نصرالله: لن تعيقنا مؤامرة المحكمة الدولية فقد أصبحت وراءنا ولن نعود إليها

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رأى نائب الأمين العام لحزب الله الشيخ نعيم قاسم في كلمة ألقاها باسم الأمين العام السيد حسن نصر الله، أن التجرية أثبتت أن "قرارات مجلس الأمن تجاه إسرائيل هي لذر الرماد في العيون".

وأكد قاسم في مناسبة الذكرى السنوية الأولى لرحيل العلامة المرجع السيد محمد حسين فضل الله أن "المقاومة أدت إلى خروج إسرائيل ذليلة من لبنان"، قائلا: "من سطر التاريخ والحاضر بمقاومته لإسرائيل، لن تعيقه المؤامرة الأميركية الإسرائيلية المسماة محكمة دولية فقد أصبحت وراءنا ولن نعود إليها".

وسأل نصر الله في كلمته التي ألقاها قاسم ، قوى الرابع عشر من آذار "هل أفجعكم الخروج من السلطة إلى هذه الدرجة ، وهل تعتقدون أن المسار الإسرائيلي الأميركي سينفعكم".

وتوجه إليهم قائلا: "اتقوا الله ونحن لن ننجر إلى ما تريدون ، وسنئد الفتنة وستسمر المقاومة شامخة عزيزة وعلى الله الإتكال".

هذا ورأى نصر الله أن "المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان تستهدف المقاومة بعد عجز إسرائيل في عدوان 2006"، معتبرا أنها "جزء من رسم كيان الشرق الأوسط الجديد".

التعليقات 40
Default-user-icon follower (ضيف) 22:05 ,2011 تموز 04

Absolutely true.

M14 is getting weaker everyday and losing credibility, sadly all we can say is that they are the ones who did this to themselves, as for STL i believe we are all aware of its support for israel and not 1 lebanese should support this excuse for a trial..

how can m14 blame or accuse israel for the killing of our martyrs if they are allies with the U.S. which is israels mother and father and protector!! they know the truth and yet they choose to dismantle the government, support civil voilence, and bash out politicians out of hatred!

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 23:06 ,2011 تموز 04

In 2006, most Lebanese and the PEOPLE of the Arab world supported The Lebanese Resistance and Denounced the worthless Arab Puppet Tyrants for not helping the Lebanese. That is OK, sooner or later, All the Arab hated American puppets will be overthrown.

Default-user-icon I hate lebanon (ضيف) 23:10 ,2011 تموز 04

Bark as much as you want, the STL is passing.
Only some 1 million stupid Lebanese are listening to you while 6 billion people in Lebanon and the world agree with the STL and will bring your assassins to justice.

Missing toivas 23:26 ,2011 تموز 04

This guy is delusional, he is going to fall sharply!

As for you follower, keep following becasue you are clearly not leading material

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 23:37 ,2011 تموز 04

You attacked israel and they attacked you.Israel is after you and not after lebanon and the peaceful lebanese people.You are the cause of all them misery in lebanon. We do not need you to deffend lebanon. just get out and see what kind of lebanon we will make. If it wasnt for the women and children of Lebanon they could have destroyed you . Its the rule. You attack you will get attacked . you make peace you will get peace. No one asked you to deffend lebanon. just get the f out of the way and let the legal army take care of it. you are nothing without your guns and amos. If March 14 is clever they should ask to have the right to arm themselves to deffend themselves from you. . your end is near the Lebanese people are fed up to the max . I pray for civil war so we can uproot you out of lebanon and plant you in Iran. there show us what you can do.

Missing arze1964 23:45 ,2011 تموز 04

Hey Aoun's Boss,
what is your beef with STL? Isn't it the same court that is prosecuting Mladic for crime against your brothers and sisters in Bosnia?
And if you had nothing to do with the murder of all the lebanese since 1982,then you have nothing to fear , correct?
You can run , but can't hide.. look at Mladic..he was on the run for 15 years..
so you are next ..maybe this year or maybe 10 years from now, but rest assured that your day is coming..

Missing hmorsel 23:56 ,2011 تموز 04

it is so frustrating to hear these guys talk and the dumb ignorant lebanese listening to them, believing their lies and rethoric then come out and justify the BS they are feeding everyone.
Nassrallah and his criminals were caught, they think they are above the law and they can do what ever the want and no one can do or say anything about it. their supporters are Iran and Syria and look what happens to anyone who opposes or dare talk about their dictators, and look forward to Lebanon ending up the same like Syria or Iran, unless the lebanese themselves stand up for these ruthless tyrants and show them the door out. you bow down to these criminals and you bow down to loosing freedom, dignity self respect and every moral and principal a human deserves. Shame on us Lebanese for running scared from the threats of hisballah and their evil leaders, take notet from the couragious Syrian people who are standing up to the criminals in Syria and dying with their heads up high knowing they die

Missing hmorsel 23:58 ,2011 تموز 04

died fighting to retake their dignity their respect their pride and preserve freedom for their childrenso they can live happy and prosper and be finally regarded as honorable people around the world

Default-user-icon Paul Harvey (ضيف) 00:26 ,2011 تموز 05

Where was Hassan and why did he have Qassem read his speech.

I'm told they could not rent a blue screen on time, so a smart tech suggested they use a Future movement flag instead. But they quickly ran out of flags after Hassan, startled by the big blue screen/flag apparition behind him, kept putting fire to it while screaming hysterically "you will not take me alive". They tried to explain to him that they need the blue so they can add the majestic special effects backdrop so people don't see the sewage he's stewing in but Hassan didn't understand and burned all ten flags Future movement flags and the four UN flag his "jihadists" has liberated from the peacekeepers. And that's the rest of the story.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 00:28 ,2011 تموز 05

everybody is free to chose his side, for him and his "family".

Default-user-icon Lebanese Rambo (ضيف) 01:48 ,2011 تموز 05

I love how all the Hiz people believe every word that Nassourah says as evidence, but when the same evidence is presented by the STL then it's all lies and fabrications....A piece of paper with some computers on it is no evidence.....Anyone can fabricate a piece of paper....Wake up you losers, you have no credibility....You have assasinated Harriri, everyone in the world knows it...You know it....Just because you deny things doesn't mean that they are not true or didn't happen...You are murderers by trade so why would it be surprising that you murdered all the Lebanese martyrs....You lost credibility a long time ago....You dragged us into wars that we didn't want, you killed as many Lebanese people as you killed Israelis, You hide in fear on you life because you are cowards...Don't act all macho and that you have the moral upper hand....Please spare us.....If you are innocent then prove it infront of everyone not on Saturday night TV!

Missing peace 01:50 ,2011 تموز 05

what do you know about the lebanese people bigdig? better say the sheep followers of towel head and brianwashed people are behind him not the people...

easy to be with a party in the zones they occupy when they point a gun at your head if you are not with them or threatens you...

in any dictatorship it is the same thing...

Default-user-icon Lebanese Rambo (ضيف) 01:55 ,2011 تموز 05

This guy is so delusional he believes what he says...Can I remind that if it wasn't for a UN resolution in 2006, Hiz-al-Shar would have been annihilated by Israel....You were begging the Lebanese government back then to go to the international community, to beg for forgiveness and ask them to stop hurting the Hiz....and now you act all macho....

And let me remind you that it was you pulling out of a national unity government (something that M14 should never have agreed to have you in in the the first place) that led to the collapse of government and NOT their policies....

Keep feeding the idiots that listen to you all these lies...The STL is not a conspiracy it's a fact finding mission...You thought you could outsmart the international community and the Lebanese people and perform all these assasinations without repercussions...Your time is up Hiz...the hand of justice will take your unholy iranian arms...the Only conspiracy is a Syrian Iranian one against the good people of lebanon

Missing lebanswer 01:59 ,2011 تموز 05

You see Bigdig, Peace tried to cross the street today and had a few guns pointed in his face by HA telling him support us or else we'll kill you. You're right Bigdig, he's trampled it and has the majority of the lebanese behind him, as 50% of the christians are with Aoun and 95% of the Shiites to say the least back him, the Druze (Jumblat, Arslan and Wahhab) and maybe only 15% of the Sunnis. That's what you call a majority and since they've lost popular support in Lebanon, they're looking for foreign help. I feel bad for them, well, not really.

Default-user-icon Toufic Gay Motreal (ضيف) 02:15 ,2011 تموز 05

I am sorry BiDet and lesbanwer my too headbanging brothers but Sayyed Hassin can't trample anything under foot even if he wanted to for the simple reason that he's been swimming in sewage since 2006 and his feet don't touch the ground. Don't worry he won't drown he's got a snorkel.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 02:21 ,2011 تموز 05

Laughable that a man who has used arms against the Lebanese and occupied the capital accuses others of sedition, between involvement in the assassination, the May 7 insurrection and countless other criminal and violent acts this group is the last to accuse anyone of sedition.

Also the great 'resistance leader' in Syria is about to fall by his own people. He did so much to help the Palestinians and Lebanese gain back their lands I mean so many Syrian soldiers attacke Israel in 2006 and 1996 when Lebanon was attacked right?

Missing lebanswer 02:27 ,2011 تموز 05

I know exactly what you mean. Instead of paying the STL all that money, they should've invested in his case of severe anxiety and paranoia, it's floating around so many naharboys recently since it's the only rhetoric they have left. I swear it's sad. He can't wait to make new friends in Beirut in the next protest. Probably the only time he could make it that far with no fear of HA. Oh peace, you're such a disgrace lol

Default-user-icon Fouad (ضيف) 02:40 ,2011 تموز 05

How many did you say that you are not interested in government or power. Here you are, barely in government, and you are so full of pride and challenge and resolve. You just a big liar like everybody else in this country.

Missing peace 02:49 ,2011 تموز 05

poor you... take the arms of your militia and we ll see how many will still support them..

live in your dreams guys... if you are a little bit cultivated you will see that you have the exact same reactions as people had when hitler or staline came to power... the cult of the idol, and all the others are easily labeled as traitors, reminds me of you ...

just despise, arrogance , hatred and wanting to hang all those who are against you.. typical syndrom of brianwashed sheep followers of an idol!

hopefully i am free and belonging to no party, thinking by myself not through an idol , the kind of man you hate because you dont have that faculty...
see ya folks!

don t forget your red nose next time!

Missing lebanswer 03:05 ,2011 تموز 05

Then why haven't HA tracked your IP and hung you by now? Just save us you retarded rhetoric and hang yourself. The leader of March 14 is Saad Hariri and you call us sheep? Are you on Meth? That man can't read, has zero credentials if it wasn't for his dad's money. So if we're sheep, that make you guys prostitutes. I'll live with that lol

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 03:24 ,2011 تموز 05

lebaswer I think all the ashoura headbanging has damaged your "brain" there you are again talking IP address.

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 03:34 ,2011 تموز 05

Peace (with Israel only)..You are dumb! You think the Lebanese people support HA because they are afraid of them? Who is a bigger threat to the Lebanese people HA with their arms or Israel and America with their thousands of planes Tanks, phosphorus bombs, and NUKES. This is your dumb explanation why the Lebanese people oppose you. You are like Mubarek. Most of his supporters were in Israel and the paid prostitutes in the US Congress.

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 03:45 ,2011 تموز 05

You Israeli impostors are going to be very disappointed. The Lebanese people are not going to kill each other so Israel can have its way with Lebanon and its resources. Lebanon will not make peace with Israel mister Zionist scum "neutral" even if there is one live Zionist criminal left in occupied Palestine.

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 04:34 ,2011 تموز 05

To: I hate Lebanon...The world hates Israel. As soon as the world put the Israeli war criminals in jail for Gaza war crimes due to UN Report, then I am sure the world will deal with Hariri's murder!

Default-user-icon Concerned (ضيف) 06:12 ,2011 تموز 05

Yeah, those thugs who made history on the streets of Beirut roaming in their tinted glassed GMC Envoys yanking their emergency horns behind your car in a hurry to go to the front to liberate occupied land. !!!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 06:42 ,2011 تموز 05

You do not represent the Shiite in Lebanon, There used to be honest true patriotic shiites lebanon first such as Kamel Asaad but with your militia and foreign money laundering from Iran you have turned Lebanon into Iran first otherwise you call them Zionist.
You will be found dead or alive and brought to justice for destroying the Lebanese Infrastructure (bridges, power) without consulting the Leb Gov when you decided to Launch your rockets into Israel. You are the cancer of Lebanon because the Lebanese citizens need PEACE and not Assassination of every anti-Syrian so if you do not disarm then others such as M14 will begin to get re-armed and then history will repeat itself at which point everyone wins again.

Default-user-icon Lebanese Rambo (ضيف) 08:32 ,2011 تموز 05

I love how all the Hiz people believe every word that Nassourah says as evidence, but when the same evidence is presented by the STL then it's all lies and fabrications....A piece of paper with some computers on it is no evidence losers.....Anyone can fabricate a piece of paper....Wake up you losers, you have no credibility....You have assasinated Harriri, everyone in the world knows it...You know it....Just because you deny things doesn't mean that they are not true or didn't happen...You are murderers by trade so why would it be surprising that you murdered all the Lebanese martyrs....You lost credibility a long time ago....You dragged us into wars that we didn't want, you killed as many Lebanese people as you killed Israelis, You hide in fear on you life because you are cowards...Don't act all macho and that you have the moral upper hand....Please spare us.....If you are innocent then prove it infront of everyone not on Saturday night TV!

Default-user-icon hassan (ضيف) 08:44 ,2011 تموز 05

Dear Mr. Nasrallah. Thank you very much for your help with getting the Israelis out. Also don't forget that there are others so got us rid of the Palestinian threat. And yeah I forgot, those who got us rid of sister Syria. So u see dear sir, you are not unique in helping Lebanon. You can drop the arrogance, and while u are at it, drop the weapons too. 3ayb ya sayyidna to use them against no armed Lebanese. 3ayb.

Default-user-icon Zaki Ansari (ضيف) 09:15 ,2011 تموز 05

To solve all of lebanon problem is very easy... Lebanon and Iran and syria should become one big islamic country and that is it...every one will live in peace.
long live " Wiilayat al faquih" and we would love to have our leader Khaminiei.

Default-user-icon sacre (ضيف) 11:25 ,2011 تموز 05

Hassouna chéri,
You are going to speak again tonight!! That is OKAY. We will have a big laugh again.
You have become ridiculous. The proofs you have submitted are stupid and can only impress on our good people in Nabatiyé.
I have been told by a mole inside your hizb that you have asked to be moved to the shelter which is 6 stories under the ground. But whatever you do they will catch you young man!
Did you know that Rami Makhlouf the brother in law of Bashar has left Syria to Dubaï? Bashar and the Assad family have a different choice: either to Tehran or to your Dayié. Both places do not suit Asma. But for sure they will go somewhere or will be burried in Damascus. And then what will you do to get arms from Iran. You will have an ennemy in Syria, an ennemy in Israel an the sea controlled by foreign forces.
Hassouna Hassouna, start preparing your suitcase.

Thumb bashir 14:11 ,2011 تموز 05

Ya sahib innar, your day to depart will come someday, like bin Laden.

Thumb shab 15:19 ,2011 تموز 05

The backstabbers as you call them are Lebanese freedom fighters. Lebanon must be cleansed from filthy militias with arms. mullahs and other religious brainwashing parties that wants to impose backwards bearded towelhead rule on all. This guy is 100% chicken shit. Without him you will all march into a wall.
Besides that there’s absolutely nothing jihad bout murdering civilians, neither like in Beirut 2008 or in Israel or anywhere.

Missing lebanswer 16:01 ,2011 تموز 05

Listen to Shab here, he first call the leader of the resistance a "chicken shit" and follows that statement with "you'll march into a wall without him". Anyone feels we have a crackhead in this commentary? Mistaken is the individual who thinks HA will fall if the Zionists get to him, HA only got stronger after the assassination of Abbas Al-Moussawi, may he rest in peace. "Aqtoloona fasha3buna saya3ya akthar wa akthar" said the leader of the resistance. Too bad most of the zionists on board here can't understand that.

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 16:48 ,2011 تموز 05

I love how people here keep accusing everyone who disagrees with Nasrallah of being Zionist traitors when the creature from the sewer's men and allies have been repeatedly accused by his own party of spying.

Nasrallah's predicament was brought on for his own hands. He's holed up in a damp underground abode because of his own lies. As anyone with a fairly functioning brain remembers the promises he gave of a calm summer of 2006. Even his own allies (Khazen) accused him of lying and another (Khalife) of killing us all after he betrayed his promise on orders from his own personal supreme leader. That betrayal caused the death of over 1500 innocent Lebanese civilian who, unlike Hassan and his buddies prepared shelters, could not find a safe place to hide. Another lie was his promise to protect them... (continue)

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 16:50 ,2011 تموز 05

...You recall before July 2006 the creature from the sewer lived undetected amongst us humans above ground. Hassan's friends openly made fun of his political opponents getting picked off one by one while others lived in hotels and abroad. The defiant ones who dared challenge that forces exile, example Tueni and Ghanem, paid with their lives.

Anyone who still believes anything Hassan says is obviously brain damaged. The healing proses for a cerebral concussion is a few month give or take. That is why once a year Nasrallah organizes a bloody défilé where the barely healed but exited participants secure themselves a further year of self inflicted brain trauma.

Missing joseph 17:21 ,2011 تموز 05

Guys, stop talking about hideout and underground... Here is a
Nisrallah is not afraid of anybody,
he shows himself every now an than, usually after dark.
He does not shave, because he has no mirrors. He hates mirrors.
He hates full moons, and probably garlic.
He is not underground. He is in a box.
Did you guess who is Nisrallah?


Missing peace 17:22 ,2011 تموز 05

i am ROFL when i read comments from the hezbi here who label all those against towel head as sionists! they think they are the only ones to defend lebanon and the only ones to hate israel...

how simplistic they are...

you are not the only ones and lebanon is full of people against hezbollah if you open your eyes a little! it is just we do not want to be ruled by a religious party working openly for Iran, they are the traitors not the ones who demand that they give their weapons to our only and unique ARMY!

being with the army w bes make us traitors? listen to you guys! you are pathetic!

how can people accept a party that doesn t obey the STATE?

i really pity them and their complex of superiority, they really should go and see a shrink!

Default-user-icon double tap (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 تموز 05

joseph, is the M necessary?

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 تموز 05

hassouna. How come your beard is sometime grey sometime colored.? are you a narcisse? ya aarsis. You wave your hand like the queen.
How long are you going to hide down there? sooner or later we are going to get you. You had a dream that we will turn it into a nightmare on you.
You led your people to beleive in nothing but dreams. Lebanon belongs to ALL LEBANESE and not to you and your people. Remember arafat? he had the same dream. The road to palestine does not pass through lebanon .Remember bashar? now its your turn hassouna baby.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 01:00 ,2011 تموز 06

you are sentenced to life underground. stay there.