Army Defuses Bomb Found on a Car Wheel in Akkar

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The army defused on Saturday a bomb placed on a car wheel in the town of Sheikh Taba in the northern region of Akkar.

"Hatem Zahraman reported on Saturday morning that a suspicious object was placed on the wheel of his Honda Accord in Sheikh Taba,” a communique released by the military institution said.

An army force then immediately headed to the location, accompanied by a military expert, and cordoned off the area where the car was parked, the statement added.

"After inspection, the suspicious object turned out to be a hand-made bomb that was set up for detonation,” the army said.

"The military expert defused the bomb and transferred to a safe place to detonate it there later,” it added.

"The military police has launched an investigation in this incident, under the supervision of the competent court.”

Saturday's incident comes amid an unprecedented, strict security plan that the army and security forces had started implementing Tuesday in the northern city of Tripoli and the North with the aim of putting an end to around six years of unrest.


Comments 5
Thumb Kalzyturks 05 April 2014, 22:50

Wolf you just gave us the answer to the puzzling crime.

Let's say this innocent man gets into his rig car & drives around unaware his what's been planted with this device.

If it's detonated this will be all over the headlines another suicide

Or if the army get to him first he will be charged as a terrorist.

Now who gains from this wonder?

I dare to say majority of the so called suicide acts that have taken place the drivers were unaware that their vehicles were rigged.
Why on earth would a vehicle explode in middle of a Rd & guess who is miraculously is at the site picturing this event.

Who gains politically?
Who gains militarily?

Thumb Kalzyturks 05 April 2014, 22:54

I suggest every Lebanese citizen checks their vehicles before jumping in!!!!!

Thumb Kalzyturks 05 April 2014, 23:53

We all know who has gained politically militarily & sychologically.

The perpetrators are actually the one that gains from this crime or act.

The ones being accused have more to lose than the one who is accusing having a lot to gain.

Thumb .mowaten. 06 April 2014, 16:29

kalzy: could be possible for the explosions that happened at random locations.
for those who charged barriers (like the duo of motorbike+car), or army checkpoints, or those who were recorded by surveillance cams driving frenetically in the minutes before the explosion... the drivers were very well aware of what they were doing.

Thumb .mowaten. 06 April 2014, 16:32

also rules out those driving stolen cars, and those who had their car seats emptied and filled with explosives (this requires at least a day or two, and can only be done at specific places, so people would notice their car is missing)