Connelly Warns of Serious Consequences if Lebanon Does Not Meet Int'l Commitments

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly expressed on Monday the United States’ concern over the possibility of Lebanon failing to meet its obligations to Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

She said after holding talks with Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas: “Its failure to meet these obligations could lead to serious consequences.”

She renewed the commitment of the United States to a stable, sovereign, and independent Lebanon.

Connelly and Nahhas discussed the economic and political situation in Lebanon and the current situation in Syria.

The Ambassador reiterated the United States’ view that it is important to ensure that events in Syria do no create instability or tension in Lebanon.

The issue of funding the STL has created further division in Lebanon between the March 8 and 14 camps, with the former opposing the issue and the latter urging the Lebanese government to commit to its international obligations.

It has warned that failure to do so could lead to sanctions against Lebanon.

Comments 4
Thumb geha 28 November 2011, 17:10

unfortunately their ears are closed to reason, and they prefer a bankrupt lebanon so they would control totally the country.

Default-user-icon Ahmad (Guest) 28 November 2011, 21:08

Lebanon should do the same thing the US did when they lost the vote in UNESCO. The Israeli ruled USA is the worst violator of international agreements.

Default-user-icon American (Guest) 28 November 2011, 21:11

Don't the Lebanese understand that they are inferior to Israel and the US. The Lebanese MUST COMPLY. We the Superior race put international resolutions in the garbage.

Thumb ado.australia 29 November 2011, 01:39

The usa and Israel are the only countries in the world that have refused to reconized and sign the treaty for the international criminal court (ICC). They fear that their soldiers could be arrested in foriegn countries etc. This is the same branch that the hariri tribunal is attached to and yet they force Lebanon to fund a court they themselves do not reconize! Anyone confused? Don't be... It's called hyprocracy and being moral bankrupt.