حزب الله يدعو "السلطات الى اعتقال الارهابيين" الذين اغتالو جمو والسنيورة يستنكر الجريمة

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رأى حزب الله ان "جريمة اغتيال الباحث السياسي السوري محمد ضرار جمو في بلدة الصرفند جنوب لبنان فجر اليوم الاربعاء ، انها مؤشرا على النفس الالغائي والاقصائي الذي يحكم جماعات العنف والارهاب"، داعيا السلطات الى "اعتقال الارهابيين".

وقال الحزب في بيان استنكر خلاله اغتيال جمو: "جريمة اغتيال الباحث السياسي السوري تأتي لتزيد القناعة بأن يد الإجرام التي ترتكب المجازر في سوريا لا تفرق بين من يقاتل في ساحة المعركة وبين من يناضل بالكلمة والموقف، ما يدل على العجز الذي تعاني منه الجماعات التي تقف وراء القتلة عن مقارعة الحجة بالحجة والمنطق بالمنطق والدليل بالدليل".

وأكد الحزب في بيانه أن "جريمة الاغتيال البشعة التي استهدفت المناضل جمو، الذي بقي صوتا صادحا بالموقف الحر وبالكلمة الصادقة، هي مؤشر على النفس الإلغائي والنهج الإقصائي الذي يحكم جماعات العنف والإرهاب"، معتبرا أنها " تدعي العمل من أجل العدالة والحرية، في حين هي تعمل على خنق كل صوت حر لا يتلاءم مع مصالحها ورغباتها".

واشار الى ان "جريمة من هذا النوع الفظيع، تدق ناقوس الخطر على الساحة اللبنانية، وتدفع إلى البحث عن الطريقة الأنسب لمواجهة هذه الجماعات الإرهابية، قبل أن يستفحل خطرها وتخرج عن كل طوق، ما يهدد السلامة والاستقرار في لبنان أولا، وفي المنطقة بشكل عام".

وإذ دان "هذه الجريمة الإرهابية الخطيرة التي لا تمت إلى الدين والأخلاق بأي صلة"، دعا السلطات اللبنانية إلى "القيام بكل الإجراءات الفورية اللازمة لاعتقال الإرهابيين المنفذين وسوقهم إلى العدالة، وإلى البحث عن المخططين والمحرضين لكي بنالوا جزاءهم".

كما استنكر رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة غتيال جمو، معتبرا "هذا العمل هو جريمة بكل المعايير".

واوضح السنيورة: "إن مجرد ارتكاب الاغتيال والقتل تجاه اي انسان أكان مواطنا لبنانيا او عربيا او اجنبيا هو امر مرفوض والقاتل يجب ان يكشف ويحاسب ويتم الاقتصاص منه".

هذا ، واستنكر السنيورة "حادث التفجير الذي وقع يوم امس في منطقة البقاع واستهدف اشخاصا كانوا يستقلون سيارة ويسلكون ذلك الطريق".

وخلص السنيورة الى القول: "لا يمكن ان نتحدث بلغتين ونقبل بالصيف والشتاء على سطح واحد، فلقد عانينا من جرائم الاغتيال نتيجة الاختلاف بالرأي السياسي ونحن نرفض هذا الاسلوب كما اننا نرفض استعمال العنف والسلاح ضد المدنيين".

واغتال مسلحون جمو فجر اليوم في اول عملية من هذا النوع تقع على الاراضي اللبنانية منذ بدء النزاع في سوريا المجاورة في منتصف آذار 2011.

وجمو من مواليد 1969، وهو مقيم في لبنان منذ 25 عاما، ومتزوج من لبنانية. وغالبا ما يظهر على شاشات التلفزة اللبنانية ليدافع عن نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.

وقال مسؤول في اجهزة الامن اللبنانية لوكالة فرانس برس ان "جمو قتل برصاص رجال مسلحين فجرا في مدخل منزله في الصرفند"، مضيفا انه "اصيب بحوالى عشرين رصاصة في مختلف انحاء جسده".

التعليقات 31
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 19:31 ,2013 تموز 17

“increases the belief that the criminal hand that is committing massacres in Syria does not differentiate between those fighting in the battlefield and those struggling through their words and stance, the thing that exposes the inability of the killers to confront an argument with a counter-argument.”

Yislam Timmak HA ( Hells Angels) for these beautiful historical words. I recall you saying exactly the same words when Jebran and Pierre were silenced by the same takfiris! On those occasions, you even went further than mere condemnation of the horrific acts of terror... you distributed sweets to mourn the "martyrs". Our Islamic secular resistance is always true to its values. God Bless them....

Missing helicopter 19:42 ,2013 تموز 17

Hizbullah Says Jammo Assassination Highlights Threat Facing Lebanon............
Just look at the flag and the three heroes on that flag. How is it possible those people be concerned about the threat facing Lebanon - Each one of them (and others not pictured) was and is the threat facing Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 19:50 ,2013 تموز 17

Because these people you are mentioning were a threat facing Assad not Lebanon. But when the victim is himself is a threat for Lebanon then HA speaks.

Default-user-icon Itzhak Shavon (ضيف) 12:49 ,2013 تموز 18

What happened, Harrier? Scaled down?

Thumb benzona 19:54 ,2013 تموز 17

Hezbollah aka hezb Ebola will brought nothing but misery to this country.

Tfou 3aleyon.

Thumb benzona 21:03 ,2013 تموز 17

Yes, we hear them, but we don't fear them because we're legit. They aren't.

The only resistance in Lebanon is us, we're resisting the terrorists.

Thumb justice 21:06 ,2013 تموز 17

and HA still wants to be part of the new and every government? Which means Lebanon as a nation will be at war with and inside Syria. WOW

Thumb justice 21:13 ,2013 تموز 17

Here is my impulsive reaction to this news.... No Prime Minister should accept being assigned unless and until HA withdraws from Syria. The President should declare a State of Emergency and rule with an iron fist. The Parliament should be dissolved. The President should call for outside intervention asking for assistance to regain control of the State. This is beyond belief!!!!!!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 21:20 ,2013 تموز 17

.... The United Nations Security Council issued resolution "May 7" asking Lebanon to immediately cease all hostilities inside Syria and to respect Syria's territorial sovereignty. The resolution also called upon Lebanon and its Islamic resistance to withdraw to pre june 201 lines. Lebanon has yet to issue a public comment. Meanwhile, Lebanese and acting Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adnan Mansour, accused the United Nations of being "biased" by siding with the Talibani-Israeli-Takfiris.

Thumb condor 22:30 ,2013 تموز 17

"Hizbullah called on Lebanese authorities to “take all the necessary measures immediately....:"
It is truly sickening. They ask the state to assume its responsibilities when it only suits them. I mean the contradiction is amazing! If the State were to assume its responsibilities they should have not allowed you to enter Syria in the first place. The army should have fired at every one of you and at your convoys!!!

Missing greatpierro 02:58 ,2013 تموز 18

Saké JP Aoun CAN u Stills jeep this rediculous alliance with Hezbollah

Missing beirutbastard00 05:16 ,2013 تموز 18

Benzona don't take it the wrong way bro, but u scare me a bit. Something really weird about u.

Btw, u know there are Jews in Iran yea?

Missing aslan7aram 16:38 ,2013 تموز 18

mohim 7keet

Thumb bigsami 20:53 ,2013 تموز 17

The pot calling the kettle black. Scums in yellow!

Thumb benzona 21:03 ,2013 تموز 17


Thumb primesuspect 23:37 ,2013 تموز 17

What do talibans, Hizballa and shabi7a have in common? Everything, they're terroristas.

Default-user-icon b (ضيف) 21:05 ,2013 تموز 17

Where was the condemnation when Gebran Tueni was assassinated or is it only pro Syrians who get a 21 gun salute. Miserable vermine the whole lot of them

Thumb bigsami 23:00 ,2013 تموز 17

"Hizbullah Says Jammo Assassination Highlights Threat Facing Lebanon". And all the assassinations by HA in Lebanon are not considered threats to the country but rather Gods orders, right? May everyone of you rott in hell! You destroyed our country, people and all in the name of Iran! Tfeh!

Default-user-icon Alas (ضيف) 23:22 ,2013 تموز 17

The only functioning body in Lebanon is HA. The rebels were always present in Lebanon, violating our sovereignty by smuggling weapons across the border. We need to mop them up and HA is doing just that. Its funny how many Lebanese blindly support some idiot just because he is part of their "sect". The only party that calls for coexistence, a pillar of the Lebanese identity, is HA.

Missing helicopter 03:40 ,2013 تموز 18

Or to those who want to open a night club or sell alchohol in areas they control (but undeclared as welayat elfaqih land).

Missing helicopter 03:43 ,2013 تموز 18

Supporting an idiot just because he is part of their sect is exactly what HA supporters do. Assir is a fringe element and no major party supports him.
The reason HA is the only functioning body is because it had the muscle and the finances to ensure that the Government/Satate/Army will never function as they should. Why do you think they insist on controlling all decisions in the country? The answer is .... to ensure that they remain the only functioning body.

Default-user-icon Alas (ضيف) 20:30 ,2013 تموز 18

Right... Because before the formation of HA in 1985 the Lebanese state was fully functional. The Southerners were protected, our army was capable of repelling foreign attacks, social services were at all time high, and health care was efficient. Which Lebanon were you living in? The state has always been broken, outside of maybe a window between the mid 60s to mid 70s.

Default-user-icon Alas (ضيف) 20:26 ,2013 تموز 18

That was scrapped in the 80's. You should read the Manifesto and open letter. HA admitted in their early stages that was the goal, but later recognized Lebanon's diversity would make such a goal impossible.

So, since that is true, I can once again claim they are for coexistence.

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 02:16 ,2013 تموز 18

It is wrong to kill someone for expressing their opinion. If all Jammo has done is publicly defend the Assad regime, then killing him was wrong.

Having said that, Hezbollah and Syria's allies and agents have killed so many that they should just shut up, and accept the fact that they're just harvesting what they've sown.

Default-user-icon Shondamil Kizandou (ضيف) 05:17 ,2013 تموز 18

Also, according to the know-it-all NostraGabbyMarch14, the bottom line is that the "ASSad" regime has fallen every Wednesday since 2005 and still. Yet, NostraGabbyMarch14 continues to have the... well... umm... duh... indecency to continue with his out-of-this-world BS on Naharnet! We see here the influence on this Nostra of the other Grand Nostra of BS, NostraDrArreet7akeh. I suggest that this Nostra be taken... well... umm... duh... for a joke. Keep up dem predictions, gabbaguybo.

Thumb shab 08:17 ,2013 تموز 18

Anything that annoys the filthy militia is ok

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:05 ,2013 تموز 18

The threat of arms use Hizbollah is holding against the lebanese, has led us to talk about this organisation as though they are just another ordinary legitimate partner in daily political life, going on with their 'business as usual ', partners to whom ordinary negotiations rules apply , under the shadow of the law, and full sovereignty of the law. In fact the criminal gang called Hizbollah, is trying to normalise its ties with the country, by bullying other political parties into partnership, dimming the light on the criminal activities they have been responsible for over the years, and moving from pure sophisticated elimination of local political rivals, to the bigger playfield of regional politics, with the backing, financing , support, and directives of the basij terrorists.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:19 ,2013 تموز 18

i hear indeed. i hear you guys justifying the murder of a journalist, i hear you try to divert the subject, i hear you failing to condemn the assassination of someone who's only weapon was his pen.
i hear you failing the principles and values you claimed for yourselves in every possible way.

Missing avivbenmenachem 14:44 ,2013 تموز 18

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Missing beirutbastard00 18:15 ,2013 تموز 18

Omg there's so many Israelis on this site, it's disgusting!

Ya NAHARNET MODERATORS!! Stop censoring Lebanese speech, while allowing the enemy to spew their hate!! Have some dignity plz.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:10 ,2013 تموز 19

you call yourself M11er and yet you sound more 14 than 14. those accusations against HA and FPM are baseless and unrealistic, even most M14 supporters know it. only the most extreme-minded ones keep repeating it to create a feeling of hatred against M8.

besides that, don't project on me your own feelings to justify yourself, contrarily to you i never felt joy for any assassination and i dont know anyone who supports M8 and rejoiced. FYI, those assassinations harmed M8 and the country in general much more than they harmed M14.