Saniora: Hizbullah Hiding 4 Hariri Murder Suspects

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Premier Fouad Saniora has reiterated that Nasrallah had links to the four suspects indicted by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and was contributing to their protection.

During a press conference he held in the southern city of Sidon on Saturday, the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc leader said Hizbullah’s rejection to cooperate with the STL, which is probing ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination, is “strange” and “illegal.”

“Hizbullah is refusing to implement the law and protecting the accused,” he said.

The party’s insistence that none of the four suspects made an interview with TIME magazine, confirms that it has ties with the Hizbullah members who were indicted by the tribunal, Saniora said.

He challenged Hizbullah to provide the evidence that the four men didn’t carry out Hariri’s murder during trials at the STL, saying “if they have anything to say, then its place is at court where they can make all objections and show evidence.”

Comments 6
Default-user-icon i_ataoui (Guest) 27 August 2011, 09:47

Your place is the dustbin of the history. Strong but this what you deserve and what you are.

Default-user-icon Khodardji (Guest) 27 August 2011, 15:23

Regardless, those who barbecued the khanzeer deserve the highest medal of honor and patriotism and the ultimate appreciation of the decent Lebanese for ridding them of two filths: the khanzeer himself and his friends the Syrian Occupiers. Now Lebanon's Spring has become an achievable reality. A month-long parade honoring them must be held for them all over Lebanon, REGARDLESS of who they might be. REGARDLESS!!!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 27 August 2011, 17:39

figuring it out is done since 2005,saying it clearly is something else especially legally wise, its a legal procedure.
ex: the last court in ny of DSK versus dialo, that was the arguing that pusHed the prosecutor to release DSK, WITH HASSOUN ,ITS THE OPPOSITE, THEY ARE PUSHING THE TRIBUNAL TO CONSIDER HIDING CRIMINALS IS A criminal act.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 27 August 2011, 18:53

The Hezz are hiding them because the order for the murder came from Nassy and the Aya in Iran.

Missing startrip 27 August 2011, 20:15

Keep the pressure on Mr. Saniora. Hezbollah and its junior partners are on the defensive and the only way they can counter international justice is by smokescreens and red herrings believable only to idiots who follow them.

Default-user-icon Kharfoush (Guest) 28 August 2011, 18:55

I would even hide the real Israeli killers of the pork in my house in Lebanon once they are identified. At least this time the Israelis did a great service for the Lebanese, and for this alone they deserve that we make peace with Israel. THANK YOU, ISRAEL, A MILLION TIMES.