Report: U.S. Report Gives ‘Encouraging’ Signals towards Lebanon


A document presented by the International Crisis Group to US President Joe Biden reportedly gave “encouraging American signals” towards crisis-hit Lebanon, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Tuesday.

Prominent political sources said the International Crisis Group, headed by US special envoy to Tehran Robert Malley, submitted the report to Biden on January 28. They said it included “encouraging” signals towards easing the US stance towards Lebanon, added the daily.

“Instead of looking at Lebanon from the perspective of weakening Hizbullah, the United States of America should make its primary goal to strengthen the State (in Lebanon) and prevent its collapse,” the report stated, according to the daily.

“Accordingly, the United States should throw its weight behind the French effort to gather the Lebanese players, including Hizbullah, in a serious government and pushing them towards basic reforms,” it added.

“The United States should encourage its allies to cooperate pragmatically with their opponents to pass reforms, especially those related to protecting the independence of the judiciary and adopting anti-corruption laws necessary to release international support, especially the IMF program,” concluded the report.

Hizbullah is recognized as a legitimate political party in Lebanon but deemed a terrorist organization by the State Department because of its anti-Israel stance and attacks on the Jewish state.

Hizbullah is subject to significant American sanctions and successive U.S. administrations have wrestled with how to continue to provide aid to the country that does not benefit the group.

Comments 2
Thumb ansarullah 02 February 2021, 10:40

God Bless U.S and Shia elected President Joe Abbas Biden for changing U.S stance towards our Shia controlled Lebanon. By strengthening the State (in Lebanon), The United States will be strengthening our Shia resistance because Hezbollah is the State in Lebanon.

Our Shia resistance through its military might, transparency, and just stances has forced the United States to deal with it as an Equal.

Shea Shia Shea !!!

Default-user-icon Jb (Guest) 02 February 2021, 17:18

You are an idiot