Nawwaf Hussein's Questioning 'Proves Involvement' in Transferring Car Bombs

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Preliminary investigations conducted by the army's intelligence directorate under the military judiciary's supervision have proved the involvement of the suspect Nawwaf al-Hussein in bombings that have hit areas considered sympathetic to Hizbullah, a media report said on Monday.

“Several days after the arrest of Nawwaf al-Hussein in the Bekaa town of Jlala, sources following up on the probe revealed that preliminary investigations have proved Hussein's involvement in the transfer of booby-trapped cars that were used in bombings,” LBCI television reported.

Hussein was arrested on Saturday after detained cleric Sheikh Omar al-Atrash reportedly confessed to having links with him.

Army intelligence agents are “continuing their investigations to unveil other details and identify the individuals with which Hussein used to deal and to whom he was delivering the cars … in addition to the hierarchy of his group,” LBCI said on Monday.

Meanwhile, al-Manar television said Hussein confessed to transferring bomb-laden cars, “including the two cars that exploded in Haret Hreik.”

State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr has charged al-Atrash and five others in connection with two suicide bombings in the Beirut southern suburb of Haret Hreik last month that killed at least six people.

Lebanon has been rocked by a string of bomb attacks in recent months, with three in January alone.

Many have targeted strongholds of Hizbullah, which has drawn the ire of Sunni extremist groups in part because of its role fighting alongside the regime in Syria.

Atrash, who was detained on January 22, admitted ties to three wanted individuals, as well as to the al-Qaida-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and al-Nusra Front, the Lebanese Army said at the time.

Atrash "confessed to transporting car bombs to Beirut" after receiving them from a Syrian person, as well as "transporting suicide bombers of different Arab nationalities into Syria and handing them over to the al-Nusra Front," the army said.

He also admitted transporting two suicide bombers who were killed in the southern city of Sidon in a gunfight with the army in December.

Comments 6
Missing --karim_m1--- 10 February 2014, 22:18

Hang him.

Thumb cedars2 10 February 2014, 23:09

Sure, hang anyone involved in assassinations and terrorism. Im sure when the STL ends there will be a long list.

Thumb cedre 11 February 2014, 01:22

army intelligence = HA.
He'll be released with atrash like all the others when people will have forgotten about this story...
If he was really guilty, they would let in his lawyer...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11 February 2014, 12:36

that you attack HA, as a sectarian hater, i can understand. but why attack the army? hoping for a split? people like you want to create trouble and division in lebanon, you never post anything constructive nor anything conciliatory. you try to spur hatred and division.
for all these reasons i have no doubt you're a paid propagandist, working for those who wish to see lebanon destroyed and "lebanon's clock turned 20 years back"

Thumb eli-g 11 February 2014, 11:36

@ michael961 maybe because the Yemenis are more civilized than the Lebanese? ;-)

Thumb _mowaten_ 11 February 2014, 12:38

so now yemen is your reference? why take the worst and hope it for lebanon?
if anything look at successful countries and unions, the EU, the US, it's union that made them strong, not division. if wish to see one day the same kind of union between all arab countries.