قهوجي يهنئ العسكريين بإخراج "البلاد من الفتنة": جاهزون لكل مبادرة تريد حل المشاكل

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أعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي عدم السكوت عن استهداف الجيش الذي يخوض معركة شرسة في صيدا، إنما كشف عن جهوزيته "لكل مبادرة طيبة" تحل المشاكل الأمنية.

وقال قهوجي في أمر اليوم للعسكريين نشره الموقع الرسمي للجيش اللبناني "لقد أنجزتم مهمة صعبة ودقيقة، وخرجتم منها ورؤوسكم مرفوعة، لأنكم أنقذتم بلدكم من الفتنة، في وقت كان الجيش يتعرض لحملة سياسية تستهدفه وتضعه في خانة هذا الطرف أو ذاك، وتحاول حماية المعتدين عليه".

أضاف "لقد برهنتم، وعيون الدول العربية والغربية تتطلع إليكم، إن الجيش وحدة متماسكة وانه لم يتعرض لطائفة ولا لدور عبادة ولا لأي رجل دين، وهو ليس مع فريق ضد آخر ولا مع طائفة دون أخرى".

وشدد قهوجي على أن الجيش "ردّ على مجموعة مسلحة اعتدت عليه عن سابق تصور وتصميم، بعدما حذر مراراً انه سيرد على النار بالنار".

وكرر قهوجي أن "الجيش جيش وطني ولا يفرق بين طائفة وأخرى ومذهب وآخر، وهو لجميع اللبنانيين، ويسمو باحتضانهم له وحريص على علاقته مع جميع الطوائف والقوى السياسية على حد سواء شرط احترامها القانون والحفاظ على المؤسسات".

عليه توجه قهوجي "إلى أهلنا في طرابلس والبقاع وبيروت وجبل لبنان والجنوب بالتعزية باستشهاد أبناء الجيش اللبناني، وندعوهم إلى الوقوف صفاً واحداً إلى جانب جيشهم بدل تحويل مناطق لبنان بؤر مسلحة، مؤكدين لهم أننا لن نسكت عن استهدافنا".

إلا أن قائد الجيش استدرك قائلا "لكننا جاهزون لكل مبادرة طيبة تريد الحوار والعمل على حل المشاكل الأمنية أينما تقع واستيعاب محاولات البعض إشعال الشارع ونقل الفتنة من منطقة إلى أخرى".

كما قال "لجميع القوى السياسية على اختلافها، أن وقوفكم إلى جانب الجيش اللبناني يجب أن يكون معبراً من أجل توطيد السلم الأهلي في كافة المناطق اللبنانية والتغطية لآي مخل بالأمن تساهم في توسيع رقعة المشاكل وتدخل لبنان في متاهة طائفية ومذهبية لا خلاص منها".

ولم ينف قائد الجيش "أن وطننا يمر بمرحلة صعبة والحل لا يكون باستهداف الجيش بل بقيام جميع القوى السياسية بسحب ذرائع التفجير والتنسيق مع الجيش من أجل استتباب الأمن وإنقاذ لبنان".

وكان قد أعلن الجيش الإثنين حرصه التام على دور العبادة في صيدا مشيرا إلى استمرار عملياته في مدينة صيدا "حتى اجتثاث الفتنة منها".

وقالت قيادة الجيش في بيان بعد ظهر الإثنين أنه "تواصل وحدات الجيش عملياتها العسكرية في مدينة صيدا ومنطقة عبرا للقضاء على المظاهر المسلحة وتوقيف المعتدين على مراكز الجيش وإعادة فرض الامن والاستقرار".

وكشفت أنه "قد عمد العديد من المسلحين الى القنص على عناصر الجيش باستخدام المراكز الدينية سواتر لهم، بالاضافة الى اتخاذهم المواطنين الابرياء دروعا لهم لتفادي المواجهة المباشرة مع قوى الجيش".

وإذ أكدت القيادة "حرصها التام على دور العبادة وحياة المواطنين" دعت "المسلحين الذين قاموا بالاعتداء على مراكز الجيش والمواطنين، وهم معروفون بالنسبة اليها فردا فردا، الى القاء السلاح وتسليم انفسهم فورا الى قوى الجيش حرصا على عدم إراقة المزيد من الدماء".

عليه أكدت "لجميع اللبنانيين أن الجيش ماض في اجتثاث الفتنة من جذورها، ولن تتوقف علمياته العسكرية حتى اعادة الامن الى المدينة وجوارها بصورة كاملة وانضواء الجميع تحت سقف القانون والنظام".

هذا وطالب القيادة "المواطنين، وخصوصا الموجودين في بقعة العمليات العسكرية او داخل مجمع الاسير ومحيطه، الذين يتعرضون لمشاكل امنية، الى الاتصال بعمليات قيادة الجيش على رقمي الهاتف: 1701، 422245/01 بغية معالجة هذه المشاكل بالسرعة القصوى وإجلائهم عند الضرورة".

وكان قد اتهم الشيخ سالم الرافعي الإثنين الجيش بتحمل مسؤولية "اقتحام" مسجد بلال بن رباح "ومقتل الأطفال والنساء".

يذكر ان اشتباكات صيدا المستمرة أوقعت أكثر 16 قتيلا للجيش و100 جريح. كما يحكى عن معلومات غير مؤكدة عن سقوط 20 قيتلا من أنصار الأسير.

التعليقات 41
Missing antibiotic 16:25 ,2013 حزيران 24

Every incident like this is one step closer to the realization " we need to arm up to face hezb"

Missing mohammad_ca 17:42 ,2013 حزيران 24

what is the proof that Aseer attacked the army? where was the investigation?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:56 ,2013 حزيران 24

Time to demand that no armed groups are allowed in Lebanon - no matter who they are. This include the Hizb, Al Assir, Salafist group, Saraya the Moqawama, etc...

Missing mohammad_ca 18:16 ,2013 حزيران 24

i am asking, where is the investigation?

Thumb benzona 21:14 ,2013 حزيران 24

Not to defend Assir, but there's no proof that Assir attacked first. It could be that the soldiers standing at the checkpoint had their orders from HA. Is there proof?

You deny our claims that HA and Bachar killed Hariri, because we don't have proof..... Kamen double standards?

Thumb benzona 21:59 ,2013 حزيران 24

FT, do you have a proof that the Assir started it? Sure they retaliated (and they shouldnt have done so). Do you have a proof?

You know that we m14ers wish nothing else than the army being in charge of Lebanon's defense..... But we seem to be the only ones.

Thumb geha 16:27 ,2013 حزيران 24

go ahead and create a martyr so that we will enjoy suicide bombers for several years to come.

Default-user-icon Real Mowaten (ضيف) 16:54 ,2013 حزيران 24

I would drink that 3assir everyday with extra she'af Hassan Nassrallah and honey on top !

Default-user-icon Bof (ضيف) 16:55 ,2013 حزيران 24

Geha, we wont turn him into a martyr, we will make kafta out of him...

Default-user-icon Real Mowaten (ضيف) 17:17 ,2013 حزيران 24

"You guys" ? Who are "you guys" ?

Are you saying anyone against Hezbollah is Pro-Assir ? Is this how narrow-minded your view of the world is ?

Can you only count from 1 to 2 ? You know that the world offers infinite possibilities beyond what your very very simple mind can grasp.

You know there are other political views you moron ...

Yes, all Anti-Hezbollah are canibal Assir worshippers... of course.

According to Mowaten, if you disagree with Hezbollah, you are obviously : A Sunni, Saudi Funded, American Supported, Israeli loving, Cannibal terrorist extremist. There can be no other way.

Half the christians in Lebanon (FT will disagree with this number) are now all sunni cannibals!

can't wait to eat you up Mowaten! Mow mow ...

Thumb lebanon_first 16:44 ,2013 حزيران 24

Our army boys are giving their blood, their limbs and their lives to protect our country and our freedom and this is how you say thank you. Shame on you.
hezbollah's weapons are a problem. 100 percent true. But this is not the issue now. Now our country is under attack and we need to be united behind our army to fight the terrorists.

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (ضيف) 17:16 ,2013 حزيران 24

assir commited a grave mistake,he is finished,he will be annihilated completely by the army that's no doubt about it...as for the army it will be a new era,becose what is b4 assir will never be like after.
the army after saida will impose itself to all arms outside the legality, or bibi....

Thumb benzona 21:55 ,2013 حزيران 24

Inchallah, that's all I can hope for.

Default-user-icon Magentrs (ضيف) 17:24 ,2013 حزيران 24

Stop at people trying to link it with Hezbollah. Hezbollah is fighting in Syria, sunnis extremists have been fighting in Syria for years now, a lot before Hezbollah started to do. But what happen in Syria must stay in Syria.

Sunnis extremists would rather kill shias and army personnel in Lebanon just because Hezbollah is fighting in Syria? Hezbollah fighting in Syria doesn't affect anything in Lebanon. If the sunni extremists are against that, they should move back to fight in Syria.

But here they are importing the conflict in Lebanon and are launching attack on the neutral national army.

To sum it up, if you are against Hezbollah involvement in Syria, go to Syrian, pick up a weapon and fight in Syria.

Do not import conflict in Lebanon and do not attack the national institutions

Thumb AngryLeb 17:27 ,2013 حزيران 24

To Antibiotic ya Marid,,,, We are all with the Army, and the Army will crush Asir , how can you support a guy that kill our soldiers ?

Missing mohammad_ca 18:54 ,2013 حزيران 24

the same army that crossed a hizbollaat armed checkpoint on its way to Irsal without arresting the idiots blocking the road?

Default-user-icon pakistan (ضيف) 17:41 ,2013 حزيران 24

Pakistan never ever elect mullahs( Religious wahabis) but our establishment / ruling elites are controlled by Saudi arabia and America . This is the reason taliban has killed more than 70000 pakistanis but our establishment is not willing to take action or fight against these uneducated wahabi jihadists .

Default-user-icon Just me (ضيف) 17:54 ,2013 حزيران 24

No one talks about our Army like that. You talk about prostitutes, you live among them. In your family or any close relatives?

For the administrator of this blog at Naharnet, How do you let this idiot post something like that.

Anyways, Pretty simple, Have you ever served in the Lebanese army? Let me guess!!! God bless the Army and all security forces in Lebanon. I agree that Lebanon is not an easy place to restore the law overnight. But that doesn't mean you have to insult our Army who is composed of every single religion in Lebanon, from Muslims to Christians.

Respect that's one word with a heavy price. Apply that everyday 24/7 365 and we'll all see the difference.

Missing axon 18:00 ,2013 حزيران 24

Indeed! just take a look at the picture posted above, which professional army goes to a battlefield wearing beret. Nothing but bunches of douchebags

Thumb benzona 21:19 ,2013 حزيران 24

Not their fault but HA's objective has always been to marginalize me and to use them to manage simple tasks such as traffic accidents, thefts, etc...

HA wants them under equipped and under trained.... The Farsi will say Israel wants this. Yet, the M8 government who raised the MPs monthly salary from $11.000 to $19.000 (for life, even after retirement) but don't have money to train our Army.

Thumb LebCynic 18:04 ,2013 حزيران 24

Allah ye7mi jaish. And people, please don't respond to antibiotic all you are doing is dropping your own intellect to his low level.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:23 ,2013 حزيران 24

starsky. when some sunnites are fostering and financing salafi terrorism, when most chiites support the farsi party of weapons because he pays them salaries, when the christians are sclerosed in useless intestine old fights, When you are surrounded by an incompetent selfish political class, and you find a lebanese institution fighting and sacrificing for the good of the country, you can say the world GLORIOUS. Ghass min 3an ra2btak.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:30 ,2013 حزيران 24

Army cannot act against HA for the simple reason that unfortunately hezbollah IS legality according to the lebanese system today.
HA, the party of iran, of weapons, that invaded beirut, that is stealing the port, that is covering criminals, has more than half the parliament with its allies.
So first war to remove HA's weapons is in parliament and through dialogue. not like those thugs.

Missing mohammad_ca 18:33 ,2013 حزيران 24

How are Lebanese to respect an army that crossed an armed checkpoint on a road leading to Irsal without arresting the idiots blocking the road?

Thumb phoenician 19:45 ,2013 حزيران 24

I say,
Partition please.

Thumb jabal10452 20:20 ,2013 حزيران 24

Federalism is better IMO.

Thumb jabal10452 20:01 ,2013 حزيران 24

People, you are either with state institutions and the rule of law or against it. There are no ifs or buts. Assir attacked the Army, a state institution. His men killed OUR soldiers. He must be absolutely and uncompromisingly caught, dead or alive. That's it.

HA is another organisation that is acting outside of the state and they must be dealt with as well. But as much as I loath HA's arms, they are not directly and brazenly attacking the Army so far, and I favor dialog with HA to come to a win-win situation that benefits everyone.

But right now the overriding priority is to crush Assir. You don't deal with Nasrallah's arms by allowing Assir to open his own shop like Nasrallah did.

Thumb jabal10452 20:18 ,2013 حزيران 24

That's you opinion and I respect it.

Thumb jabal10452 20:46 ,2013 حزيران 24

There is a difference between respecting someone's opinion and actually agreeing with it. I'm trying all I can to keep this discussion civil, but unfortunately you keep doing your best to excel at cheap shots. Enjoy.

Missing VINCENT 20:20 ,2013 حزيران 24

Yalla a shabab, go kill each other. All is good in Lebanon.

Thumb Marc 21:15 ,2013 حزيران 24

The one bending down in the front was martyred by Assir's men.... No one should have weapons in Lebanon other than the Lebanese Army . . . . . NO ONE

Otherwise, we will always have instability

Thumb Marc 22:32 ,2013 حزيران 24

Hey, With all the land addition in the sea in the past 20 years, it is 10,452+

Thumb benzona 21:21 ,2013 حزيران 24

Al qaida, Hezbollah..... Yes 1.OOO.OOO%

Thumb benzona 21:54 ,2013 حزيران 24

Yes, your bosses loved Colonel Hassan.....

Man, the only people blowing up others are Syria/HA. He had too many proofs against Hassan.

Missing formerlebaniz 22:06 ,2013 حزيران 24

Here is the "SIMPLE" math of what is happening and what is yet to happen. Sunni's more and more are starting to realize that if a Hizbullah member comes to their home and kills them or their family the security forces are not going to lift a finger to stop them or apprehend them that is now a "FACT", so Sunni's and Shia that don't agree with HA policy, and maybe some other factions will start arming themselves on individual basis to protect their family, than neighborhoods will start alliances to protect their neighbourhood instead of each one's family which will increase their effectiveness, and so on until you are going to have militias, THAN you'll have the start of the new civil war.

Thumb benzona 22:50 ,2013 حزيران 24

The we'll end up with Sunni equivalents of jaafar, meqdad, terrorists... HA is aware of it, yet they won't do anything about it. It says it all about their political and military agenda.... And religious one of course.

Missing formerlebaniz 23:10 ,2013 حزيران 24

They know history well. They know Lebanese Sunni are not fighters and unless there is an outside intervention they will be able to control the Sunni community in no time.

Thumb Senescence 23:12 ,2013 حزيران 24

This makes little sense because I have no recollection of any such event happening, i.e. Hizbullah members haphazardly knocking down doors and killing people left and right.

Missing formerlebaniz 04:55 ,2013 حزيران 25

An innocent man got killed right infront of the eyes of our "supposed" protectors and the killer walked free. Hizbullah invaded Beirut ransacked stores stormed houses to set watch ports and our protector again stood by watching them.

Missing peace 00:35 ,2013 حزيران 25

i wonder if FT and moooowaten would still be behind the lebanese army if they wanted to disarm hezbis.... i am sure they will call it tsahal that day!
enough of your hypocrisy! if you two are really for lebanon and a strong army then you also have to ask for hezbis disarmament!!! NO DOUBLE STANDARDS! or else you have to accept that other parties get weapons ! otherwise you are not logic with yourselves.... i guess stupid is more like it.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 10:18 ,2013 حزيران 25

Our Children! Our Brothers! Our Parents!!
anyone who sees those fine men other than this is not Lebanese and more a 'traitor'!