Moqbel Extends Terms of Top Army Officials for a Year

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Defense Minister Samir Moqbel has extended the terms of the Army commander, the chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council, a move that is expected to draw the anger of Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun.

Moqbel took the decision to make the one-year extension late Wednesday after the cabinet failed to resolve the controversial issue of the appointment of high-ranking military and security officials.

Army chief of staff Maj. Gen. Walid Salman was due to retire Friday. Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji’s term ends on Sept. 23.

Moqbel is expected to make a formal announcement on the decision on Thursday morning.

Aoun, who has been calling for making new appointments, is likely to take escalatory measures following the decision.

FPM sources said the movement had no information about such a move because the rival officials were still holding consultations to reach a settlement on the appointments.

“The extension will be met with more escalatory measures. Aoun will not back off,” the sources told al-Akhbar.



Comments 8
Missing humble 06 August 2015, 08:19

Caporal will get mad (he already is) and will make a massive neurasthenic crisis. Sit, relax and observe the show of a senile mareedman...

Thumb ashtah 06 August 2015, 12:40

أما في موضوع التعيينات، فقد خاطب وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل زميليه الاشتراكيين وزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور ووزير الزراعة أكرم شهيّب قائلاً إنه لو تم التصويت على التمديد لرئيس الاركان "لكنّا أيدناه".

Thumb -phoenix1 06 August 2015, 16:39

OSTFU Tric, you're getting on our nerves.

Thumb -phoenix1 06 August 2015, 16:44

Good work Mr. Moqbel, you should have extended it by at least 5 years by which time the old madman Claoun would be long gone, but One year is fine. This is how to treat people like Aoun, when they feel that they are the best gift of God to humanity, you clip their wings and let them fall like lead to the ground. As a seasoned ex-LF fighter, this is what I can tell you Mr. Minister of defense: (1), knowing your enemy well is half the battle won, and (2), Treat your enemy in the same way you know he will treat you. So, Know the enemy and because you know him, give him the treatment he intended for you in the first place. One more Black day in the elongated list of black days for the nut case Aoun and his even nuttier cases partisans. Enjoy your tea ya Sayed Hassan, no sugar anymore for your likes.

Thumb irani 06 August 2015, 17:37

Eye agree with tric.portugal Cristhians in Lebanon are in dangerous ...S.O.S...S.O.S....Save the74399524 the Cristhians in Lebanon...S.O.S...
Minoritis of Levant are in dangerous ..S.O.S....Mr Vatican, Shit Republic of Iran Ayatola and Cristhian Russia of Mr Poutine Save the Curds, the Cristhians, the Yzidis, the Shit of Levant all in Dangerous!! ...S.O.S... Mr Hathan Nasrallah send more Shit fighter defends Syrian to become holy Jihadi Martyrdella for God is very good fight Mecca Sionist takfir....S.O.S... IN DANGEROUS ...S.O.S...

Thumb irani 06 August 2015, 17:45

...S.O.S... Save the 74399524 Cristhians in Lebanon...S.O.S...

Thumb marcus 06 August 2015, 20:13


Thumb shab 07 August 2015, 01:23
