رعد: البيان الوزاري لن يكون الا وفق ما تقرره الاكثرية

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اكد رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة النائب محمد رعد أن البيان الوزاري لن يكون إلا وفق ما تقرره الأكثرية الجديدة، وهذا متوافق عليه، وما يجري من نقاشات لا يؤخر من صدور هذا البيان".

ورأى رعد خلال احتفال تأبيني أن "الحكومة الجديدة التي فاجأت من كان يصادر الدولة في السنوات الماضية، والذين لم يتوقعوا أن الأكثرية الجديدة تستطيع أن تشكل حكومة، بدأوا يتكيفون مع الواقع الجديد نتيجة ملاحظتهم بأن القوى الدولية التي وعدتهم وطمأنتهم بأن لا حكومة في لبنان قد اعتذرت منهم وقالت أن لا قدرة لي على منع تشكيل الحكومة وهذه الحكومة لا يبدو أنها حكومة يتسلط عليها ما تدعون".

وقال: "نحن نريد أن نحكم على الأفعال وليس على الأقوال، وهذا تراجع أيضا من القوى الدولية، لأنهم لطالما سمعنا من السفيرة الأميركية قبل تشكيل الحكومة أن موقف الإدارة الأميركية من أي حكومة سيتوقف على تركيبتها وعلى بيانها الوزاري، لكن عندما شكلت الحكومة أصبح الموقف متوقفا على الأفعال التي تصدر عن الحكومة، فإذا تجاوزوا التركيبة، لأن هذه التركيبة خذلتهم، ولم يستطيعوا أن يصوِّبوا عليها".

التعليقات 8
Thumb shab 12:03 ,2011 حزيران 27

Official statements done by men not wearing a tie, or by men wearing a dress should not be taken seriously

Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 13:01 ,2011 حزيران 27

This guy even in a tux still has no credibility....

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 13:45 ,2011 حزيران 27

Arrogance at its best..... !!!! Raad and his so called resistance were part of previous governments and had accepted the previous cabinet position on the STL. What has changed now? Why is it not acceptable anymore? He talks about the will of the "new" majority.... Did he and his "resistance" respect the will of the majority in May 2009 when they used their "sacred" weapons against innocent civilians. What a double faced person..... they all are.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 14:56 ,2011 حزيران 27

Vague politics from all sides and by all sides will take Lebanon no where.
Philosophical politics and slogan will lead to no where.
Education, technology, future ....all will beat the enemy whoever it is.
The Arab nations are going downward while the enemies are building up on the Arab stand still politics.
Wake up and beat the enemy in his own domain....higher education....better public relation and future plans not empty slogans.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:08 ,2011 حزيران 27

Interesting statement by the man who owns no neck tie nor shaving razor, Muhammad Raad. First, this government that he is so proud of, does not yet exist. As I read the Lebanese constitution, it must devise a policy statement and then submit itself and its policy statement to the Parliament for a vote of confidence and it is by this vote that the Government is then formed.

The Policy Statement has not been formed because Mikati has been told in no uncertain terms by the international community that if his government has no respect for international commitments made by Lebanon with regard to the STL, then his government will be regarded as a Hezbollah captive government and treated accordingly with international isolation, as has the Assad Regime.
Mikati, on the other hand, because he has made a deal with the devil, must adopte a policy statement that has an escape clause from enforcement of the STL indictments, otherwise, Hezbollah will not agree, or will go back to the streets.

Thumb adam 15:13 ,2011 حزيران 27

Why are you guys so Upset??????

Don't you think that this government should be given a chance to govern the country, its there first time, how bout this give them 100 days then if you don't like what you see then you can say what you want, and i wont say a word??

Is Lebanon a Democratic country??

Missing aounophobia 18:18 ,2011 حزيران 27

"the formation of the new government surprised"

after 5 months, and 6% drop in GDP for 2011 (equivalent to $2.5 Bios evaporated), he brags about this being an achievement.

what a joke!

Thumb thepatriot 12:41 ,2011 حزيران 28

I think that he looks wonderful! Usually they have the iranian style white shirt with the closed buttons all up the neck! ;)