Smuggling of Toxic Pesticides Thwarted at Beirut Port

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A smuggling operation attempting to bring in toxic pesticides into Lebanon was uncovered at Beirut port on Thursday.

Minister of Agriculture Hussein al-Hajj Hassan, in collaboration with the customs directorate, intelligence bureau, and port security, uncovered the smuggling of Methyl Bromide.

The minister said: “An international decision was taken to limit the consumption of this substance and Lebanon should terminate its use of Methyl Bromide by 2015.”

He noted that the substance is permitted to be used in Lebanon within certain restrictions and there are only two companies licensed to use it.

Hassan revealed that the smuggling operation sought to import the pesticide through a nonexistent company.

An investigation has been launched to uncover the sides behind the operation.

“There are several problems in this matter and cooperation is ongoing with all the security forces,” stressed Hassan.

In addition, the minister revealed that another smuggling operation of a toxic pesticide was uncovered.

He said that nine containers of the substance were attempted to be smuggled through an unregistered company.

“We consider this act an attempt to attack public health and safety,” Hassan declared.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon Fontazio (Guest) 22 September 2011, 18:29

How much more dangerous can these pesticides be when compared to the snakes and scorpions that we have in Geagea, Gemayels, Hariris and the Sunni crazies?

Default-user-icon a non shiite opinion... (Guest) 22 September 2011, 23:55

Hezbollah's minister uncovered a problem. We should congratulate him for a job well done. Ideally, Hezbollah people should be all over public administration. Ideally, they should run the country, on condition they lay down their weapons. They are the only professionals public servants, who work without 7akeh bala ta3meh. But instead of serving their constituents, the chiites, they should serve the whole country because the sunnite leaders and the christian leaders think only of their pockets.

Default-user-icon a non shiite opinion... (Guest) 22 September 2011, 23:55

Hezbollah's minister uncovered a problem. We should congratulate him for a job well done. Ideally, Hezbollah people should be all over public administration. Ideally, they should run the country, on condition they lay down their weapons. They are the only professionals public servants, who work without 7akeh bala ta3meh. But instead of serving their constituents, the chiites, they should serve the whole country because the sunnite leaders and the christian leaders think only of their pockets.

Thumb formidilosus 23 September 2011, 01:41

Fontazio, you are the poison inciting political and religious enmities. Just shut up and do not give any opinion if is not constructive or of an analytical nature. Keep your sick opinion to yourself.
No one would like to read such comments that have no value other then showing how sick and retarded you are.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 23 September 2011, 06:23

They never seem to find rocket shipments from Iran.

Default-user-icon Noreply (Guest) 23 September 2011, 14:52

@Mowaten - mainly... Again you use the wrong comparison... When Israel buys weapons from the US, it is from one state to another... When Hezb receives weapons as a gift from Iran, it is from a state to a militia... See the difference? Don't get me wrong: i am not for a disarmed Lebanon. Yes we have to be able to defend ourselves - and not only from Israel if i recall the last border "incident" with the Syrian army.
But all that arsenal should be in the hands of the state, that's it.
And in a way i agree with "a non shiite opinion": there is a lot to learn from the way the Hezb safety nets work - but to benefit to the entire population...

Thumb leblover 23 September 2011, 15:02

Fontazio i think they are dangerous but not more that your mind

Default-user-icon Elie Moukarzel (Guest) 23 September 2011, 15:43

a non shiite opinion, who are you trying to fool? The shia are the most corrupt of all. How can you write such a stupid comment, have you never heard of amal? Have you never visited a shiite town? Disgusting. Why do shia always feel the need to pretend to be non-shiites when posting their filth. Its pathetic. Shites are the least civilized of all groups in lebanon. You probably havent adjusted to lebanese culture after you came here from Iran and Bahrain.

Thumb jabalamel 23 September 2011, 16:34


lebanon has more right to get weapons from iran than filthy zionist entity from usa.

that's because lebanon is a state and zionist entity is an illegal product of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

do not ever put lebanon in the same level as filthy zionist entity