سليمان يمضي "شهر عسل" مع عون لحسابات نيابية

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رأت مصادر في المعارضة الجديدة ان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وبعد ان وضع نفسه مدافعا عن حكومة سورية ـ حزب الله بقوله انها حكومة لبنانية مائة في المائة، اصر على استكمال تموضعه السياسي بدخوله في "شهر عسل" مع رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون متجاوزا كل الخلافات التي حكمت النصف الاول من ولايته.

وكان سليمان قد دعا عون الى زيارته في عمشيت في 16 تموز المقبل وتناول العشاء في مناسبة يرعاها البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، وقد وعد عون بتلبية الدعوة، كما حضر الرجلان معا مساء السبت حفلة في مهرجانات جونية، وسيحضران حفلة اخرى في مهرجانات جبيل والبترون عكس ما حصل العام الماضي حيث حضر سليمان في اليوم الاول وعون في الثاني.

ولفتت المصادر، لصحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية الى ان رئيس الجمهورية يتجه الى التحالف الانتخابي مع عون في العام 2013 عبر ادخال اسم او اسمين من المقربين اليه الى تكتل التغيير والاصلاح، مكتفيا بهذا الحجم والقدر ومتغافلا ان عون ان يسقط لولا الادارة السيئة للمعركة ومسقطا من حساباته ان الظروف السياسية للمعركة الانتخابية المقبلة مختلفة تماما عن السابقة.

وأضافت المصادر في المعارضة: "لا شك ان اقتراب سليمان من عون سيبعد 14 آذار عنه حكما، ولكن كان في استطاعة سليمان توقيت "شهر عسله" مع عون في ظرف آخر وليس بالتزامن مع الحملة غير المبررة التي شنها الاخير على الرئيس سعد الحريري وتيار المستقبل وتهديداته بالنفي والسجن والقتل للمعارضة.

اما على المقلب الآخر، فقد نفت مصادر في "التيار الوطني الحر" ان تكون اتصالات خارجية فرضت التقارب بين سليمان وعون مشيرة الى ان رئيس الجمهورية هو الذي بادر الى ترميم العلاقة، بعدما لمس تراجعا في قدرة 14 آذار وخروجها من السلطة، وهو ربما اراد تحصين الساحة المسيحية بطلب من البطريرك الراعي لمواجهة تحديات المرحلة المقبلة، وخصوصا التي قد تطول المسيحيين في الشرق الاوسط وفي لبنان.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 09:04 ,2011 حزيران 26

A civil war will start in lebanon as soon as they announce hariri killers. by july 4th. take cover.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 09:12 ,2011 حزيران 26

Great and wonderful news for the Maronites and for all Lebanese ! Thank you Patriarch RAI for your sponsorship in this rapprochement between the 2 generals .

President Sleimane took the right decision , knowing that GMA will win as usual , all the seats in the Christian areas in 2013 , and will double the number of his parliamentary party and bloc this time .

Instead of 28 today , he will have at least 55 MP's and this is for sure .. With tha backing of Bkirki and his beatitude Patriarch RAHI and the backing of his holiness the Pope Benedict , GMA is definitely the strong Christian man in Lebanon and in the M.E .

All these days lost with ex Patriarch Sfeir that was openly against his own Church and community for very " strange " reasons !!! Strange how things change so quickly , now that Hariri & Sfeir are both OUT .!?

Missing undefined 09:20 ,2011 حزيران 26

good. I can post something before le phenicien repeats his usual tirade.

guys, please stop responding to phenicien, all he does is repeat the same stuff over and over again trying to incite emotional responses from people who don't share his views. He's not trying to have a thought-provoking discussion, he only wants to argue. So stop giving him a reason to continue by answering him!

Default-user-icon lesch (ضيف) 09:31 ,2011 حزيران 26

this stupid hizbullah mouth-piece doesn`t argue, he`s telling shit.

Missing aounophobia 11:08 ,2011 حزيران 26

phenicien keeps repeating the same things because he has the brains of a 2 year old, he doesn't know anything else, and nature did not grant him a well functioning brain.

now on this story, it is very likely that this gov't won't be in power comes 2013, so it is futile to start alliances from now. nonetheless it is always a noble cause to bridge the gap between lebanese leaders, regardless of who they are

Default-user-icon arabia777 (ضيف) 11:32 ,2011 حزيران 26

How anyone could want that psychopath anywhere near the gears of power after what he did to the country in his 'War of Liberation' 21 years ago is beyond me.

Missing joesilver 13:08 ,2011 حزيران 26

GMA fought for many principles. What has happened to these principles?
1 - GMA was against corruption: “how many millions has his son-in-law today?”
Also another millionaire is “Simon & Co who had not one dime to take a Taxi in Paris and who is now constructing a most beautiful villa on the heights of Jbeil with swimming pool “pieds dans l’eau”…
P.S: to those who say that the son-in-law was always rich…they should know that his father was 2ahwaji in a restaurant in Batruun (no 2ayb on that). But if the father was 2ahwaji it simply meant he was not rich!
“Min ayna laka haza” ?
For GMA himself: what has happened with the millions (90 M$) received in 1988-1990 and put in an account under his wife’s name?
2 – GMA was against Nepotism & Family political heritage: “The formation of two governments were blocked to impose the nomination of his son-in-law. Why? Is he such a great competent person?

Default-user-icon michel_ (ضيف) 03:11 ,2011 حزيران 27

le phenicien, dont forget jesus himself, God and the holy trinity who are all giving their blessing to your precious general aoun, may he become the saint of this country one day..
man, people like are just full of it!! ure simply delusional..or maybe ur hatred blinds you..why so much hate to ur fellow lebanese i cant understand..such a shame

Missing god_is_love 08:42 ,2011 حزيران 27

I wonder why many of you do comment on what’s being written by those who have no human values.
You just have to feel sorry for such people and pray God to Help them as they are poor ignorant.
For example, those strangers who attack The Holy Church depending on persons … surely do not belong to Church Family. Because if they were part of this family they would be leaded by The Spirit of God and not by ignorant haters freemason leaders.
“Let them alone; they are blind guides (of the blind). If a blind person leads a blind person, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14).
Just pray God to Help them being followers of God and not anymore blind followers of ironic persons (called leaders???).