Israel's Military Chief: Iran Sanctions Relief Means more Funds for Hizbullah


Israel's military chief has said that the Iranian nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions that followed present Israel with "grave dangers,” adding that Tehran's funding for Hizbullah will increase notably in the coming years.

Iran’s “advanced military industry” will develop further, and its transfer of funds to Hizbullah, which has so far stood at around a billion dollar a year, will increase, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot said Monday.

Iran’s proxy regional activities will pose an increased risk around Israel in the immediate future, he said.

“Iran is fighting a proxy war against Israel. Hizbullah is the most severe threat to Israel. Since 2006, it has been armed, funded, and even led by the Iranians,” he added.

Eisenkot spoke at the Ninth Annual International Conference held by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), a top Israeli think-tank, in Tel Aviv.

Hizbullah remains the Israeli army's “No. 1 enemy,” Eisenkot told the conference, accusing the party of challenging Israel’s aerial and intelligence superiority through its conversion of 240 Shiite towns and villages in southern Lebanon into rocket assault bases.

But he stressed that “Hizbullah understands the implications of an escalation in Lebanon.”



Comments 12
Missing humble 19 January 2016, 10:49

Welcome back wherever you are and wherever you go.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 11:08

You always "agree with the israelis", you're one.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 12:20

I know, and that's why you are a traitor to this country.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 12:22

(assuming you're Lebanese, which I strongly doubt)

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 11:11

You cheer for israel's bombs and you spit on lebanon calling that soulless artificial town in the middle of the desert better than it, truly you are the most patriotic m14er here.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 11:11

3omrak ma terja3

Thumb Mystic 19 January 2016, 12:00

Any doubt you wahabis loves Israel?

Thumb theresistance4.0 19 January 2016, 14:19

Ooooooo the Irony what a Terrorist praises Israel, Saudi and the AUE, and calls for the destruction of parts Lebanon and Lebanese...And they wonder why they are all traitors SMH
"M14ers, a special kind of stupid"

Missing peace 19 January 2016, 14:24

then ya zaki tell us in what ways Lebanon is presently better than UAE?
better infrastructures? tourism flourishing? water and electricity 24/24? trash everywhere? a president? no corruption? just one army and no militias? booming economy? ...
i m waiting, tell us how Lebanon is better? yella ya zaki.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 14:37

Lebanon is our home, and this makes it better for us than all the fake glitter and the flashy illusions that you seem to be so impressed by. We have our problems in Lebanon, but we have values, pride and honor, all these things you will never understand ya peace.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19 January 2016, 14:38

Lebanon is our home, and this makes it better for us than all the fake glitter and the flashy illusions that you seem to be so impressed by. We have our problems in Lebanon, but we have values, pride and honor, all these things you will never understand ya peace.

Thumb gigahabib 20 January 2016, 06:38

What's bad for Israel is bad for Saudi Arabia and ISIL.