تقارير: الأسير موجود في "عين الحلوة"

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أفادت معلومات صحافية أن "إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح السابق الشيخ أحمد الاسير موجود في مسجد عبد الله بن الزبير في مخيم عين الحلوة"، مردفة انه "موضع رعاية من قيادي في تنظيم اسلامي فلسطيني هو هيثم الشُّعبي".

واشارت صحيفة "النهار" في عددها الصادر الخميس، الى أنه " استناداً الى معلومات استخبارية، يقيم الاسير في مسجد عبدالله بن الزبير في حي الطوارئ بعين الحلوة"، مؤكدة أن "الاسلامي هيثم الشعبي ومجموعة من مسلحيه يوفرون له الحراسة".

ولفتت الى أن "الأسير يجري اتصالات بأنصار له في مختلف المناطق من غرفة عمليات في محيط المسجد".

كذلك، أكدت أن " فضل شاكر، فينشط في حي التعمير وهو على تواصل دائم مع الاسير عبر اصدقاء مشتركين لبنانيين وفلسطينيين".

وأردفت مصادر امنية مواكبة لقضية الشيخ احمد الاسير وانصاره لـ"النهار"، انه افرج عن "الشيخين عثمان حنينة واياد الصالح بعد توجيه تحذير شديد اللهجة اليهما من الدعوة الى اي تحرك او اعتصام "تحت طائلة المسؤولية".

وأضافت أنه "أبقي الشيخ عاصم محرم العارفي موقوفا وهو الذي يقود حملة لاستيعاب انصار الاسير وجمعهم مجددا بعدما اعترف بقتال الجيش وباستعماله لوحة سيارة مزورة". وابلغ الثلاثة ان "حالة الاسير لن تعود ومن يحاول احياءها فسيتعرض للملاحقة والتوقيف".

في 23 حزيران الفائت حصلت اشتباكات دامية بين الجيش ومسلحي الأسير أدى إلى استشهاد 18 عسكريا وجرح 20 فيما تحدثت تقارير صحفية عن مقتل أكثر من 20 من مناصري الأسير.

ومنذ ذلك الحين يتوارى الأسير عن الأنظار في حين صدرت مذكرة توقيف بحقه وبحق عدد من مناصريه بينهم المغني السابق فضل شاكر الذي تقول صحف أنه في حي التعمير الكائن في مخيم عين الحلوة الفلسطيني.

وظهر الأسير في شريطين منفصلين آخرهما الإثنين يطالب بـ"رفع الظلم" عن مناصريه مستغربا دعوة رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون إلى عدم محاسبة الجيش.

التعليقات 21
Missing -_-wolf-_- 09:41 ,2013 آب 21

Yes this would be right ! Amtu Bahia is using her connection with the Palestinian Refugee Camps, without any regard to her fellow Citizens' , money certainly talks ! All Palestinians to the Israeli border! All Lebanese that betray their country to the Gallows ! Including Females !!!!!
Signed Wolf !

Missing cleanleb 10:10 ,2013 آب 21

where are the anti-HA choir?
I am sure they prefer Palestinian weapons to remain.
I am sure they have no objection to having a state within a state in the camps (no one from M14 objected... pathetic!)

I saw empty the camps NOW and send the Palestinians to whomever is funding them

Missing cleanleb 10:12 ,2013 آب 21

i wonder why people would say that...
maybe it was because she blew a fuse when LAF kicked them out?
maybe because she has invested millions in them (as a counter-HA force)?

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:55 ,2013 آب 21

of course he was being groomed by bahia and mustahbal, and given political cover and logistical support to get all his weapons, explosives and fuses that were found in his mosque. now as to where he is hiding it's only a practical point. knowing that camps enojy immunity and the army cant enter them, that sounds like a logical choice. but the army shouldn't let him have it so easy, they should be backed by all sides and authorized to go get him.

Missing -_-wolf-_- 10:16 ,2013 آب 21

EXCELLENT call Cleanleb!!!!! Stuff anyone who objects !
Signed Wolf.

Thumb Senescence 11:08 ,2013 آب 21

Should have taken him out while the chance presided.

What's the Army waiting for? The Palestinians know better than to protect criminals, especially after nahr el bared.

He should be uprooted, interrogated, presented a fair trial, and sentenced accordingly.

Missing -_-wolf-_- 11:40 ,2013 آب 21

Palestinians? In our Holy Cedar Land ? I have nothing against them , but I do want them back in their own Homeland .....ALL ... Not one spec of Palestinian Refugee in our homeland ... None ...to the South border I say , I might be a mere Lebanese but I speak on behalf of MANY ! As for the the Syrians also to the Southern Border (Golan heights ) it is their natural right ? Right ? Once we have cleared this problem then we as Lebanese can solve our own ! Let the Israelis face off the problems they have created not us !
Signed Wolf !!...!!!

Missing -_-wolf-_- 12:45 ,2013 آب 21

We should not be asking any Arab Countries for permission to share any burden with these so called Palestinian Refugee Camps !
It is a burden that we Lebanese can & will achieve which our Late President elect had just almost achieved before they assassinated him ( God bless his Soul) Bachir !!
Now it is up us as true Lebanese to carry out Bachir's Legacy as ONE Lebanese !
Get rid of ALL Refugees out of Lebanon , no matter how , but where is a simple task , and that is to the Israelis / Lebanese border , as for the the Syrians to the Golan Heights border ,I have stated that on numerous posts but it will work , how do you think the Yahudis' took over Palestine ? A quota of 7000 a month is all it takes then increase it , then see what the international community how they react !
Signed Wolf ...........

Missing karim_m1- 13:18 ,2013 آب 21

Time for the Lebanese Army to go in and clean the camps. Assir must be brought to justice for his terrorism and barbaric crimes against our army.

Missing lebguy 14:05 ,2013 آب 21

I agree 100% with you karim

Default-user-icon palestine (ضيف) 14:29 ,2013 آب 21

every where the army helps people but in lebanon the army needs help.
isnt that shame

Missing -_-wolf-_- 13:30 ,2013 آب 21

Not only Assir Karim_m1
But the LAF with a Lebanese Referendum behind them should not only clean out the 12 camps but DISMANTLE the Lot ! Reclaim our Prime Sea side territories for the Lebanese & ship all Palestinians to the Southern Border with Israel !
I then will guarantee you that not only Assir will be flushed out but ALL wanted Criminals & Terrorists will be running or swimming towards the Sea !
Signed Wolf !!!!!!!!!

Thumb cedre 13:40 ,2013 آب 21

lol , underground training fields, hahahaha, they dont have underground ports and airports ??? Kataeb did not kill enough palestinian women and kids? Want more?

Thumb cedre 13:44 ,2013 آب 21

U're an ignorant or a liar, or may be both. Assir is at war with hariri for ages. There's lots of his friday sermon where he's attacking Ahmed and Bahiya Hariri for acting against him...
If u doubt, check on youtube.

Thumb benzona 15:12 ,2013 آب 21

Assir is the least of our worries now. Hezb Ebola is the danger, they are using chemical weapons or encouraging the use of these blind killing toxins against innocent Syrian citizens because they are spread thin on two fronts now.

Not enough manpower? Even chiites refuse to serve them because they know what they are doing is Haraam.

Hezbollah is recruiting in the Aoun fan base, earlier I saw posters in Aoun's quartier general advertising a number which said something like this.

If you need a job, dial 1-800 Hezbollah. they'll either send you to the front or on naharnet to spread propaganda.


Thumb _mowaten_ 16:15 ,2013 آب 21

lol indeed, you're a buffoon benzo

Default-user-icon dario (ضيف) 22:27 ,2013 آب 21

اصلا مسجد الزبير مش بمخيم االطواريء وجريدة الناهر طول عمرهن غشمية ما بيعرفوش شي بالمخيبمات

Thumb benzona 15:15 ,2013 آب 21

Sure Phoenix, but I beleive there are much more urgent matters than changing this law. We should enforce the current one.... Which is no weapons outside the state. After proving at we can disarm terrorists outside the camps, then it would make sense to finish the job by going inside the camps.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:14 ,2013 آب 21

same logic as with israel: in the face of danger, disarm yourself, resistance or allies, then ask nicely to the threat to be kind to you. groundbreaking defense doctrine! sure must work!

Thumb natasha 21:08 ,2013 آب 21

i agree that only the army should have weapons, but in this case , palestinians are guest in our country, so they should have never had weapons. so the priority is to disarm the camps and allow the army to provide the protection needed and then go after the other parties, just because one party deos something wrong it deosn t mean the rest have to follow suit . Lebanon for the people not the politicians and religious figures.once we all agree on this then we will have our Lebanon. LEBANON FIRST . change all the political figures and religious figures to new young bright minded Lebanese from all religions and sects . secular like we have been for so long . live and let live .

Thumb benzona 15:19 ,2013 آب 21

Exactly Cèdre. If Hezbollah wouldn't have set up this trap for Assir, he would have run for elections and would have taken lots of votes from disappointed Mustaqbal voters. Disappointed by their softness towards the Iranian invader's crimes committed on our soil.