14 آذار: سنتصدى بحزم لأيّ محاولةِ تنصّلٍ من الإلتزامات الدولية

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حذرت الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار الحكومة من مغبّة الإقدام على موقف يتعارض وإرادة اللبنانيين في ما يتعلق بالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، مؤكدة أنّها ستتصدى بحزم لأيّ محاولةِ تنصّلٍ من الإلتزامات الدولية.

وحول الخطاب الأخير للأمين العام لـ "حزب الله" الذي تحدّث فيه عن تحقيقات قام بها الحزب قادت إلى إكتشاف إختراقات أمنيّة في بنيته على مستويات متقدّمة، أعربت الامانة في بيان بعد اجتماعها الدوري عن إستغرابها إمتناع وزير العدل حتّى الآن عن وضع اليد عبر القضاء المختصّ على هذا الملف كي يأخذ قضاءُ الدولة الشرعيّة بزمام الموضوع ولا يُترك لقضاء الدويلة، خاصةً أنّ الأمين العام للحزب أكّد إستمرار التحقيقات الحزبيّة.

وجددت 14 آذار تصميمها على مواجهة حكومة إعادة لبنان إلى الوراء، بمعارضة سياسيّة – شعبيّة ديموقراطيّة سلميّة شاملة.

التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:13 ,2011 حزيران 29

M14 is playing the game exactly correct by applying and maintaining pressure, domestically on the its insistence with regard to the STL. It has created a hard target of the "international commmitments" which are a poison pill for Hezbollah, Iran and the shethan, hand puppet Aoun.

However, this is not enough. It is not enough to play a grand strategy of knocking your adversary out of power, or keeping them from attaining power. You must, in addition be prepared to assume power should the mantel of authority fall on your shoulders. There must be developed an agenda in M14 for Internal Security, a Defense Strategy, foreign relations, economic development and getting the people electricity, water and broad band phone and internet 24/7/365.

This is a government and it should be ready to present itself to the Lebanese.

Missing lebanswer 15:36 ,2011 حزيران 29

They had a chance to do that for 20 years. Result: Fail.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:46 ,2011 حزيران 29

They had this chance for 20 years, lebanswer? Really? Of which 20 years do you speak? M14 only came into existence in 2005, so is it 1985-2005? Is that the period.

Or let's look at 2005-2011. In hindsight, they did made several errors on coming to power:
1. They left Berri in the Speakers Chair of Parliament;
2. They did not effectively deal with Aoun before he metastasized into the the Iranian funded problem that he has become.
3. They did not pursue the events of March 14, 2005 to their logical conclusion by bringing down Assad back then.

But for those details, they would not have been saddled with Hezbollah in the two governments they led; they would not have had to deal with a war in 2006; a sit in conducted by Hezbollah in central Beirut in 2007; running gun battles with Hezbollah in 2008; surrender of the government to the "1/3 +1" formula of the Doha accord which effectively gave your darling Hezbollah control of the government since June 1, 2008.

Some chance!

Thumb thepatriot 16:00 ,2011 حزيران 29

@lebanswer's jokes again...
March 14 has been into power for 20 years...?? Ah...
Good to know that Nabih Berri, Emile Lahoud, Sleiman Frangieh, Omar Karameh, Hraoui are M14!!!
What a joker this "lebwronganswer"!!
As a reminder, these are a few events that took place after 2005:
- Opposition obstructed the BCD for almost a year
-Hezbollah started a war with Israel
- Hezbollah started an intern war after M14 in power tried to evict an Airport Manager.
- Over 15 M14 figures were assassinated
- M8 resigned from the Gvt, blocking the march of all institutions
To this day, all administrations are full of Mr Berri's people doing nothing, and being on the payroll.
To this day, Hezbollah reconstructed Dahieh without respecting the zoning, the hights limits, the law.
To this day, if the army tries to stop an illegal construction in the south, Hezbollah will send a 100 men to stop the army from doing so .To this day, most of the areas under Hezbollah influence pay no EDL bills.

Default-user-icon Tanios Gardel (ضيف) 18:03 ,2011 حزيران 29

By confronting they mean continuing to kowtow to the International Community at the expense of Lebanon. After all, this is what they have been doing all along, these shameless losers. 7orrieh, siyedeh, este2lel, ma heik? What a bunch of imbeciles led by the Imbecile Sadd himself.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 20:24 ,2011 حزيران 29

WE WILL FIRMLY CONFRONT !!!! Who is " WE " and with what will you , or they will or can confront ???

What ever is left from March 14 , should stay at home and wait for the government decisions concerning their PAST , their corruption and their 20 years of management , mismanagements and power abuse ..

Missing peace 20:38 ,2011 حزيران 29

seems that le phenicien is talking about M8 not m14!

he made a mistake, excuse him...

Default-user-icon Alfredo (ضيف) 21:21 ,2011 حزيران 29

These idiots could not find anyone more of an idiot to read its statement than Nasseer Al Assaad. It keeps getting funnier and funnier!

Default-user-icon Lancelot DuLac (ضيف) 22:01 ,2011 حزيران 29

Fine Le Phenicien. We get it. Your militia has weapons and M14 doesn't... Ok. Good point. Now move on to something a bit more useful and/or interesting and let us know what your militia's masterplan for the country might be... besides keeping these weapons aimed at anyone who believes that it is abnormal to have a para-military force in a sovereign country and assassinating anyone who disagrees with Iran or Syria using Lebanon as a bargaining chip in their wider struggle against Israel or the international community.

Thumb ado.australia 02:44 ,2011 حزيران 30

Beiruti and patriot.... When talking about M14 power in government, it's the mustaqbul movement. there is no other major party involved in the m14. The kataeb no longer is represented. The LF have 4 mps and the rest are future members or on their ticket and payroll. Hariri has ruled Lebanon since Taif. They (sinora) has controlled the finance ministry in every cabinet till today. Yes Syria occupied and stole much, but it was in collaboration with them as partners. Yes, murr and berri are very corrupt and their day will also come like all. Some may be pardoned after admitting, (truth & reconciliation) like in S.Africa. Fares Souid can bark as load as his holidaying master tells him to but reality is that's all they can do!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 04:36 ,2011 حزيران 30

adu.australia, maybe, but Mustaqbal cannot govern without a Christian coalition partner. Much the same way the Hezbollah, with all of its weapons and power is isolated without its Christian partner, the FPM.

On both sides of the divide, the Sunni partner, Mustaqbal is the senior partner as is Hezbollah. Power in Lebanon is not based on seats in Parliament but real power which is money and guns. Mustaqbal has the money and Hezbollah has the guns but to have the levers of power in the government, the Christian side is needed.

If the Christian parties were united, they would be equals with their coalition partner, whether it be Sunni or Shia, Mustaqbal or Hezbollah. But divided as the Christians are, both are junior partner to their Muslem coalition partner and therefor subject to being manipulated rather than being a real player.

The weakness of all Christian parties in Lebanon is their own fault due to their inability to make a United Christian political front.

Default-user-icon Hombre (ضيف) 07:25 ,2011 حزيران 30

March 14 will ConFront? Perhaps. Forgive my French, but they form a "Front de Cons"