Former Minister, MP Elias Skaff Dead at 67


Former Minister and MP Elias Joseph Skaff passed away on Saturday after a long battle with illness. He was 67.

Skaff was first elected an MP in the eastern Bekaa Valley in 1992 following the death of his father ex-Minister Joseph Skaff and later in 1996.

He was reelected for the eastern city of Zahle's Catholic seat in 2001 and 2005.

He also served as minister in several governments between 2003 and 2009.

Skaff was born in Cyprus on October 11, 1948 and spent his childhood in New Zealand with his mother where he received his primary eduction.

He returned to Lebanon at the age of 16 and continued his education at a school in Shwaifat. He graduated in 1975 from the Faculty of Agriculture at the American University of Beirut.

Skaff is survived by his wife Miriam Jebran Tawq and their two children Joseph and Jebran.

Comments 4
Missing coolmec 10 October 2015, 18:47

isn't he the one who was selling a large piece of real estate in Lebanon to the Iranians and the patriarch stopped it at the last minute?

Default-user-icon Sayyed Al Nifaq (Guest) 10 October 2015, 20:50

there are no clean or honest politicians in Lebanon. Only me

Default-user-icon Dodge (Guest) 11 October 2015, 02:47

wow rip, this is a big blow to michel aoun how was ridding skaff's regional coattails in the elections.

Default-user-icon Dodge (Guest) 11 October 2015, 10:57

Your dog committed suicide because you stinka, could not tolerate the smell. Skaff was never in the Fpm to be sacked and got the largest amount of votes in a losing list dragged down by the Fpm dead weights. You're welcome.