Hariri and Rifi in Electoral War of Words

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Prime Minister Saad Hariri and ex-minister Ashraf Rifi traded tirades Sunday in connection with the heated electoral battle in the northern city of Tripoli.

"Talking about disloyalty, we cannot forget the world champion who is writing reports against us and accusing us of treason and in the end he says that he is fighting Hizbullah," Hariri said at a Tripoli rally to announce al-Mustaqbal Movement's candidates for the Tripoli-Minieh-Dinniyeh district.

"We, al-Mustaqbal Movement, have lists in almost all of Lebanon against Hizbullah, from Shebaa to Sidon, from North Bekaa to West Bekaa, and from Zahle to Beirut and the North. We have candidates who are in direct confrontation with candidates from Hizbullah and lists supported by Hizbullah," Hariri said.

"If you are against Hizbullah, why are all your lists confronting the lists of the al-Mustaqbal Movement?" Hariri added, addressing Rifi without naming him.

"If I am confronting Hizbullah, Hizbullah is attacking me, and you have nothing else to do except attacking me, what does this mean?" the premier went on to say.

Rifi was quick to hit back via Twitter.

"I call on PM Hariri to honor his stances by resigning from Hizbullah's government, removing the Syrian regime's cronies from his lists and turning his electoral rhetoric in Tripoli and Akkar into a political rhetoric against Hizbullah's project in Beirut," Rifi said.

"Loyalty to individuals is slavery and clientelism, seeing as they are humans who err and succeed," Rifi added.

"We are the loyal ones who are free in our loyalty to our approach, beliefs and the cause of the martyrs, whereas those who have surrendered to the mini-state (of Hizbullah) do not have the right to call on others to also surrender," the former minister emhpasized.

Comments 10
Thumb janoubi 25 March 2018, 19:43

"We, al-Mustaqbal Movement, have lists in almost all of Lebanon against Hizbullah, from Shebaa to Sidon, from North Bekaa to West Bekaa, and from Zahle to Beirut and the North. We have candidates who are in direct confrontation with candidates from Hizbullah and lists supported by Hizbullah," Hariri said.

so why are you in the same government with Hezbollah if you claim you are confronting them? and why are you aligned and allied with Hezbollah's number one ally, the FPM?

Thumb ashtah 25 March 2018, 19:54

"If you are against Hizbullah, why are all your lists confronting the lists of the al-Mustaqbal Movement?" Hariri added, addressing Rifi without naming him.

So is this clown saying that no one is allowed to form lists against hezbollah except him or whoever intends to form lists against hezbollah should be under his tutelage?

Thumb ex-fpm 25 March 2018, 20:02

lol yep he has a monopoly over forming lists to confront hezbollah:) The honorable prime minister must know or his incompetent advisors should have told him the electoral law is based on sectarian lines and Rifi cannot confront hezbollah and form electoral lists in Keserwain or Zgharta for example. He is a Sunni and he is obliged to run in Sunni areas; the same areas where Hariri is running:)

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 25 March 2018, 22:01

"If I am confronting Hizbullah, Hizbullah is attacking me".... Hariri said.

I don't see any attacks. All I see is praise;)

Hariri praises Hezbollah's role in preserving political stability

Thumb liberty 26 March 2018, 07:22

good point @Lubnani!

Thumb warrior 26 March 2018, 04:19

lol @ "If I am confronting Hizbullah"

Pathetic loser!

Thumb warrior 26 March 2018, 04:42

علّق الوزير السابق اللواء أشرف ريفي على حديث رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري من طرابلس لـ”الجمهورية” بالقول: “المرجَلة بوجه “حزب الله” والنظام السوري على المنابر الانتخابية في عكّار وطرابلس، تتناقض مع الاستسلام للحزب على طاولة مجلس الوزراء في بيروت، فهي شعبَوية ازدواجية بالمعنى السلبي تتوهّم أنّها تستطيع الضحكَ على ذقون اللبنانيين، فمَن سلّمَ الرئاسة والحكومة وقانونَ الانتخاب وقرارَ البلد لـ”حزب الله”، لا يحقّ له المزايدة والهوبَرة على المنابر في عكّار وطرابلس، ومَن غطّى معركة “حزب الله” في جرود عرسال، ومَن قال إنّ “حزب الله” يشكّل عاملَ استقرار ولا يَستعمل سلاحه في الداخل، لن يصدّقه اللبنانيون، فمواقفُه هي مجرّد حملة إعلاميّة دعائية وليست معركة سياسية في وجه مشروع إيران في لبنان”.

Thumb warrior 26 March 2018, 04:42

ودعا ريفي الحريري إلى مناظرة أمام الرأي العام “الذي إليه نَحتكم”، وذلك بعدما اتّهَمه بأنه “يحاول تضليلَ الناس اليوم وتصويرَ الأمر وكأنه خلافٌ شخصيّ وهو يحاضر بالوفاء، فيما يَعرف الجميع أنّ خلافنا سياسيّ لأننا رَفضنا الخيارات الخاطئة التي كرّست الوصاية على لبنان”.

Thumb liberty 26 March 2018, 07:23

Hariri is afraid of Rifi which explains why he is attacking him every chance he gets.

Thumb Mystic 26 March 2018, 12:57

Hariri have more influence in Lebanon than Rifi.
He is the Prime Minister after all.