الراعي يجدد رفضه للسلاح غير الشرعي: لتحييد لبنان عن كل تبعية

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شدد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي على ضرورة دعم الجيش، معتبرا أن "كل سلاح خارج هذا الاطار هو غير شرعي"، داعيا الى "تحييد لبنان عن كل تبعية".

وتوجه الراعي في قداس له اليوم الأحد في حاريصا الى الشباب، قائلا:" لبنان بحاجة الى ان ترفضوا تسلّم من المسؤولين اشلاء دولة مقحمة على الدخول في محاور وتحالفات عسكرية اقيليمية رغما عنها".

وأضاف: "لبنان بحاجة الى صوتكم لدعم القوات المسلحة"، معتبرا أن "كل سلاح خارج هذا الاطار يعتبر غير شرعي ويستجلب سلاحا غير شرعي فتعم شريعة الغاب".

وإذ دعا الى "إبرام عقد اجتماعي انطلاقا من الميثاق الوطني"، شدد على ضرورة "تحييد لبنان من كل تبعية لكل دولة"، معتبرا أن

"لبنان بحاجة الى قيادات وسياسيين جدد والى صوت الشباب لفتح صفحة جديدة في تاريخه".

التعليقات 12
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16:56 ,2013 تموز 14

May the Lord Bless you Batrakna for speaking the absolute truth and nothing but the truth. All Non-State and all Non-Shia Only "Islamic" secular resistance arms should be rejected as they undermine the state and its institutions. They are the only weapons that can defend our beloved country, the Holy Land of The Cedars. Illegitimate weapons tend to have "rabbit" like breeding habits in the sense they breed more illegitimate weapons which in turn breed yet more illegitimate weapons. That cycle has to stop, and NOW may I add. Our youth, yes…. we need a breath of fresh air to be injected into our stale political, judicial, and military institutions. The commentators on this site represent just a "sample" of the youth you are talking about … your Eminence. I still believe in the future of this country contrary to many sceptics.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:41 ,2013 تموز 14

RFT is using a literary genre called "satire". He can choose to be sarcastic about whomever he chooses. He chose as a target the HA-Syria-Iranian axis because this axis have reached summums of hypocrisy with their ridiculous scare tactics related to takfiris, cannibals, zionists.
HA's tool is the gun. this is how he silences his opposition, chiite or otherwizie.
RFT's tool is the pen (or the keyboard)....

Thumb geha 18:42 ,2013 تموز 14

during taef the shia asked for the third, but sunnis refused and backed the Christians insisting on Christians to have half.
this patriarch is playing with fire because shia still ask for the third, and if discussions are to be opened now under the threat of hizbushaitan weapons, they will most probably get the third.
is that what this patriarch want?

Thumb geha 19:12 ,2013 تموز 14

Oh I do realize a major war is going to happen in the region, and said it months ago.
but let us look into the reasons for such a war: isn't the main reason the accumulation of weapons by hizbushaitan?
or isn't iran building nuclear weapons? for what?
isn't iran threatenng the whole sunni countries? didn't the head of the revolutionary guard say plainly that the gulf belongs to them?
aren't they trying by every means possible to make a shia territory from Pakistan to Lebanon?
in light of the above : do you expect powers to remain neutral?

Thumb geha 19:13 ,2013 تموز 14

and yes the main problem is hizbushaitan.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:22 ,2013 تموز 14

Geha. Why did u say that the patriarch is playing with fire?- he is against weapons with non state actors!

However You did put your finger on the issue, Chiites do want a third, and I think this is the reason behind their weapons. They pay lip service to GMA, but are lying, they aim to get a third, and marginalize christians even more.

Missing greatpierro 22:42 ,2013 تموز 14

This is exactly why I think that general Aoun is a traitor to the Christians and to Lebanon supporting Hizbullah and allowing them to create hizbustan in Lebanon.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:39 ,2013 تموز 14

al-resistance struck a raw nerve ya roar ?
This website is bilingual by the way. You can read it in english or arabic...

Thumb dasphinx 23:13 ,2013 تموز 14

Too bad no politician is unemployed considering the unemployment rate of 34 percent. When will Lebanese rise above the walls that the politicians are building between us and start thinking about the future of their country? Lebanon is the land of missed opportunities. Lighten up people on both sides and think for yourselves for once.

Thumb primesuspect 01:30 ,2013 تموز 15

His Holiness al rahi seems to be quite busy meddling in political affairs.... can he put his lost lamb {or sheep shall I say} back on track?

Thumb geha 16:04 ,2013 تموز 15

and shia are with the Lebanese army :)

Thumb geha 16:06 ,2013 تموز 15

what he posted is:
we do not want an army in Lebanon but the army of Hussein?
do you agree with that?
by the way these are common chants in hizbushaitan dominated areas.