العثور على طفلة عمرها ساعات في حاوية نفايات في بعلبك

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عثر على طفلة داخل حاوية للنفايات حديثة الولادة عمرها ساعات في بعبلبك.

وقالت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن الفتاة كانت "على طريق رأس العين في بعلبك".

وقد نقلت الى المستشفى الحكومي للمعالجة. وأشارت الوكالة إلى أن صحتها "جيدة".

التعليقات 11
Thumb benzona 15:51 ,2013 أيلول 13

We get this all the time. Private organizations funded by the State set drop points for this.... The mothers are usually teens. In this case I'm enclined to beleive it's Syrian refugee..... Haram walla, m3attarin.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:18 ,2013 أيلول 13

that's horrible... yes good she survived, poor thing

Thumb zahle1 15:05 ,2013 أيلول 14

I wish I could adopt too. Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to adopt in the US a child from Lebanon.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:03 ,2013 أيلول 13

how much further are we willing to go?? this is horrible,., and people who do this should be charged with attempted murder.. Allah lay wafi2kon, and hope karma comes back around and bites you in the ___

Thumb benzona 20:17 ,2013 أيلول 13

I strongly disagree. Giving away a child is the HARDEST thing a woman can do in her lifetime. In my city, a few months ago, a teen girl gave birth in the loo. The baby died. She probably couldn't afford buying diapers of if she lives in a bidonville she doesn't have water to wash him (nor money for vaccins, paediatrics,etc...) the baby girl will be in better care now. There's plenty of people who want to adopt children but don't manage to. Something must be done to help and filter these people to see who's qualified.

Thumb benzona 21:53 ,2013 أيلول 13

FT, your solutions are hitlerish. Why am I not surprised? Your lack of humanism is disturbing. The baby didn't die because the person who put it there knew people go through our Leb trashes every 5 min. I'm not going to get through my personal life but I know this world inside out. You accuse people without knowing anything about them. So who told you the mother isn't 12 y.o or 13? Would you like to have a kid living in a cardboard home with no water, heating, light and so on? The baby girl is in good hands now. The State should do something to help women before they get to doing such a desperate move. I don't expect you to understand.

Thumb benzona 22:38 ,2013 أيلول 13

If the discussion is over, rouh ném!


Thumb primesuspect 01:10 ,2013 أيلول 14

very good idea. i don't think the current gov cares about such things....

Missing VINCENT 08:36 ,2013 أيلول 14

This is exactly what should be done. I don't think it is about "the government not caring", but rather a societal mind set. Institutions for women's health and care, specially, for such situations must be demanded to be established by the people without religious backlash.

Thumb terminator 11:56 ,2013 أيلول 14

sounds like something a hezballah supporter would do.
or an ouni.

Thumb eli-g 14:06 ,2013 أيلول 14

Although tragic, Horrible and somewhat unnatural, and assuming that the mother does not have any mental illness such as postpartum depression, I put the blame squarely on society. Did you stop to think about the shame and the subsequent consequences this girl and her newborn child would face.