Fistfight in Houla over Attempt to Shut Down Liquor Shop

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A fistfight erupted in the southern town of Houla in Marjeyoun when members of a party ordered the owner of a liquor store to close the shop, reported the Central News Agency.

The owner was saved when members of another party intervened to end the dispute.

Two people were hurt in the quarrel and the store incurred some material damage.

Tensions between the two March 8 camp parties pervaded the town soon after the dispute, prompting the Lebanese army and Internal Security Forces to intervene, ease the tensions, and launch an investigation in the affair.

Meanwhile, a source from Houla told the news agency that the town is known for the diversity of its residents, rejecting the violation of this freedom by any side and attempts to transform it into a closed security zone.

Comments 23
Default-user-icon rob (Guest) 25 July 2011, 18:01

This is just the start of things to come, the Shia will now tell you what you can or cant do.

Missing m.seraaly 25 July 2011, 18:14

The party that tried the closing of the shop is Hizbullah and the party that ordered the shop to be left alone is the Communist Lebanese Party… Mr بجدج

Default-user-icon Citizen (Guest) 25 July 2011, 18:18

Just an example of how the resistance is promising its followers a better life.
This is a fascist stone age party. They sell prostitution but abstain from sex; they sell narcotics but they don't inhale; they drink but never get drunk. Go see the muhaheedine in jounieh cabarets splashing out their"clean" money on the legs of russian girls. Filth and hypocrisy= Ashraf Al Nass

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 25 July 2011, 18:20

Why dont you give the names of the 2 parties involved in that dispute ?

The real story is the one that bigdig wrote .

Thank you naharnet .

Thumb canaanite 25 July 2011, 18:21

The Lebanese should resist these thugs... Never bow down to those who seek control. If you dont want to drink, dont come into the shop...

Resist the resistance! Resist the resistance! Resist the resistance by opening up Liquor stores all over Lebanon!!

No to Hezbollah, No to arms,... yes to freedoms.

If you dont want to drink, go to Iran and not drink there...! There is plenty of non-drinking going on there...

But pills are okay apparently...! Jerks...

Thumb loveandpeace 25 July 2011, 18:36

Has anyone read the article? Both are March 8th thugs. HA people only sell drugs and don't like alcohol because it is against their religion and the Aoun people want to buy alcohol because they can't afford drugs and they need to forget how stupid their leader is...

Missing mirvete11 25 July 2011, 18:36

Next step should be new dress code. I have already started to learn some Persian and I am sure you don't want be to be behind, do you?.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 25 July 2011, 19:08

My fellow Shiite jihadist bigdig not even I could come up with a comment as stupid as yours, the Wahhabi Salafi Sunni Jamaa Al-Islamia couldn't order a pizza in Houla Marjeyoun let alone the closure of anything.

Default-user-icon جنوبي عتيق (Guest) 25 July 2011, 20:04

إذا كان حزب الله فعلاً هو الذي حاول إغلاق المحل فعليه وعلى أمينه العام حسن نصرالله وكوادره المحلية أن يعلموا علم اليقين أن تصرفهم هذا لن يحمل لهم إلا الويلات لأن اللبنانيين حتي الجنوبيين المحافظين منهم لم ولا ولن يقبلوا العقلية الشمولية التي تقف وراء مثل تصرفهم في حولا وغيرها ولن يقبل أحد في لبنان مهما كان متدنياً ولاية الفقيه لا الآن ولا بعد بعد بعد أبد الآبدين عندما يتحرر الناس من الترهيب العقائدي الذي يتعرضون له. هذه نصيحة مجانية ولا اريد بعيراً مقابلها. وإذا كان الحزب الشيوعي فعلاً هو الذي تدخل لفض النزاع فعليه وعلى الرفيق سعد الله مزرعااني إبن حولا أن لا يخافوا ويعبروا عن موقفهم علانية بدل التستر تحت تبرير أو آخر. زمن التبعية العمياء لموسكو انتهى وما أجدر الخوف من حزب ديني لاهوتي من أن ينتهي أيضاً.

Thumb charbel 25 July 2011, 20:27

@bigdig @Le Phenicien
you can take your lies elsewhere, @m.seraaly, that is the true story.

No jamaat islamiyya involved in this incident.

Hizbollah is cornered with the near fall of the Syrian Regime, and is trying to start a new (old) game, religious fanaticism. They think this is their only way to survive. The reality it's not, they won't survive unless they change, and join the democratic reality of the new middle east.

Default-user-icon c.nahhas (Guest) 25 July 2011, 20:43

Guys don't knock m.seraaly's post, many communists still remember who was it that murdered their and other Lebanese resistance leaders after they refused to go under the the banner of the "Islamic resistance in Lebanon" and follow the orders of a Shiite cleric controlled from Iran .

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 25 July 2011, 20:54

Simple; Hezbollah again imposing it's Wilayat al faqih and rational people (hopefully mustaqbal) blocked their forced hegemony

Default-user-icon Andreas (Guest) 25 July 2011, 21:19

What sort of journalistic reporting is this. Why does Naharnet always speaks with circumvolutions and elliptical statements. This is apalling journalism, let alone journalistic cowardice.

Please go and check the site of NOW LEBANON for an account of what happened. At least people like Hanin Ghaddar has the courage of her opinions. Thank you Hanin.

Default-user-icon Jamal (Guest) 25 July 2011, 21:41

bigdig, le phenicien, charbel and the rest who speculate. Houla does not have any mustaqbal, nor jamaa islamiya. The are two scenarios that are most likely:

Scenario: 1: is that it was amal who wanted the store to remain open (the amal shiites are mostly drunks) and hezballah who wanted to shut it down.

Scenario 2: is that it was an inter amal-amal fight between conservatists within amal (the mousa sadr followers) and the drunkards (who are the majority within amal), in such a case it was most likely hezballah who ended the fight.

Missing startrip 25 July 2011, 21:58

Come on people... don't take the two schmucks Le Phlegm and Big seriously. They are here for entertainment and have not a shred of credibility. Just enjoy giving them a good whipping every now and then, but mostly laugh at them.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 25 July 2011, 23:21

Shut down the alcohol but sell massive amounts of Hashish, only the great 'resistance' could come up with something so stupid.

Missing roger 25 July 2011, 23:51

I agree with you they are very funny, if you don't want to drink stay away from the liquor store, Jamaa Islamiye in HA town-very funny.

Default-user-icon jadjad (Guest) 26 July 2011, 00:00

أنا مسلم شيعي ومع 8 أذار لكن لا أعتقد أن حزب الله مسؤل عن هذه الاعمال لماذا وجهتم أصابع الاتهام لحزب الله بدون أدله لماذا لا تعتقدون بأن يكون عمل منفرد من جماعه زعران وبالنسبه لحزب الله أنه نتيجه لاحتلال الارض وأغتصاب النساء و قتل الاطفال من سنه 84 حتى الان ومن حرر الارض و العرض هو حزب الله وليست أمريكا ولا المحكمه الدوليه ولا أعتقد أن أحد منكم يقبل أن تغتصب ابنته أو أمرأته أو يعيش بلا كرامه لخدمه العدو المغتصب هم اللذين أتو وأغتصبو أرضنا فمن يرضى بالذل هو الذي يجب أن يرحل هذه أرض الانبياء والسيد المسيح أرض الشرفاء نحن بسنه 2011 وما في كهرباء بلبنان ليش؟ وليش ممنوع يتسلح الجيش؟عيب عليكن

Missing phoenix 26 July 2011, 01:08

bass walla 2arraftouna w 2arrafto l 3alam inshalla min ma ken ykoun jame3a, 7izb alla, 7izb al shaytine, ma ba3ref mine, trekou l 3alam bi 7ela wlou, khalli l 3alam testarzi2, ma bekkafi yalli 3eyshinou badna kamen nsakker arze2 l ness, eh l zalami 3am ybi3 kou7oul 3a zemtou, troukou lb 7alou w iza alla baddou y7esbou bey7esbou
2araf walla 2araf
khallilkon yeh hal balad ana ma ba2a baddi id3assou la ykounou kell hal zbeli tda3wassou w n7ara2ou

Thumb ado.australia 26 July 2011, 03:57

ithinkthere14iam,...Well it is forbidden to sell alcohol in Sidon. So keep dreaming it's the mustaqbul movement of saadadine bin rafik bin abdul azziz.
As for the town of houla, It would be nice for naharnet to be real journalists and print who are involved instead of planting seeds for rumor and gossip. I see no reason why they can't print which party members were involved, when normally they print nonsense and name parties from "sources"... this and that party killed this person, and this country hates this party and this party member took a dump there.

Default-user-icon Citizen (Guest) 26 July 2011, 11:43

Excerpts from NowLebanon account of the events: "Instead, Hezbollah forces attacked a store in the southern town of Houla for selling alcohol and tried to force the owner to close shop in an attempt to compensate for its defeat and humiliation in Nabatiyeh. However, members of the Communist Party, normally an ally of Hezbollah, intervened to protect the owner of the shop, also an unprecedented incident in the South, at least since the early 1980s."

Thumb ado.australia 26 July 2011, 13:15

Bashir, the article also states that the shop in question reopened without selling alcohol and was still prevented by the municipality from reopening. This could mean that there is more to the issue than alcohol. In tyre, which is also a Hezbollah strong hold, there has been no campaign to stop the selling of alcohol unlike the Sunni (mustaqbul) city of Sidon. Even christain countries have prohibited alcohol like the USA and Norway to name a few. The point is, it is legal to sell alcohol and I am against any party, be they Hezbollah or jemaa islamieha that forces legal shops to close. People have rights and this issue must be addressed all over Lebanon and not just used as a political tool when it suits certain groups. This is occurring in tripoli, sidon, nabatiyeie and many other areas in Lebanon. I am not against municipalities having dry laws but it must be law and not vigilaty justice and individual rights must be respected and protected and compensated.

Default-user-icon Mudslinger (Guest) 26 July 2011, 15:38