Hizbullah Recovers Bodies of Three Fighters Killed in Aleppo

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah has managed to retrieve the corpses of three of its fighters who were killed in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo, the party announced late Saturday.

The three combatants who hail from south Lebanon were identified as Ramzi Mughniyeh from the town of Tayr Dibba, Wael Youssef from the town of al-Bazouriyeh and Mohammed Hamza from the town of al-Sharqiyeh.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had announced Friday that his party had lost 26 fighters in fierce clashes in Aleppo province since the beginning of June.

A Hizbullah militant was also captured by rival groups while another is missing, Nasrallah added, dismissing media reports that claimed a higher casualty toll for Hizbullah.

Nasrallah also noted that “617 militants, including dozens of field commanders,” had been killed since the beginning of the fighting in Aleppo on June 1.

“More than 800 militants were wounded while over 80 armored personnel carriers, tanks and vehicles were destroyed,” he added.

Hizbullah's chief also described the fight for the province of Aleppo as the “greatest battle” to date in the Syrian war, noting that the outcome would have an impact on “Damascus, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan.”

“After they failed to reach Damascus from Lebanon, Jordan and the eastern front, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have dispatched thousands of militants in a bid to launch an offensive from the northern front,” he declared.

Hizbullah's intervention in the Syrian conflict alongside regime forces has helped Damascus achieve several military victories and allowed the party to clear most of the Lebanese-Syrian border region from rebels and jihadists.

Since 2013, the Lebanese, Iran-backed party has sent thousands of combatants -- between 5,000 and 6,000, according to the expert on Hizbullah Waddah Sharara -- to help the regime fight both rebels and jihadists.

They send 2,000 fighters at a time in rotation, Sharara says. Experts say Hizbullah has lost 1,000 to 2,000 fighters in the conflict, including senior commanders.


Comments 13
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 26 June 2016, 12:02

These terrorists and traitors should not be buried in Lebanon.

Thumb justice 26 June 2016, 14:57

here are his values:

أقدم 4 مسلحين يستقلون سيارة من نوع كيا بيكانتو لون عسلي، مساء السبت، على اعتراض اللبناني حسين علام (53 عاما) في بلدة الجمالية في بعلبك وسلبه مبلغ 130 الف ليرة وفروا لجهة مجهولة.

Thumb justice 26 June 2016, 15:12

i am surprised you now do not deny the losses of your iranian party and say it is all fabrication;)! Enjoy

Thumb Mystic 26 June 2016, 16:44

Enjoy this http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/212170-russian-regime-raids-kill-82-in-is-held-east-syria

Missing peace 26 June 2016, 18:04

proud miss tic, proud that air raids kill more civilians than IS... so desperate regime that to spread more terror they resort to kill civilans in numbers....

Thumb Elemental 26 June 2016, 18:57

Reality check, the Christians who sold out to Hezbollah are cowards. And here's the Revolutionary Guard implants dictating who's a real Christian...see how badly they sold out? Christians are pawns to both Hezbollah and ISIS, and the citizens just sit there and take it. Nice work!

Thumb justin 26 June 2016, 14:40

2 hours ago Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Hizbullah's death toll from Aleppo's battles has risen to 29 while two fighters are still missing.

Thumb barrymore 26 June 2016, 17:10

good riddance

Thumb ansarullah 26 June 2016, 14:53

Allah Ya2wweh shi3it Ali

Lan Tousba Zainabu Maratayyn
Lan Lan Lan

Thumb ice-man 26 June 2016, 18:49

How Sad.... How Awful.... How Agonizing it must have been to bring back these heroes' limbs and shredded parts to be buried in their beloved country Lebanon. I cannot understand why the free world is silent; why those so called human rights organizations sit by and watch this scheme unfold right in front of our eyes. My heart goes out to the families of these fallen iranian heroes. This ain't fair.....

Thumb Elemental 26 June 2016, 18:58

Kind of hypocritical of you I'd say.

Thumb liberty 27 June 2016, 03:25

Got what they deserved

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 27 June 2016, 12:24

the rest are soup.