Iran Imports 149 Tons of Uranium from Russia

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Iran will receive the final part of a 149-ton shipment of uranium from Russia as part of its nuclear deal with world powers, it was announced on Monday.

"The first shipment arrived on January 26 by plane and the last will arrive tomorrow, Tuesday," said Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, according to Fars news agency.

Under the nuclear deal signed with world powers in July 2015, Iran has the right to enrich uranium to a level of 3.5 percent and sell it abroad, as part of efforts to develop its civilian nuclear programme.

Nuclear weapons require uranium enriched to around 80 percent.

With the latest shipment, which was authorised by the United States and the other five signatories to the deal, Salehi said Iran has imported 359 tons of concentrated uranium, also known as yellow cake, since the nuclear deal came into effect in January 2016.

Under the deal, Iran is allowed to run around 5,000 "IR-1" centrifuges and has been testing more advanced models that can produce greater quantities of enriched uranium -- all under the strict supervision of the UN atomic agency.

Last month, Iranian officials said they had successfully tested the latest-generation IR-8 centrifuge, which has a capacity 20 times the IR-1, with uranium gas.

Comments 7
Missing patriot10 06 February 2017, 10:24

While the Shia in Lebanon want all the best for Iran and would even die for them, they are living in the poorest and worst places in Lebanon. The rats live the same way BTW.

Missing humble 06 February 2017, 10:38

They spend their money on weapons and wars instead of welfare. This explains all the rest....

Thumb Southern...... 06 February 2017, 13:58

they don't spend any money but they used them to keep you free of occupation and domination... the RAT or so called "patriot10 " is mistaken, the prosperous part of Lebanon is the South now, unlike the 50/60/70 or durring the occupation of 80 and 90.

regarding @terrorist comment, after usa's humilation durring the 80s and its engagement in several lost wars now, neither trump nor any other would dare to open a new front, you have to live with it my MF (stand for My Friend).

Thumb Mystic 06 February 2017, 16:52

They whine because the Resistance kicked out the Americans and Israelis.

Thumb _mowaten_ 06 February 2017, 17:56

"patriot10" nobody in lebanon died for iran, yet they helped us in lebanon fight israel and kick it out of our territory. this is why israelis hate iran so much and you hasbara trolls can't shut up about iran all day, every every.

Thumb EagleDawn 06 February 2017, 23:21

a most FASCINATING report by @flametroller on the Iran contra 'affair' by @flametroller, to be honest..

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 06 February 2017, 17:21


humor, wit, and smarts are what distinguishes you from these trolls.

Somesing Annazar flamesrower!