Human Rights Minister Urges Army, Judiciary to Probe Detainees Deaths

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State Minister for Human Rights Ayman Choucair on Thursday called on the army and the judiciary to probe the recent deaths of at least four Syrian detainees in army custody.

“The military institution has offered hefty sacrifices to protect the country, fight terrorism and eradicate extremism, and this is something that every Lebanese citizen is proud of,” Choucair said in a statement.

“But all agencies tasked with enforcing the law and protecting security should abide by the detention norms that are stipulated by the law and should respect the rights of any detainee during interrogation,” the minister added, citing Lebanon's Code of Criminal Procedure and “the international laws that Lebanon has been signatory of since around 17 years.”

“Accordingly, and in order to preserve the army's image and prevent any possibly malicious rumors, we call on the Army Command and the relevant judicial authorities to launch a transparent investigation into all the pictures and reports that were recently circulated regarding the latest arrests in Arsal, and to determine the causes that led to the death of a number of detainees,” Choucair went on to say.

He also underscored that a government decision to “task the army with probing the detainees' death circumstances would be a proof of keenness on transparency and on clarifying the issue to the public opinion.”

Media reports said Thursday that the government has decided to ask the Army Command to form a panel of inquiry into the deaths, after Prime Minister Saad Hariri raised the issue during Wednesday's Cabinet session.

“Defense Minister Yacoub Sarraf would then brief Cabinet on the outcome before announcing the results in a press conference,” al-Hayat newspaper said.

A Syrian opposition group and international and local human rights organizations had on Wednesday called for a quick investigation into the death of the four detainees.

The four were detained in a sweeping security raid last week in refugee settlements in and around the border town of Arsal that netted 355 Syrians. Troops were met with a string of suicide attacks and grenades that left seven of them wounded and a Syrian child dead.

The army's announcement that four detainees died due to "chronic health problems aggravated by weather conditions" sparked swift allegations that the four Syrian men were tortured to death, particularly after images emerged depicting a body with a bruised neck and bloody face.

In remarks to The Associated Press over the weekend, an unnamed military official had dismissed allegations of abuse, saying mass detentions were necessary to combat terrorism. There has been no official response from the army to the accusations that followed the deaths.

Comments 13
Missing ysurais 06 July 2017, 16:16

No need for any probe, some terrosita just died, so lesser the better..

Thumb janoubi 06 July 2017, 16:40

Even the army did not say they were terrorists! But you somehow know better.

Thumb galaxy 06 July 2017, 16:44

That's what the syrian regime used to say about the Lebanese missing in Syrian jails.

Thumb Crispy 06 July 2017, 17:24

ysurais brother, you are confusing them with those ;)

Missing allegedzionist 06 July 2017, 18:38

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: an attack on Nahr el-Bared would drag Lebanon into the U.S. war against Al Qaida by attracting more Al Qaida terrorists into Lebanon.

Only a terrorist cares about other terrorists being killed..

The brilliant logic of a turbaned yahoudi sewer rat; Attacking the al Qaida terrorists who murdered Lebanese Army soldiers will attract more Al Qaida terrorists into Lebanon. But going from Lebanon and attacking al Qaida terrorists in Syrian did not attract more Al Qaida terrorists into Syria and into Lebanon.

Missing allegedzionist 06 July 2017, 18:48

"Salafi cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad was sentenced to life in prison by a Lebanese court for being a member of a militant group that plotted terrorist attacks and the killing of Lebanese soldiers. A day after being arrested, Nawar Sahili, a Hizbullah MP and lawyer, offered his legal services to Bakri as a representative of the Shi’a movement. Bakri accepted Hizbullah’s offer and was been released on bail.

Only a terrorist cares about other terrorists being prosecuted and jailed..

Thumb galaxy 06 July 2017, 16:41

lol @Human Rights Minister in a police state;)

Thumb justin 06 July 2017, 18:41

مقتل ١٠ لاجئين سوريين في معتقلات الجيش اللبناني..صور مرعبة ل"صيدنايا لبنان"مقتل-١%D9%A0-لاجئين-سوريين-في-معتقلات-الجيش-اللبنانيصور-مرعبة-لصيدنايا-لبنان

Thumb warrior 07 July 2017, 05:56

Why doesn't the human rights minister and his partner in crime the minister of defense tell us what were the results of the investigation carried out in the beating of women by the valiant Lebanese Army in the center of Beirut last week.

Thumb liberty 07 July 2017, 06:49

The results were published on the army's official website and exonerated the officers and soldiers of any wrong doing or blame. The women provoked the officers and insulted the army's honor and disrespected its sacrifices. The soldiers and their commanding officers were given a promotion and a pay raise for defending Lebanon against terrorism.

Thumb Puppet 07 July 2017, 08:23

I have the utmost respect and admiration for State Minister for Human Plights Ayman Choucair on Thursday for calling on the army and the judiciary to probe the recent deaths of at least four Syrian detainees in army custody and for all his documented and recognized accomplishments in the field of Human Plight.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 07 July 2017, 12:34

Human rights minister in a country where civil right activists and civilians appear in front of Military Courts for demonstrating against their inept and corrupt government. So, Yeah the probe will be unbiased.

Missing youssefhaddad 08 July 2017, 17:44

A Human Rights minister in Lebanon has as much influence as a Chastity preacher in a Brothel.