Report: Independence Day Set as Deadline to Form New Government

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Efforts to form a new government will not halt during the Eid al-Adha holiday, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

It said that the formation of a new cabinet can no longer be delayed, adding that an Independence Day on November 22 has been set as a deadline or “red line” for political powers to overcome all obstacles hindering their efforts to form a government.

To that end, concerned sources revealed that new efforts will be exerted to form a new cabinet, meaning that new proposals over the issue will be presented.

These efforts will focus on highlighting to officials the need for them to assume their responsibilities “because Lebanon is on the verge of economic and social collapse.”

The sources predicted that the efforts that will follow Eid al-Adha, which falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, will be similar to indirect dialogue between the political powers seeing as obstacles have hindered their return to the national dialogue table.

These efforts will act as last-ditch measures ahead of the possibility of the formation of a government by President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam if the political powers fail to resolve their differences, they added.

Salam has said conditions and counter-conditions set by the rival sides have brought his efforts to form a cabinet to a stalemate.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat recently revealed that he dropped his support for a new cabinet in which the March 8 and 14 alliances in addition to centrists would get eight ministers each.

He instead called for giving the two rival camps nine ministers each and six ministers to centrists – Suleiman, Salam and Jumblat.

This formula prevents a certain party from controlling the government by giving veto power to Hizbullah and its team and another veto power to March 14, he said.

Comments 4
Thumb mckinl 13 October 2013, 09:59

The Saudi\US\Al Mustaqbal plan to bring Lebanon to it's knees is in its final stages now. The destabilization of the entire middle east, except of course the GCC, is almost complete.

Blocking gas and oil development was just the latest move to cripple Lebanon's ability to overcome economic distress. We also see that aid to refugees will not be through the government and not be anywhere close to enough.

March 14 parties such as those of Geagea are complicit in the ruination of Lebanon and they know it. Those March 14 parties have out their foreign patrons ahead of the Lebanese people. The consequences disastrous.

Missing peace 13 October 2013, 15:57


Missing peace 13 October 2013, 16:04

how can M14 block gas and oil while the CONSTITUTION stipulates that a caretaker gvt CANNOT take decisions...

"March 14 parties such as those of Geagea are complicit in the ruination of Lebanon " it is not M14 who blocked he parliament for 2 years preventing it from working... it is not M14 who lanched the war against israel costing billions in damages... many counter examples are here to deny your propaganda....

plus stick to facts... under the M14 gvt the economy was recovering : just refer to economical statistics and you ll see (indexmundi for example)....
but since the M8 gvt took over the economy fell (same sources!) ...

so make a difference between what you feel and think and the facts based on figures... LOL

Thumb haile.selassie. 13 October 2013, 11:41

dead line or red line this is what you do best making red lines. if they will not form it until Independence day it will be then clear that they all disrespect the most important day in our Nation which means they will be all traitors and deserve to be ousted or hanged.