Aoun: No One, Not Even Miqati, Has Right to Vow to Fund STL

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun voiced on Tuesday his objection to the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, criticizing Premier Najib Miqati for pledging to fund it.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “No one, not even Miqati, has the right to vow to anyone that Lebanon will commit to funding the tribunal.”

He added that he opposes its funding through illegal means, demanding that Miqati and President Michel Suleiman fund the tribunal themselves at their own expense.

“From a constitutional and legal point of view, no one, not even Miqati, has the right to fund it without a legal agreement, because anything other than that would be a theft of public funds,” he stressed.

Last week, Miqati had announced before the United Nations Security Council that Lebanon will commit to funding the STL.

It is obligated to fund 49 percent of its budget.

Addressing, the state budget, Aoun noted that the proposal that Finance Minister Mohammed al-Safadi needs further discussions.

“We will not present concessions in this matter because we are not here to cover up violations,” the MP declared.

“Every illegal action must be revealed,” he stressed.

Furthermore, the MP accused Safadi and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel of obstructing funds presented for municipalities.

“Everyone wants to violate the laws, are we living in a tribe mentality or is there a constitution that needs to be implemented?” asked the FPM leader.

On the issue of appointments in state positions, he remarked: “We have the greatest role in determining these appointments and the candidates we are proposing have been wrong morally.”

“Some people currently in power need to be changed, we want honorable individuals to be appointed in state and we are not concerned with their political affiliations,” he added.

“The FPM will confront the appointment of any incompetent individual,” Aoun stated.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:17

    MP Aoun: We have said that the Syrian regime will not be overthrown and reform will be implemented there.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:14

    MP Aoun: Some people are not entitled to a share of the appointments and yet they are demanding all of them.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:11

    MP Aoun on funding STL: PM Miqati and anyone else are not entitled to fund the tribunal without a legal agreement. He has no right to fund it or commit to the matter to Obama or any individual. Let him finance it himself. I am not willing to fund it illegally.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:11

    MP Aoun: Some people need to be changed and we want honorable figures to assume power. We don’t care about political affiliations. We will oppose the appointment of any incompetent individual.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:09

    MP Aoun: We don’t seek to cover up violations. Every illegal action must be uncovered.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:07

    MP Aoun: We are prepared to propose names over state appointments and this issue cannot be postponed any longer. I believe we play a major role in this matter because the names we are presenting have been morally wronged.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:05

    MP Aoun: No one is acting responsibly and everyone wants to violate the laws. Are we living in a tribe mentality or is there a constitution that needs to be implemented?

  • 04 October 2011, 17:02

    MP Aoun: Thankfully we did not speak ill of anyone in the WikiLeaks reports, but we have witnessed the low level of practices being adopted by Lebanese diplomats with foreign ambassadors.

  • 04 October 2011, 17:01

    MP Aoun: We discussed the municipal funds and the shortcomings in this matter seeing as the interior minister did not address the issue with finance minister. They are both obstructing funds that are aimed at financing municipalities.

  • 04 October 2011, 16:59

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc meeting: We discussed the state budget plan, which of course needs further study.

Comments 29
Thumb 04 October 2011, 18:01

He really needs to take his meds. I hope this was made clear to him during his last checkup at the Hotel Dieu

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 04 October 2011, 18:09

You are the rock of Lebanon , you saved Lebanon from corruption and from becoming a Hariristan . Please finish the job , there are still some Hariri soldiers and thieves hiding in the administration .. Let's clean the floor from their presence once for all .. like we leberated Lebanon from their master with a one way ticket . Thank you and god bless you general and god bless our Patriarch and the resistance .

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 04 October 2011, 18:10

You are the rock of Lebanon , you saved Lebanon from corruption and from becoming a Hariristan . Please finish the job , there are still some Hariri soldiers and thieves hiding in the administration .. Let's clean the floor from their presence once for all .. like we leberated Lebanon from their master with a one way ticket . Thank you and god bless you general and god bless our Patriarch and the resistance .

Thumb thepatriot 04 October 2011, 18:11

Good sign. He says that the syrian regime won't be overthrown, Aoun has always been wrong in all his analysis, so that probably means that the regime will collapse soon...

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 04 October 2011, 18:28

what amazes me is man speak about honors . it's like a whore preaching about purity . i refuse to call you general because normally generals have honors .

Default-user-icon reaper (Guest) 04 October 2011, 18:34

why has this man become a spokesman and defender of the present assassination-prone, terrorist funding, corrupted, oppressive dictatorial syrian regime ????

Thumb geha 04 October 2011, 18:39

it seems hizbushaitan refused to pay his salary so he is lashing on everybody :) what a crazy guy :)

Missing peace 04 October 2011, 18:41

the STL has been agreed upon by the lebanese government. and its funding too. now it is illegal?

So, you are saying that the gvt was illegal because it wasn t yours? or because they are accusing friends of yours?

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 04 October 2011, 18:47

I dont even care anymore

Thumb canaanite 04 October 2011, 18:52

Thanks to this guy, I now suffer from Chrysophobia - Fear or the color orange

Thumb Nade 04 October 2011, 18:54

I am sorry, but you are getting really out of it and way extreme to almost call you an Iranian. I think there are few Christian in Iran that you can be their leader. No room for you here. sick man

Default-user-icon mabooss (Guest) 04 October 2011, 18:55

what a sad character he and his followers are! put your pyjamas on and go to dar al salib

Thumb Marc 04 October 2011, 19:02

Aoun actually thinks that he is the Prime Minister . . . . he is sort of stuck in 1989, snap out of it man.....

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 04 October 2011, 19:26

no one, not even mikati, can stop the stl ...

Default-user-icon Wagabeej (Guest) 04 October 2011, 19:38

We are broke. I repeat: WE ARE BROOOOOOOOOOKE. Those who care about the STL farce can pay for it themselves from the money that they robbed from us. Once again, WE ARE BROOOOOOOOOKE. We want electricity. We want water. We want paved roads. We want JOBZZZZZZ. SYRIA ALREADY LEFT US. NOW WE WANT ITS PUPILS TO LEAVE US ALONE.

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 04 October 2011, 19:41

aoun is deluded and is constantly hallucinating! what a sad idiot he is?

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 04 October 2011, 19:45

The dog barks and the caravan moves...

Thumb Bandoul 04 October 2011, 20:45

@ peace, Mr. Aoun is only interested in laws he can benefit from. Those he cannot benefit from are immediatly re-written in his mind and become non binding and illegal.

@ Mr Aoun, please take your meds, retire in France, enjoy the millions you already stole. Greed is only going to get you thrown in jail, eventually. So take what you stole and run is my advice to you.

Default-user-icon Simon hokayem (Guest) 04 October 2011, 21:12

Le Phenicien,
You are such a jerk.

Thumb tabasco 04 October 2011, 21:59

Aoun now is just "his master's voice " !

Thumb kato 05 October 2011, 01:31

@Le Phenicien,

You made mention of soldiers hiding in the administration but you really should be making mention of Aoun's poor soldiers that were slaughtered by the low life Shabbiha Syrians at the Ministry of Defense in Yardeh while he shamelessly ran away like a scared child in his pajamas. If there is any clean up to be done, the mop needs to remove Aoun and all of his associates.

Thumb jabalamel 05 October 2011, 02:07

the zionist information war department has seen news about hezb'allah ally so their had to fill their quota of various retarded slogans that they always use

Thumb jabalamel 05 October 2011, 02:07

oh i have seen that zionist bandoul is still cursing on an nahar comments section and an nahar editors failed to shut him up.

come one, tueni family you can do it.

Default-user-icon Ihsan (Guest) 05 October 2011, 03:38

No one, not Aoun, not Nasralshaytan, not Syria, not anyone, has the right to drag Lebanon and its people into the mire of international strife, has the right to protect assassins while murdering the Lebanese, has the right to steal from the Lebanese people to fund their own pockets under the pretense of shady projects (electricity, which everybody in Lebanon needs but we all know we won't be getting from Bassil; natural wealth from the sea, which the Lebanese economy desperately needs but we all know we won't get through Hizb-Ibliss)! If before the greatest psychopath illegally in power was George W. Bush, now it is Aoun. Ma 7a nikhlas min hil jorsa ya Libnen?

Thumb Chupachups 05 October 2011, 05:08

OMG, just shut the HELL UP u stupid CLOWN

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 05 October 2011, 07:43

Will anyone embarrass them self and stand up and say they voted for this idiot? I can't find anyone brave enough to say it anymore. This guy is finished. He wants the world to sanction Lebanon because of his psychosis.

Missing MyNigga 05 October 2011, 10:18

Lebanon: No One, Not Even Aoun, Has Right to Deny Funding of STL

Default-user-icon ex-proGMA (Guest) 05 October 2011, 11:44

Little Hitler should take more drugs or change his neuroleptics!

Thumb will_rogers 05 October 2011, 12:43

You and your Moron son-in-law should know all about "theft of public funds", filthy rich in couple of years, you'll be even richer after the funding of the
"Electricity Plan". Why don't you hush-up already and enough of your BS, Traitors, Basij & Shabbiha Lovers. And tell your "Snuggle Buddies" HIZBUSTAN to pay their electric bills.