Golan Druze March for Syrian Independence Day


Hundreds of Druze on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights marched Monday for Syrian independence day, carrying portraits of President Bashar al-Assad and chanting anti-Israel slogans.

"God save Syria!" they shouted as they rallied in the town of Masada. "Down with the occupation!"

Israeli officials say there are about 20,000 Druze on the strategic plateau seized by Israel from neighboring Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War.

Israel subsequently annexed the 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) of territory in an action never recognized by the international community.

But the vast majority of Golan Druze have retained Syrian nationality.

The civil war which has ravaged their homeland for the past six years is reflected in local divisions, with Masada opponents of the Assad regime refusing to march behind his picture.

But both sides are united in their opposition to the Israeli occupation, residents told AFP.

"We retain our Syrian identity and follow the path of national resistance," said Nasser Ibrahim, one of the organizers of Monday's march.

"With the crisis in Syria, Israel has increased its measures on the Golan," said Assad opponent Ayman Abu Jabal, referring to what he called Israeli-ordered changes to the Golan school curriculum.

Israel and Syria are still officially in a state of war, but Israel says it has no wish to get involved in the fighting.

It does, however, carry out strikes against its Lebanese foe Hizbullah, which fights for Assad in Syria.

Last month, Israel struck what it said were Hizbullah targets in Syria, drawing Syrian anti-aircraft missile fire in the worst flare-up between the two governments since the Syrian civil war began in 2011.

Comments 11
Thumb gigahabib 17 April 2017, 22:26

True Syrians.

Missing un520 18 April 2017, 10:15

Perhaps you missed a thing or two here, påossibly to do with limited knowledge of basic maths. According to the article hundreds of druze participated in the march, while there are more than 20 000 druze living on the Golan. Read carefully the following: "The civil war which has ravaged their homeland for the past six years is reflected in local divisions, with Masada opponents of the Assad regime refusing to march behind his picture."

Thumb gigahabib 18 April 2017, 11:27

Because only those who marched support the Syrian government, right?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 April 2017, 15:44

Numbers are very subjective in mainstream media, when a few hundred marched in daraa against the syrian gov they were called "millions". You can be sure the same would have applied here if they were pro-israel

Missing humble 18 April 2017, 11:12

Those who support the Buther are those who are afraid of the Butcher.

Thumb smarty 18 April 2017, 12:04

smartest comment!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 April 2017, 15:41

hahaha look at those two retards. those marches are under israeli occupation

Thumb gigahabib 18 April 2017, 15:52

"Buther", yeah, smart indeed, if you have an IQ of 65.

Missing phillipo 18 April 2017, 14:44

The very fact that your article talks about the Druze on the Golan march celebrating Syrian Independence Day goes to prove the political freedom that exists in Israel.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 April 2017, 15:48

you're so deluded it would almost be funny if there weren't thousands of Palestinian political prisoners in israeli torture centers.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 April 2017, 15:49

the only thing it proves is how brave the protesters are, and how hateful israeli occupation is.