المر بعد لقائه بري:لا أحجب الثقة عن حكومة يكون بري شريكا فيها

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أكد النائب ميشال المر أن هناك ثلاثة أسباب تجعله يفكر في إعطاء الثقة للحكومة الجديدة.

وعليه، قال المر بعد لقائه رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في عين التينة: "السبب الأول أنا أتشاور مع الرئيس بري وعندما يكون هو ممثلا في الحكومة لا أستطيع أن أحجب الثقة عن حكومة هو شريك فيها"، لافتا الى أن "العلاقة التي تربطني به علاقة متينة جدا".

وأوضح المر أن السبب الآخر الذي يكمن وراء إعطائه الثقة للحكومة في أن "ترك البلد من دون حكومة أربعة أو خمسة أشهر في ظل هذه الظروف من الغليان في المنطقة أمر غير طبيعي".

وأضاف:" لذلك بعدما تألفت الحكومة لا يصح القول أننا ضدها، وبعدما تحمل الشعب خمسة أشهر لا يجوز أن نعرقل الحكومة الآن".

كما أكد المر أن "هناك وزراء في الحكومة نحترم كفاياتهم ونقدرها"،مردفا: "لا نريد ن نأخذ موقفا عدائيا منهم قبل أن نعرف ماذا ستفعل هذه الحكومة".

من جهة أخرى، رأى المر أنه لا يستطيع القول ان كان راض عن الحكومة "ما دمنا لم نعرف بعد ما هو البيان الوزاري، ومضمونه".

وحول ذكر بند المحكمة الدولية في البيان الوزاري، قال المر "أنا لا أريد أن أتدخل في صوغ البيان الوزاري ومن الطبيعي القول أن العدالة يجب أن تأخذ مجراها، ولا نستطيع أن نقول ان البيان الوزاري سيتجاهلها ويغفلها".

التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon Ricardo (ضيف) 19:02 ,2011 حزيران 28

Another nail in the coffin of the now-defunct March 14. Hallelujah.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:02 ,2011 حزيران 28

honest people stick together?IT'S CONFIDENCE

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 19:22 ,2011 حزيران 28

Jumblat now Murr , they are both playing the safe cards, as they both were vigorous syrian allies, now that Syria has formed this governement, they feel their lives is at stakes. they want to protect themselves, but the true error in all this is March 8th fans which rejoice let me tell you why you cant rejoince :

- If it wasnt for Syria, none of your leaders would have been sitting down together, but they cannot move their heads or else ...

- We can confirm that after seeing the 5 month one sided governement , was it so hard since u are one side?

- March 14th is based on the independance of Lebanon , and its 10452km2, it is the people,s will that made it, not those snakes that could have slided to move along with the wave, they can come and go, the fact is that all those people downtown square then ,muslims and christians, believe in Unity and independance of their country.

Thank you

Missing allouchi 19:55 ,2011 حزيران 28

two wrongs don't make right !!!

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 20:12 ,2011 حزيران 28

Let's not be like the Palestinian throwing rocks at each other or like the Syrian killing each other. This is Lebanon the mother land of democracy and the Phoenician ancient land of the cedars.
This what is so unique about this country, whether your are the best traders or the best terrorists, you are unique and no one is like you.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 21:07 ,2011 حزيران 28

Look at this " fausse couche " called Bou liess .." he is always on the side of the strong ones !! NO Mr Murr , this time it wont work and we dont want you near US .. People like YOU and Abou Jamra are called " faux cul " in French .. stay where you are near the river that has no water ... a dry river like YOU 2 .

There is no place for your kind of people near GMA .

Thumb shab 22:08 ,2011 حزيران 28

Brown tongue?

Thumb ado.australia 03:16 ,2011 حزيران 29

Murr is number two most corrupt their in Lebanon! Berri number 3. Start at the top with hariri co.

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 03:22 ,2011 حزيران 29

Muhamad, aka jean -pierre, hve you forgotten when we threw bombs at each other????? Your nothing but a racist thug who thinks were better than our neighbours, look around you son, ever since there was a lebanon, there has been civil wars between the diffirent sects who came here, even the ancient phoenicians used to constantly be involved in civil wars so dont pretend were better then anyone cuz u would only be lying to yourself. Land of democracy??? we dont have democracy, we have secterianism and a never ending feud between saudi/US vs iran/syria each using their various puppets in lebanon. Wake up!!

Default-user-icon Mikha (ضيف) 03:37 ,2011 حزيران 29

Mafioso Grande Michel Murr turns against mafioso Supremo Saad Hariri. The mafia wars have begun.Mafiosos are turning against each other. Hee Haw!

Default-user-icon Muhsin (ضيف) 04:36 ,2011 حزيران 29

If it was not for Murr, the Kataeb Sami Gemael would not have been elected.

Default-user-icon Arab spring (ضيف) 04:41 ,2011 حزيران 29

Arab spring has also effected Lebanon. Eventhough the Arab spring has also turned against Assad of Syria, one thing is for sure:The Arab spring is against all American puppets (Bin Ali, Mubarek, Saleh, Saudi monarchy, M14, AND ALL PRO US slaves)