FPM Seeking Agreement on 'Senate, Equal Power-Sharing and Administrative Decentralization'


The Free Patriotic Movement is seeking consensus on a host of “guarantees and annexes” after the latest agreement that was reached on an electoral law based on proportional representation and 15 districts, a media report said on Sunday.

Explaining FPM chief Jebran Bassil's recent remarks about “guarantees and annexes,” a prominent member of the Change and Reform bloc told al-Mustaqbal daily that the FPM is seeking consensus on three issues -- “the creation of a Senate after passing the electoral law, enshrining equal Christian-Muslim parliamentary power-sharing in the Constitution, and passing an administrative decentralization law within a specific timeframe.”

Prime Minister Saad Hariri had confirmed Thursday after talks with President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri in Baabda that the political parties had agreed on an electoral law based on full proportional representation and 15 districts and that the law's details would be finalized “before the expiry of parliament's term” on June 20.

“We have agreed on the framework of the electoral law and a committee will address the details and final touches,” Hariri said.

Comments 2
Missing peace 04 June 2017, 15:56

senate? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL , they can't even make the parliament function correctly now a senate! what a farce...

and what for? to place people and pay them from public funds in doing nothing....

Thumb chrisrushlau 04 June 2017, 17:27

All Lebanon has to do to enshrine equal Christian-Muslim power-sharing in the Lebanese Constitution, aside from Article 24 which requires seats in Parliament be distributed equally between Muslims and Christians, is make sure there are equal numbers of Christians and Muslims in Lebanon. Israel does this to maintain itself as a Jewish democratic state: it makes sure the majority is Jewish. Of course, that can lead to some ridiculous laws and administrative procedures, such as killing people for brandishig knives, but stability is worth every innocent life you have to snuff out to gain it.