8 اذار كما 14 اذار ليست راضية عن موقف حنبلاط من المحكمة الدولية

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اشارت صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية أن رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط عمم على قيادات حزبه ونوابه عدم التعليق على القرار الاتهامي وعدم تناول المحكمة الدولية لا من قريب ولا من بعيد، والاكتفاء حاليا بما أدلى به في مؤتمره الصحافي الأخير.

الا ان أوساط 8 آذار رأت ان جنبلاط لم يكن موفقا في المعادلة "القديمة الجديدة" التي أطلقها حول التلازم الحتمي بين الاستقرار والعدالة، معتبرة ان "دعوة جنبلاط الى هذه المعادلة توحي بأنه مازال ينتظر من المجتمع الدولي كلاما عن "العدالة" وهو أمر لا نشاطره إياه".

كما اعتبرت المصادر عينها ان حديث جنبلاط عن "فخ لعبة الأمم" لا مكان له في هذه الحكومة، فهي حكومة متجانسة ستعمل بوحي سلسلة من المبادئ التي جمعت أطرافها منذ البداية، لافتتا الى ان "لا مكان فيها لحوار مع أقلية جديدة قررت ان تقود لبنان الى محور يتناقض ومخاوف أقطابها على مصير سلاح المقاومة".

وشددت على مناصرتها التامة "لـ"سوريا الأسد" في معركتها ضد كل المتآمرين عليها".

في المقابل، ابدت أوساط 14 آذار تحفظها وانتقاداتها على موقف جنبلاط، متفاجئة "باستعجاله واطلاقه مواقف "تحذيرية"، وذكرته بأنه كان "الأب الروحي ورأس الحربة والمسؤول الأول والأخير عن قيام المحكمة، وانه عندما أقرت هذه المحكمة زار ضريح والده، وقال "هلق ارتحت وارتاح كمال جنبلاط حيث هو".

وأبدت المصادر استياءها من حديث جنبلاط عن التزامن المريب لصدور القرار الاتهامي موحيا بأنه يشكك بصدقية القرار لاسيما لجهة التوقيت، لافتة الى ان "مثل هذا التشكيك أتى بمثابة خدمة كبيرة لقوى 8 آذار توازي انقلابه الأخير على حلفائه السابقين في قوى 14 آذار وتجييره الأكثرية لصالح 8 آذار.

التعليقات 10
Default-user-icon Amal Jenkins (ضيف) 11:51 ,2011 تموز 06

Jumblat is an idiot and a wishy washy person who changes his stance as often as he changes his shirt.

Thumb bashir 13:17 ,2011 تموز 06

“me staying in the government is more important than all other matters and standing for nothing is the only way to avert strife and tensions,” Jumblat remarked.

Ha ha, what a stooge, fitting that both sides are unhappy with him, he uses them both like whores.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:21 ,2011 تموز 06

do yu feel safe now?can marwan,very shortly, protect u?

Default-user-icon xen (ضيف) 14:18 ,2011 تموز 06

does he still have supporters?
anyway if yes we have to check their IQ levels lol hahahahaahahaha
bunch of sheep maaaaaa2 maaa2 maaaaaaa2 those are his followers sheep ma2 ma2 ma2

Missing abou.ali 14:52 ,2011 تموز 06

Jumblat new name should be CAMELEON, in other words, INCOLOR, SANS SAVEUR et INODOR..... What an idiot...

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 14:52 ,2011 تموز 06

There can be no dialogue between adverse parties when one comes to the dialogue table with a gun and the other is unarmed. What is there to talk about that the gun's presence does not already resolve?

No dialogue can happen that is a true dialogue until all parties come to the table as equals, all equally disarmed, all equally committed to the state institutions all equally willing to concede arguing points for the sake of reaching a negotiated accord between the various opinions and positions present.

Can this happen with Hezbollah? It considers itself divinely inspired like the Quran. To compromise is to them, to corrupt its purity and those seeking compromise at a dialogue table are agents of corruption. How do you have an intelligent reasonable dialogue or even conversation with backwards people such as this who are armed and have no reservation about using their arms to pursue their theocracy in Lebanon?

Thumb shab 18:03 ,2011 تموز 06

No this is actually a smart move. Breathing space and both sides can talk without loosing face. More will join.

Thumb Marc 18:36 ,2011 تموز 06

No matter what, they should be civil peace and stability on the ground... In life, we lose some and we gain some so it is important here to keep calm for both camps. There are some good people in the cabinet, Miqati is walking a very fine line but unfortunately he is been dictated by Hizballah on the policy the governemt will take as far as the STL is concerned. I repeat what I said before, the STL should be the opportunity for Nasrallah and HA to plead their case instead of opposing it. Imagine if they are innocent what kind of international popularity they may get...... It is a chance of a life time

Missing mabboud 21:08 ,2011 تموز 06

It is even worth than what Mouwaten says, the STL is SO special that it can also use false witness or any witness without mentioning his name and without the defense being granted the possibility to interrogate him directly, only through letters with judge Cassese serving as a buffer. even the Special tribunal for Yugoslavia which allowed testimony to be anonymous (covered face) didn't go as far, it also accepted well known rumors as proof!!! and in Cassese court it is called justice. Imagine if DSK was accused and that the defense couldn't investigate the past of the plaintiff, case would be sealed and DSK would go to prison for 70 years (not that I wouldn't be happy with that)... but justice is not here to serve me and make me happy neither in DSK case nor in STL case(s). the biggest problem for M14 is their inability to confront STL issues and try to fix them which shows their unwillingness to reach justice but rather their willingness to see a justice that pleases them.. not good!!

Missing 7osrom 10:41 ,2011 تموز 07

To Mowaten, I agree with you, suppose they get convicted sentenced & executed. They will become Martyrs . We will ask Mr. Hassan to compromise on their blood for the sake of STABILITY IN LEBANON.... isn't that what he is asking the cedar's revolution to do on Hariri's blood....Will he ACCEPT, Thank you.