير الإتصالات نقولا صحناوي والسبب هجوم وحيد قرن.

وفي التفاصيل روت صحيفة "النهار" الجمعة أن صحناوي كان مع خير الدين "يمارسان هواية الصيد مع مجموعة من الاصدقاء في احدى الغابات الافريقية".

وأشار إلى أن "صحناوي اراد ان يستريح من عناء الرحلة سيرا على الاقدام فوجد امامه صخرة اتكأ عليها".

إلا أنه تبين فيما بعد أن الصخرة هي "استراحة وحيد القرن الذي ما لبث ان انتفض محاولا الاقتصاص من صحناوي".

ولفتت الصحيفة "الى ان صحناوي بدأ بالركض السريع وحاول خير الدين والاصدقاء التخفيف من اندفاعة وحيد القرن وابعاده بالعصي التي يحملونها".

التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon وحيد (ضيف) 16:17 ,2013 نيسان 12

الحمد لله ع السلامة

Missing mohammad_ca 16:27 ,2013 نيسان 12

hunting trip in Africa...fadyeen ashghal...

Missing mohammad_ca 17:02 ,2013 نيسان 12

good one, they probably had the trip expensed by the government because they went to learn from their technology :)

Default-user-icon Rataxes (ضيف) 19:14 ,2013 نيسان 12

Don't tell Sahnawi and Bassil they take credit for it

Thumb banima3roof 23:49 ,2013 نيسان 12

they were on a jihadi mission which they could not disclose! welcome to march 8 politics! i bet that the government paid for this trip!

Missing formerlebaniz 00:21 ,2013 نيسان 13

Phil, based on my experience they do have better internet access in South Africa than Lebanon. Heck during a recent safari, I had 3G internet access on the game reserves.

Thumb geha 16:33 ,2013 نيسان 12

this is to show what fpm ministers are about :)
this is truly funny :)

Thumb lebanon_first 16:48 ,2013 نيسان 12

kheireddine is not M8. is he?

Default-user-icon 1846 (ضيف) 17:03 ,2013 نيسان 12

yup Arslan

Thumb joker37 17:20 ,2013 نيسان 12

arslan's man

Thumb lebanon_first 16:33 ,2013 نيسان 12

somebody is having fun...

Default-user-icon quit pocking me (ضيف) 16:44 ,2013 نيسان 12

lucky for minister sahnaqui this rhino must have been a aounist if he was scared off by guys with sticks

Default-user-icon lol (ضيف) 16:47 ,2013 نيسان 12

unibrow attacked by unihorn, you can't make this up!

Default-user-icon Rhino (ضيف) 17:37 ,2013 نيسان 12

Rhino is pissed about 3G not working, Ogero not installing his adsl for the past 18 months, Internet Quota limitations, exorbitant prices ...

Try and complain, they will hit you "bil 3asayé" !!!

Default-user-icon Amir (ضيف) 17:45 ,2013 نيسان 12

What a joke to mistake rhino for a rock......
Nice way to get attention....should have been on u tube or funniest video of the year.

Default-user-icon ابو الزوز (ضيف) 18:05 ,2013 نيسان 12

ما في شي جديد... عملها أبلو مون جنرالو من 24 سنة و ركض بالبيجاما عا سفارة فرنسا، ما هي الهريبة تلتين... التيار!

Default-user-icon incident report (ضيف) 19:06 ,2013 نيسان 12

According to Wikipedia a Rhino has a "relatively small brains for mammals this size" same thing applies to Sehnaoui, probably what began as a battle of wits quickly degenerated into this.

Thumb LebCynic 19:08 ,2013 نيسان 12

Poor rhino minding his own business and these good for nothing lebo politicians frighten him.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:45 ,2013 نيسان 12

with sticks? they managed to scare off a rhino with sticks?i would love to see someone scare a rhino with a stick!

Default-user-icon rachel (ضيف) 21:08 ,2013 نيسان 12

stupid and useless article followed by more stupid comments!

Default-user-icon khalil (ضيف) 21:43 ,2013 نيسان 12

Rhino gets jealous from his 2 corns while it has only one

Missing peace 21:48 ,2013 نيسان 12

it tells a lot on how they consider the lebanese people.... lebanese are in great difficulties and our ministers are hunting in africa... it shows once more that they don t give a sh... about their job and have NO RESPECT for the people in this moment of crisis!!!!!


Thumb benzona 02:56 ,2013 نيسان 13

Hehehe it sounds dirty, I like it!

Default-user-icon Sophie (ضيف) 02:02 ,2013 نيسان 13

Where in "Africa"? It's a continent with 53 countries...

Missing cedars 03:49 ,2013 نيسان 13

I am sure the rhinoceros was interested in socializing with the minister.

Default-user-icon Sam (ضيف) 06:05 ,2013 نيسان 13

A much more appropriate title for this article is "Unibrow VS Unihorn"

Default-user-icon FlameCatcher (ضيف) 12:49 ,2013 نيسان 13

Lying and distorting facts is Aoun and Hizbollah's territory... no one but you assumed they were hunting rhinos...

Default-user-icon zabir (ضيف) 14:03 ,2013 نيسان 13

Jokes aside, the Rhinoceros is in fact one of the stupidest animals on the planet. It has a notoriously small brain relative to its body mass.
They've been observed to run for 10 seconds when surprised or approached before realizing there's no threat, meaning it takes ten seconds of relying on purely instinctive reflexes until a brain neuron kicks in.

Default-user-icon Marie-Michele Hayek (ضيف) 22:12 ,2013 نيسان 14

I heard Sehnaoui embezzled 50 million dollars as Minister, it is good he is spending a little from it now, to enhance the economy of Africa!

Default-user-icon nelly (ضيف) 23:36 ,2013 نيسان 14

sorry to disappoint all the poor blind 0,14th march commentors who beleive anything they read ! both ministers and their guides were rescuing a injured zebra (that's an obligation for hunters)when a rhino who was following the zebra charged them; theu ran and stood behind trees until the rhino changed his route; no rock and no sticks...
that happened during a safari at christmas; and of course, the 4 hunters each paid his trip !