Hariri from South: Our Project is the State and Its Advancement

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived Friday afternoon in Jdeidet Marjeyoun, the first stop in a southern electoral campaigning tour.

“I have the honor to be with you here today in this beautiful area, which maintained its nature and coexistence. Our project is the state and its advancement to serve all Lebanese all over Lebanon, especially in Marjeyoun and Jdeidet Marjeyoun. The South is dear to us just as it was dear to Martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri,” Hariri said at a rally.

“God has blessed us in this country with the existence of all these sects and we have to preserve it. The only way do so is by having a strong state, a strong army and strong security forces, as well as moderation and accord among the Lebanese,” Hariri added.

This area has always “resisted the enemy that invaded it and that invaded Lebanon,” Hariri went on to say, referring to Israel.

He added: “The South rose up and fought back, and we will continue. Today the state is responsible for its citizens and the army is responsible for the protection of all its citizens.”

Hariri later visited Hasbaya, where he was welcomed by Lebanese Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan. The premier then visited the Khilwat al-Bayyada area.

Comments 2
Thumb justice 13 April 2018, 18:38

Today the state is responsible for its citizens and the army is responsible for the protection of all its citizens.”

.... and his security detail had to get clearance from Hezbollah to enter the south.:)

Missing un520 13 April 2018, 21:07

Hariri has to manuveur in a tough political landscape. The struggle for parlamentary seats is hard and bitter. The sunni-seat is between Qashem Hashem (supported by Hezbollah and Amal) and Imad Khatib (supported by Mostaqbal and FPM). Yes, its not perfect, but given the choise between those two I would support the latter everyday of the week.