Aoun Warns of Plot to 'Displace Christians through Emptying Christian State Posts'

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun warned Sunday of a possible plot to “displace” Christians from Lebanon through “emptying Christian posts in state institutions.”

“Today, we are the oppressed component of the country, especially Christians, because those who displaced Christians from the Levant through arms and blood might be plotting to displace us through emptying Christian posts in state institutions,” Aoun told a popular delegation in Rabiyeh.

“They are picking puppet officials who fill the posts in an artificial manner,” he lamented.

“From now on, we won't accept to be 'background actors' or tools for anyone,” Aoun stressed.

Aoun has been lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, his son-in-law, as army chief as part of a package for the appointment of other top security officers.

The government failed last Thursday to agree on the appointments of high-ranking security and military figures.

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, who is a member of the FPM, has warned that Change and Reform bloc ministers would block any cabinet decision before security appointments are made.

“Nowadays, we are voicing political objection, and me might reach a phase of popular objection, that's why we might summon you in the critical junctures to be by our side,” Aoun told the popular delegation on Sunday.

“Most members of the political class are suspected of stealing public funds, and therefore they don't have the right to accuse others of harming the interests of the Lebanese,” added Aoun, referring to a possible suspension of the cabinet's sessions.


Comments 15
Default-user-icon jeff (Guest) 07 June 2015, 19:58

Aoun is responsible for the “displacement” of one Christian from the government...THE PRESIDENT!

Missing Ghazanfar 07 June 2015, 20:22

The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.
H. L. Mencken

In every age the vilest specimens of human nature are to be found among demagogues.
T. B. Macaulay

Thumb ex-fpm 07 June 2015, 20:33

this creature has no shame nor dignity. What have you done to reclaim the position of General Security Director back to the christians from your shia allies? Nothing!
The plot to displace the Christians is championed by you for obstructing the election of the only Christian President in the Arab World.

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 21:51

It is now 1 year we are writing on this blog that the Caporal is the one destroying the Christians.

Missing VINCENT 07 June 2015, 20:52

The morality of the entire region has been bankrupted for some time except when we see glimpses of hope from time to time, but never see the sunlight. Fresh start.

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 21:49

Mr Caporal, Agent and Traitor: you are the one who is destroying the Christians.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 07 June 2015, 21:49

General Chamel Roukoz is very cross with the way Aoun and Bassil are comporting themselves lately especially after they've ruined any chance he had to become Lebanese Army commander. Poor Claudine her lunatic, demented, self serving father is gonna drive away another husband after he drove the first one Dr Sami Nader away. Not sure they'll find her another patsy this time around, she'll have to find a convent or something similar to take her in like in the olden days, LOL!

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 22:07

Caporal is an insane and a very mentally ill person.

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 21:53

It is now 1 year we are writing on this blog that the Caporal is the one destroying the Christians.
Any Christian following a traitor is a traitor himself.

Missing humble 07 June 2015, 22:06

As if the only competent Christians were the ones belonging to the FPM? What a joke?

Thumb beiruti 07 June 2015, 22:41

The more intelligent tack is not to play on superior numbers since Christians do not have them, but to play on the Christian long suits in Lebanon as the leverage to restore lost influence in public affairs. The ending of the Aoun/Geagea Feud was a beginning. Next the acolytes within the lag and FPM must reconcile. The Christian leadership cannot restore Christian influence in public affairs when the people are divided, or apathetic about public affairs. When Aounist fought LF most Christians said to hell with politics and government. This is the long legacy of the Aoun/Geagea Feud. When this legacy ends, the people reunite, then Christian leadership can have its effect, hopefully for the good.

Thumb beiruti 07 June 2015, 22:56

and that combover is really starting to look bad. It is a continuing sign of his attempt to deny reality. When will we get a president?? When we finally see Aoun's bald head and he stops trying to deny the obvious.

Thumb kanaandian 07 June 2015, 23:09

he is 100% right, though i feel he is part of the problem and one of his self proclaimed, "puppet officials" being used by khomeini. geagea a tool being used by the saudis.

Thumb canadianpaul 08 June 2015, 00:46

"From now on"...

How many times has he said this? Yalla, another one to throw in the garbage bin of history.

Can't he just die yet? His Corruption and Personal Wealth group will die with him.

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) 08 June 2015, 01:52

According to Aoun (Christian and Lebanon cause of destruction)
He must be president by political consensus
His first son in law an army chief by political consensus (with respect to Roukoz)
His second son in law a foreign minister by political consensus
His third son in law a financial minister by political consensus
His first nephew a governor of master loubnan by political consensus
His second nephew a minister of interior by political consensus
No one else should be trusted in any of Lebanese posts
All Christians can leave the country because he has Shiite with him with or without the gun point.