السفير الأميركي الجديد يصل بيروت: هناك تحديات سياسية وأمنية جدية

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وصل السفير الاميركي الجديد ديفيد هيل الى لبنان الخميس بعد الموافقة على تعيينه من قِبَل مجلس الشيوخ الاميركي في الاول من شهر آب الحالي.

وقال هيل لدى وصوله بحسب بيان للسفارة الأميركية "أعود في وقت يواجه فيه لبنان، والمنطقة على صعيد أوسع، تحديات سياسية وأمنية جدية".

إلا ان هيل قال "أدرك أن شعب لبنان لا يزال ملتزما الحفاظ على الاستقلال الحقيقي، والوحدة، والازدهار، والأمن، في كافة أنحاء البلد".

عليه شدد هيل على أن "العمل على هذا الالتزام مستمر، وكذلك الجهد المبذول لبناء مؤسسات قوية للدولة تخضع للمساءلة امام جميع اللبنانيين".

وقال أن هدفه كسفير هو "أن أضمن أن السفارة الأميركية تبقى شريكة للشَّعب اللبناني في هذا الجهد لأننا نتشارك الأهداف اللبنانية هذه".

وختم هيل بيانه بالقول "أتطلع إلى استئناف العمل في لبنان وإعادة احياء العلاقات مع الاصدقاء اللبنانيين، والعمل معا على مواجهة التحديات المقبلة".

وتولت مورا كونيللي قبل هيل مهام الدبلوماسية الأميركية منذ عام 2010.

في 22 حزيران عين الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما مبعوثه الخاص الى الشرق الاوسط ديفيد هيل سفيرا في لبنان في اطار سلسلة من التغييرات في طاقم الادارة الاميركي في المنطقة.

والسفير الجديد في بيروت ليس غريبا عن المنطقة وعن لبنان تحديدا.

فقد دخل السلك الدبلوماسي في 1984 وخدم في السفارة الاميركية في بيروت مرتين في تسعينيات القرن الماضي لينتقل بعدها الى السفارة الاميركية في الاردن حيث عمل بين 2003 و2008 مستشارا اول في السفارة ثم قائما بالاعمال فسفير.

التعليقات 8
Thumb eagle_eye 16:24 ,2013 آب 29

The secret world government (the controllers behind governments) has long been planning to pit Sunnis against Shiites to trigger a world war. So far their plan seems to be underway. The only means we have to stop them is for every individual on the planet to go "on strike" and no longer participate with the brainwashing being dished out. Every soldier needs to quit these armies, everyone ought to withdraw their money from banks. We need to withdraw our energy from this system that's destroying people everywhere. When one part of the world is in trouble we are all in trouble. We need to rid the world of these few 'evil' at the top causing the world's misery. Life can easily be good for every individual but we have a wicked few who aim to cause never ending turmoil for the world's people through calculated and covert ways. The plan is covert because if they were open they'd fail since no person would participate. It's crucial to be friends with each other for peace to begin.

Missing minawi 20:40 ,2013 آب 29

get a life and stop wasting your time on conspiracy theories

Missing VINCENT 00:53 ,2013 آب 30

Then why don't the Sunnis and Shiites unite and resist this big plan to undermine the Islam religion. One of those Ottoman Empire butchers said something like this a while back: "If you target one sect of Arabs, they'll unite and fight and fight you back, but if you leave them alone, they'll kill each other". Look it, today Islam is committing almost all terrorist activities in the world and/or butchering innocent people under the name of Islam. But wait ..., not all Islam. Yes, yes, yes we know but the rest of Islam is allowing this to happen. So it is your responsibility to yourself, your family, country, honor, dignity, to round up all these fanatics, extremists, criminal minded Islamist, and showcase them in the middle of your town centers to set an example for all others who think that they can take your religion hostage and undermine the sacred principal of Islam.

Missing VINCENT 00:53 ,2013 آب 30

And may you are correct, and your enemies are conspiring as you say "to pit Sunnis against Shiite a world wary", and your enemies purposely put these criminal minded, extremist Mullahs and Imams in your countries, cities, towns and school to brain wash you thinking that they are teaching you the wisdom of God, but in fact they are preparing you to fight and kill each other.

Missing VINCENT 00:53 ,2013 آب 30

Go watch the grass grow.

Thumb eagle_eye 16:25 ,2013 آب 29

The secret world government (the controllers behind governments) has long been planning to pit Sunnis against Shiites to trigger a world war. So far their plan seems to be underway. The only means we have to stop them is for every individual on the planet to go "on strike" and no longer participate with the brainwashing being dished out. Every soldier needs to quit these armies, everyone ought to withdraw their money from banks. We need to withdraw our energy from this system that's destroying people everywhere. When one part of the world is in trouble we are all in trouble. We need to rid the world of these few 'evil' at the top causing the world's misery. Life can easily be good for every individual but we have a wicked few who aim to cause never ending turmoil for the world's people through calculated and covert ways. The plan is covert because if they were open they'd fail since no person would participate.

Default-user-icon Guest60 (ضيف) 18:08 ,2013 آب 29

He is not ambassador-designate. He is ambassador. Period. He was ambassador-designate before Senate confirmation. Welcome to Lebanon, Ambassador Hale, where English is a poorly spoken foreign language.

Missing VINCENT 03:03 ,2013 آب 30

He does not look very happy. Lets see how David Hale attempts to balance and satisfy United States' National Security Interests (don't you love these words of art?), concerns of regional, mostly unfriendly and unreliable, allies who don't trust one another, and, oh yes, Lebanon's interests. If you set your religious differences aside, and pretend neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia has any significance to the sands of the deserted deserts, what would you like to see or ask from the U.S. for purely Lebanese Interests?