Syrian Foreign Minister Says Elections by End 2011

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Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said on Saturday that elections to a new parliament will be held by year's end, as Syria's regime faces international pressure over its deadly crackdown on protests.

"Syria will hold free and transparent elections that will give birth to a parliament representing the aspirations of the Syrian people," Muallem said in a meeting with foreign ambassadors posted to Damascus.

"The general elections will be held before the end of the year," Muallem said, quoted by the official SANA news agency.

The foreign minister stressed "the commitment of the Syrian leadership to the continued reform process and implementation of measures announced by President (Bashar) Assad."

The embattled president issued a decree on Thursday allowing opposition political parties, but the move was largely dismissed by the opposition as a ploy to appease protesters.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon sacre (Guest) 06 August 2011, 19:05

Here is fat rat speaking again.
Free elections he said.
We believe you S.O.B.
Provided all the candidates are members of your baath party. Right.
Same in Iran : all candidates must be approved by the Ayatollahs.....
There is one solution to your problems : one way ticket. But who would accept these guys? The Mollah!!!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon N (Guest) 06 August 2011, 19:48

It will be the usual 99.5% victory for the Baath party. Oh wait, maybe it will be 99.9% this time because all the people have either been killed or driven out.

Missing roger 07 August 2011, 02:40

That big rat is talking again, elections!!!! are f------, kiddin me-

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 07 August 2011, 18:52

Interesting, so they're admitting that the earlier elections were crap and completely fixed? Why hold elections this year specifically?