Qassem Stresses 'Firmness' of Hizbullah's Ties with AMAL, FPM

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem has stressed that his party's ties with its two allies the AMAL Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement are “firm” and “strategic.”

“Our alliance with the AMAL Movement is as firm and solid as the firmness and strength of this land... and we will remain keen on the strength of this alliance,” Qassem underlined during a Ashoura ceremony in the southern city of Tyre.

“We will not renounce this alliance no matter what that might cost us, seeing as it is the honor and dignity that we will cling to,” he added.

Turning to Hizbullah's alliance with the FPM, Qassem described it as “a firm and strategic national alliance.”

“At some junctures, the parties that reject this alliance try to stir some disputes and claim that we are confused, but everyone must be confident that this alliance is firm and it will stay like this until the end,” Hizbullah number two said.

“We are the people of loyalty and we commit to what we declare and express. This alliance contains a definite interest for Lebanon, its sects and everyone, and both alliances with AMAL Movement and the FPM are contributing to Lebanon's cohesion, sovereignty and advancement.”

Some parties have accused Hizbullah of refraining from using its influence to persuade AMAL leader and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to endorse FPM founder MP Michel Aoun's presidential nomination in a bid to prolong the presidential vacuum.

Relations between Aoun and Berri have always been tense and media reports have said that the speaker will not endorse the FPM founder for the presidency unless he is offered guarantees related to several important ministerial portfolios.

Ex-PM Saad Hariri's recent return to Lebanon has triggered a flurry of rumors and media reports about a possible presidential settlement and the possibility that the former premier has finally decided to endorse Aoun for the presidency in a bid to break the deadlock.

Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 and Hizbullah, Aoun's Change and Reform bloc and some of their allies have been boycotting the parliament's electoral sessions, stripping them of the needed quorum.

Hariri, who is close to Saudi Arabia, launched an initiative in late 2015 to nominate Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah.

The supporters of Aoun's presidential bid argue that he is more eligible than Franjieh to become president due to the size of his parliamentary bloc and his bigger influence in the Christian community.

Comments 13
Thumb justin 09 October 2016, 14:47

الحوثيون يعبرون مطار بيروت… و”حزب الله” يدربهم في بعلبك

Thumb galaxy 09 October 2016, 14:54

and Abbas Ibrahim pretends he is oblivious to all of this. He is quick to arrest anyone who sympathizes with the Syrian revolution and accuses them of "belonging" to a terror organization.

It is not his fault though. He is doing what h his masters and employers are asking him to do. It is the fault of people like Hariri and Geagea who are giving the country on a silver plate to Iran and hezbollah.

Thumb justin 09 October 2016, 14:48

“حزب الله” يتكبد المزيد من الخسائر… ودفعة جديدة من القتلى

نعت قيادة “حزب الله”، دفعة جديدة من عناصرها الذين قتلوا خلال المعارك الدائرة مع الثوار في مدينة حلب وريفها.وأكدت مواقع تابعة “للحزب” مقتل كلاً من “علي كوراني” من بلدة ياطر الجنوبية، و”حسين محمد مهدي ياسين” من بلدة العين البقاعية، و”محمد علي صوان” من بلدة يونين البقاعية، دون ذكر تفاصيل عن مكان وتاريخ مقتلهم، في حين رجحت مصادر بأنهم قتلوا خلال شن الثوار أمس الجمعة، هجوماً معاكساً على مواقع “حزب الله”، واستعادة معظم حي “الشيخ سعيد” بمدينة حلب.

Thumb Mystic 09 October 2016, 15:14

The funny thing is, if the so called Lebanese Forces were attacked by Al Qaeda later on, they would all flee to America instead of standing and fight as the Resistance does.

Thumb barrymore 09 October 2016, 15:43

Actually, I read the article above and find no rejoicing or cheering by the LF news site. But I am.

Thumb shab 09 October 2016, 21:07

Good news.

Default-user-icon kazan (Guest) 09 October 2016, 14:48

You should not be involved in politics

Thumb joebustani 09 October 2016, 15:38

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, sponsors, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb barrymore 09 October 2016, 15:42

since it is his islamic resistance talking in this article, you won't see @awireless saying:

"Keep religion restraint to home and family values. We don't need your teaching about politics."

but I will.

Thumb Southern...... 09 October 2016, 16:25


only dumb people spit in the plate where they eat.... now! back to sleep and have a wet dream.

Thumb justin 09 October 2016, 16:35

Southern.... you forgot to ask @barry to paint his face..?!

Thumb Southern...... 09 October 2016, 16:41

no need to insist, he has his face painted all the time.... btw, black and carrying the flag... hey @terro this is a "ba3as" for both, you and @barry.

Thumb Maxx 10 October 2016, 19:36

Yes, the venomous spider's web is intricately woven over Lebanon, and we are being murdered every day, if not by bombs and bullets like in May 2008 then just by the vulgar humiliation of being once again a country occupied by a foreign power. In this case it's not Israel who is ruining us, it's Iran.