Gemayel: Syrian Violations of Lebanese Territory Disturbing

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel expressed his concern over the repeated Syrian violations of the Lebanese territories which have become disturbing on the national, security and sovereign levels.

In an interview with Radio "Voice of Lebanon" (100.3-100.5), Gemayel stressed that the government and the security forces should tell the people who " have a right to know what is going on", about these violations.

A Syrian army had entered Lebanon on Wednesday and headed towards the Wadi Anjar region in the Bekaa where it set up base past the sand barrier which the Lebanese army had set up years ago to mark the borders.

Earlier last week, the Syrian troops entered Arsal region killing a Syrian citizen and assaulting Lebanese inhabitants.

Gemayel asserted that March 8 and March 14 politicians should take the necessary positions on this matter.

" The issue has nothing to do with internal differences, but about the country's sovereignty and security", Gemayel explained.

He added:"Is the Syrian army's entry to Lebanon, and his set up bases acceptable to the March 8 and March 14?"

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 13 October 2011, 00:06

Where are the frauds Nassy and the Hezz. Why don't they liberate Lebanon from armed intrusion form the Lebanese enemy Syria?

Oh they must be busy acting as shabiha in Syria killing the protesters.

Missing camille 13 October 2011, 04:01

لا تعذب نفسك فخامة الرئيس هم يتطلعون الى لبنان من خلال مصالحهم وانتم تطلعون اليه من خلال ارث التضحيات والنضالات ، لكم منا تحية اكبار ومحبة

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 13 October 2011, 04:25

Where is Hezbollah. The resistance of Lebanon must liberate our soil. Do a better job than you did with Shebaa and Gajar.

You don't pay electricity so we can be free from invasion.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 13 October 2011, 04:26

It is sad to say there is no army members at the post that was setup YEARS AGO? why are not they guarding our soil? we close our eyes on this frontier so that Hizbollah can receive weapons from Iran via Syria? well it's double edge sword and I have no problem sending those weapons back to Iran via Syria since there is no watchdog anyways.
Ask the UN for an emergency meeting immediately.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 10:21

mr. no one from unimportant family said something.

Thumb will_rogers 13 October 2011, 13:44

What is the problem with our country ? How much more arrogance do we need from theTyrant Dictator before we confront the SOB, or at least file a UN Complaint. Couple of Israeli soldiers were simply cutting a tree branch that extended over the fence and some people got killed and almost started a war. Why doesn't our military do something in the "Shabbiha's" case to preserve Lebanon's Dignity. What do you think the SOB's would do if Lebanon sends an army patrol into "Sister Syria" ? I hope he faces the same fate as Musolini for what the Assad's have done to us and what they are presently doing to their own people. Why aren't the March 8 and Aoun the Biggest Christian Traitor CLAOUN and Sheep saying something about this. Or is it ONLY if Israel does something not worth mentioning.

Thumb jabalamel 13 October 2011, 15:59

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to insult me, but they are so below me that it can't touch me.

if you have defective jewish genes, it doesn't mean whole world has.

Thumb kato 13 October 2011, 16:13

Jabalamel - in the words of Shakespeare 'methinks thou dost protest too much'. I guess Slash must have hit a nerve with his comment to you. And FYI some of the most brilliant scientists, writers, musicians and others have Jewish heritage. Perhaps those who do not have Jewish heritage should strive for such high standards with their contributions to the entire world. Guess you do not mind using the internet and other items such as cell phones and developed by the infidels eh? Hypocrite.

Missing minlibnan 13 October 2011, 18:29

Syrian army is not to blame. Who is the coward Lebanese army member in charge of the border who allowed them to cross. But if he is a coward he must be hizbalah follower. And jabalamel your one brain-washed example of all hizbo followers.

Thumb Bandoul 14 October 2011, 02:18

Attention all shoppers, cleanup on isle 10 please, large puddle of vomit all over the isle. Someone please mop up jabal mhebeel with Dettol before shopping can continue.

@ jabal mhebeel, you smell bad, you look bad. Nobody wants to smell you, nobody wants to see you and for sure nobody wants to hear you. Get the F UP outta here and take your filth over to, they will love what you have to say over there and give you hundreds of thumbs up which is what u crave like the crazed sociopath that u r!