Reports: Western Diplomats Support Salam, Warn against Cabinet Paralysis


Prime Minister Tammam Salam has held a meeting with Western ambassadors, who insisted that they would exert all efforts to prevent a cabinet paralysis, diplomatic sources said on Monday.

The sources told An Nahar and al-Joumhouria newspapers, that the meeting between Salam and the ambassadors of the United States, France and Britain took place on Saturday night.

The sources said that the three diplomats “insisted on stopping the cabinet from entering a vortex of paralysis and encouraged him into exerting more efforts to reactivate the government.”

The ambassadors also promised Salam to make the necessary contacts with the different Lebanese parties to revive the cabinet, they said.

The diplomats warned that any paralysis would harm international assistance to Lebanon, the sources added.

Free Patriotic Movement officials have warned that the party's ministers would block any cabinet decision before the appointment of high-ranking security and military officials are made.

Their threat has angered Salam and the March 14 alliance, and stopped the PM short of inviting for a cabinet session.

FPM chief MP Michel Aoun has bluntly rejected any attempt to extend the terms of the officials.

He has been lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz as army chief as part of a package for the appointment of other top security officers.

Roukoz is his son-in-law.

Comments 2
Thumb freedomarch 15 June 2015, 20:24

A history of Shame, blinded, ignorant and missinformed supporters to blame. Never mind him he is for sure insane, waiting for the orders from Nasroolah to to continue this ugly game.

Thumb freedomarch 15 June 2015, 20:25

ClAoun That is.