Army Uncovers Weapons Depot in Akkar Based on IS Detainee's Confessions

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The army raided on Thursday an arms depot in the northern region of Akkar based on the confessions of a detainee who admitted to belonging to the Islamic State extremist group.

The military announced in a statement that the weapons were seized in the Mashta Hassan area in Akkar.

The depot included dozens of machine guns, sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and a number of ammunition and military gear.

The detainee, Bilal Muheiddine al-Hassan, confessed that the arms were going to be used in military operations by the IS in the North in an attempt to isolate it and bring it under the group's control.

Investigations are still ongoing with him and a number of other suspects.

Comments 6
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 24 December 2015, 16:56

The detainee, Bilal Muheiddine al-Hassan, confessed that the arms were going to be used in military operations by the IS in the North in an attempt to isolate it and bring it under the group's control.

LOL... he confessed or they forced him to confess to these findings!!!

Missing helicopter 24 December 2015, 17:07

It really does not matter since the end result was finding illegal arms intended for folks wanting to do harm.
Good Job army.
However similar raids on any building in Dahye or Nabatiyye will yield same if not more weapons that need to be confiscated.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 24 December 2015, 17:29

of course they are illegal! My sarcasm was directed that he confessed " arms were going to be used in military operations by the IS in the North in an attempt to isolate it and bring it under the group's control."

Now how realistic is that?!

Thumb liberty 26 December 2015, 04:50

the shia says "there are no arms in Dahiyeh or Nabatiye building more than what can you find in any Lebanese region... "

Are the weapons used in the below article resistance weapons and will they be confiscated?
of course NOT.

Families Use RPGs, Machineguns in Baalbek Armed Clash

Missing cedars 25 December 2015, 06:02

Every house has weapons in Lebanon from 30 yrs of war that ripped the country..those who continued to destabilize the country under the so called protecting the north or south are the root cause of every car bomb or kidnapping.

Default-user-icon Hassan (Guest) 25 December 2015, 02:54

Yeah .. they want Hizb to give up their arms . What a joke .