الضاهر وقانصوه لبعضهما "انت كلب"...بري:"اخوان وتعاتبوا على طريقتن"

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وقع اشكال بين عضو كتلة المستقبل النائب خالد الضاهر وزميله نائب حزب "البعث العربي الاشتراكي"عاصم قانصوه خلال جلسة مناقشة البيان الوزاري، عندما قال الاول أثناء تلاوة كلمته "ندعو الى احترام خيارات الشعب السوري ونطالب بوقف زمرة المطبلين اللبنانيين في فرقة ابو عبده في اذية هذا الشعب الابي ونطالب الجيش بضبط الحدود لمنع وصول المعتدين على الشعب السوري".

واعتبر قانصوه أن الكلام موجّه اليه فقاطعه، لكن بري لم يسمح له بمتابعة مداخلته وعندما انهى الضاهر كلمته وعاد الى مكانه، هم قانصوه منفعلاً باتجاه الضاهر لكن عدداً من النواب منعوه وحاولوا تهدئته فقال الضاهر لقانصوه " أنت الكلب" بعد ان كان سمع قانصوه يقول له بأنه "كلب".

وانهى الرئيس بري الاشكال قائلاً : "اخوان وتعاتبوا على طريقتن".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:16 ,2011 تموز 06

a bunch of imbeciles. They should have been both suspended, and ejected from parliament.

Default-user-icon rudy (ضيف) 13:47 ,2011 تموز 06

agreed they are both imbeciles, as are 90% of the members of our glorious parliament, but the true shame is having a low-life like qanso allowed to breath and worse yet, become a representative of the lebanese people.

regardless of Daher's side (8 or 14), that statement is one that should be chanted by every person who has a single brain cell left

Missing abou.ali 14:47 ,2011 تموز 06

Akkid the leb people are for the freedom of Syria from the thugs of Asaad. Qanso should go and live in Syria - The dog, in this carse is indeed Qanso..

Default-user-icon Omar (ضيف) 15:26 ,2011 تموز 06

Isent Khaled Al daher that pro usama bin laden and pro al qaida mustaqbal member? How can he claim to be pro-freedom when he supports bin laden and saudi arabia? And would the minorities as well as the non-salafi Muslims recieve freedom in a syria controlled by salafists??????? Bashar el asad is a murderer, torturer and criminal (like samir geagea) but what saudi has in store for syria will not be better, especially not for the christians. Ignorant LF:ers care more hurting their enemy bashar el asad than about saving their fellow christians which just prooves my theory, LF, phalange and the rest of the march14 maronites are fake christians who never cared about christianity or christians, they only care about themselves.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 15:42 ,2011 تموز 06

People like Qanso and Wahhab who like the Syrian government more than they ever appreciated Lebanon should go and live with their beloved leaders in Damascus.

Missing joseph 17:29 ,2011 تموز 06

Kissing syria's ass like hzb, aoun, jumblatt, qanso... are doing should not be at the expense of the dignified lebanes. I already feel diminished being gegraphicaly close to Syria's regime, let alone supporting this regime and being it's puppet.
I guess dignity could be sold these day, especially when iran is paying. lebanese who put syria before lebanon, should be crushed like roaches.. can't wait.

Default-user-icon Jade (ضيف) 17:45 ,2011 تموز 06

tfeh on both lawmakers, this is not how a representative should behave no matter who he is backing, but you know what it is not a surprise, when you see Lebanese citizens behaving like this every day on the streets and in their jobs and their buildings. in other works the lawmakers are behaving no different that their citizens.

Missing peace 17:58 ,2011 تموز 06

lebanese have the politicians they deserve....

Missing joseph 21:36 ,2011 تموز 06

I wonder, who would have won the dog fight? Pretty comical, I wouldn't bet on a winner, but I would pay to see it live. Counting on next CIA episode to take advantage of this incident.

Thumb sasi 21:44 ,2011 تموز 06

what a drama this whole day! is this a parliament of a democratic state. this is a bunch of tribes fighting. wlik shi ma tabi3e sar! I bet it has been agreed a as play, they all had a script to study before this meeting! bunch of actors. thanks god am abroad.

Missing peace 22:27 ,2011 تموز 06

sasi = it is not a parliament : it s the National Circus of Lebanon, and they are all fighting because they all want to be CLOWN NUMBER ONE!!!

Thumb tannourinewarrior 22:41 ,2011 تموز 06

I swear it looks like Khalil is laughing - look at his body posture - hillarious!!!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 03:09 ,2011 تموز 07

Kansou IQ is -100, who does this guy represent in Lebanon? The Syrian regime in Lebanon? There is a damn land taken by Israel called GOLAN Hights, we need dogs like Kansou to go there, bark and scare of the invaders. Go live where you belong..

Default-user-icon moe (ضيف) 03:13 ,2011 تموز 07

Qanso is a dog look at the way he is behaving he needed someone to tell him "down boy down" but his master in Syria is to busy...

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 04:31 ,2011 تموز 07


remind me of liberating Palestine.
Haddini Haddini Haddini

Default-user-icon sammy (ضيف) 08:40 ,2011 تموز 07

something strange is happening to me.... I now wait for Le Phenicien comments eagerly to see how far his stupidity will take him....entertaining....

Default-user-icon roe (ضيف) 09:44 ,2011 تموز 07

To all those who commented below (and by that i mean those who are choosing to take sides), you should really think before you speak or even decide to support any of the two sides! Matter of fact, you should shut the hell up :D neither sides are bothered by us random citizens, all they care about is getting rich off of our backs.. but alas since the Lebanese citizens have sheepish characteristics (yes i'm calling you sheep) the "Free Lebanon" you're all "dreaming" of is never going to see the light!!
And just a little piece of advice, focus on the issues that really matter to us in Lebanon like the rising prices of food, medicine and real estate!! ya3ne bi kil basata iza baddkon tkhallo baladkon ykoun balad w tseero bashar (humans) start thinking like one!