Hizbullah Thwarts Army, Security Forces from Inspecting Arms Shipment

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah members prevented overnight the army and security forces from inspecting an arms shipment in the western Bekaa, reported MTV on Saturday.

It explained that the army and security forces in the region of Khirbet Qanafar sought to approach a truck loaded with weapons for the party, but the Hizbullah members prohibited them.

The party consequently cordoned off the area.

In similar incidents in the past year, Hizbullah had prevented the army and security forces from inspecting arms depots suspected of belonging to the party.

In November, an explosion went off in an alleged arms depot in the Hizbullah stronghold of Siddiqin in the South and party members prevented the security forces from reaching the area.

Media reports said the cause of the blast could not be determined after Hizbullah drew a tight security dragnet around the scene of the explosion.

In 2010, several blasts caused a large fire at a building in the southern town of Shehabiyeh. At the time reports said the explosions went off at a Hizbullah weapons depot.

An arms cache belonging to Hizbullah has also exploded in an abandoned house in the southern village of Khirbet Selm.

Comments 70
Thumb geha 24 March 2012, 09:16

what can we say? a state in the state? until when are we to succomb to terrorists?

Thumb jcamerican 24 March 2012, 09:35

I have to agree with you. It is not right to go above the army. If they have authorization from the government, then you work with it, doesn't mean you bypass it. Specially now, since they are the majority in the government.

Thumb primesuspect 24 March 2012, 10:03

For once, jcamerican is logic, yet he gets negative votes. Your reputation precedes you my friend! :-)

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 11:54

you don't have to agree with him. no one with sane mind cannot agree with him

Missing minlibnan 24 March 2012, 16:05

You are very right jcamirican. With problems like this in our country how do we proceed or go forward. Shouldn't we go the hard way and collect all weapons? House to house hizb to hizb, excluding no one. Forget the idea of small arms in every home for self defense. Our army can do that. HA and the Palestinians must give up their weapons. This is the only option we have. Everything else is like placing a band-aid over a .50 cal hole in our head!!
Everyone remember this in 2013! Vote smart! Vote for the new guy for once.

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 10:57


Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) 24 March 2012, 10:57

really a terrorist group work together with the army ? if you believe that then i have a bridge for sale if you are interested Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and they only work on terrorizing others . as long as you remember that you will fine

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 11:10

Slash. Ça fait un bail qu'on ne t'a plus vu! Welcome back!

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 11:54

the filthy zionist slime trash and scum don't know what to say.
so he just repeats what mossad tells him like always

Missing samiam 24 March 2012, 21:09

so why isn't that area of the border mined by syria?

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 11:55

for once the filthy zionist slime trash and scum is gloating because they think someone agrees with them.
it's like a historic day for them

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 12:23

Il faut ignorer ces petits branleurs... Mais clair que ça gonfle à la longue, surtout les insultes qui ne devraient pas être tolérées par les admin. Enfin soit, Peu importe que nous soyons présents ici, l'important est de faire parler les urnes l'année prochaine!

Thumb geha 24 March 2012, 12:51

we already know that FT has an empty skull, so it is normal he considers this as BS :) his mind caannot accept the reality of things. he cannot even wake up and see thing the way they really are, he has to deny all truth whatever it is to defend his idols :)

Missing helicopter 24 March 2012, 18:06

Of course it is BS, so was downing the army helicopter. Hezb has no arms at all. If they do they did not bring them in (truck loads), they were given to them by Allah (afterall they are Allah's hezb) WHo dares stand in their way when they represent Allah (whoever does will be against Allah and kafer).

Default-user-icon John Williams (Guest) 24 March 2012, 21:38

Or another Israeli Invasion/Attack/Occupation

Thumb topgun 24 March 2012, 09:38

more than sad, it is actually depressing! Where are these weapons headed in the western bekaa: to resist, confront israeli aggression, or to reinforce the shia villages against their sunni neighbors or they were destined to arms dealers such as the son of their so called sheik yazbek who is the biggest arms dealer in the region. What resistance is this..... a mafia driven by sectarian objectives, a group of drug dealers and suppliers, a group of corrupt sharks whose objective is financial gain. Shame on such a so called "resistance"!

Thumb primesuspect 24 March 2012, 10:01


Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 10:08

Absolument! This news depressed me instantly and I can already say it ruined my weekend. I guess I won't be giving a single lira to my Shia neighbourh's dikkeneh.

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 11:58

the filthy zionist slime trash and scum are depressed because of something not worth of analysing

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:36

the filthy zionist scum trash slime is have inspiration, and later, the cheers from his colleagues

Thumb Chupachups 24 March 2012, 09:49

3AYB el Shoum....... tfooooooooo..........

the poor army is useless... thugs will need thugs.. they need a taste of their own medicine, time for the other 75% of the country to be heard..

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 11:59

the filthy zionist media trash scum and slime is supporting each other because they are so unsecure deep inside.

Thumb primesuspect 24 March 2012, 09:57

Didn't I read yesterday and every single day before that the hizballa and the army cooperate? Mi culo. Jabal habal, FT bullocks and the other corrupt pieces of sh** deserve a one way ticket to Teheran. Go fight Israel from there. You're not lebanese!

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 12:00

the filthy zionist slime trash and scum hallucinated that he read something while is well know that he cannot read.

his secretary does the reading and writing

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:37

the filthy zionist slime scum trash worm rat is hallucinating that i'm not lebanese.

Missing roger@10452 24 March 2012, 09:58

ya hassouni, play all you want right now and your day is coming sooner than you think!!!

what is shameful is how this man has imposed his hegemony on the entire Shiaa sect in Lebanon and dragging them back to the stone age!!!

Justice will be served soon and Lebanon will always prevail !!!

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:38

the filthy zionist slime trash scum is predicting for years that "the day will come soon"

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 24 March 2012, 10:11

I cannot wait for the day Hizbullah is disarmed and annihilated as well....

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 12:03

yes yes keep dreaming you filthy zionist scum trash and slime

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 24 March 2012, 16:15

JABA BIG MOUTH: That day is coming, and if you have even half a brain, if your lucky, even YOU, would have to admit, that day is COMING....BY THE WAY, YOU CLOWN, I AM NOT A ZIONIST, but I am a Maronite, who hates KIZBullah and YOU, are the SCUM, TRASH and SLIME. I have seen your posts, and wonder if you have noticed 99% of the people on this forum DISAGREE WITH YOU AND YOUR IDIOTIC COMMENTS. WHY DON'T YOU DISAPPEAR AND GIVE US ALL A BREAK, YOU IDIOT?

Missing realist 24 March 2012, 19:46

you are right habal amel , chances are there will be another suni militia armed to the teeth like the hizzies and they both will fuck lebanon hard.

Thumb tornado 24 March 2012, 10:15

does a day go by without hearing news about hizb of terror or its supporters breaking the law and/or challenging the state's authority?!

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 10:55


Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:38

of course not.

Missing realist 24 March 2012, 19:47

you are talking about urself there i assume lol

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 12:04

the filthy zionist slime trash and scum is having last hope hallucination

Missing mark 24 March 2012, 12:14

All these rockets will end into hassoun's and his mafia's a$$3$. My only coo net...fin

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 13:01

yes yes keep hallucinating about that

Default-user-icon bennie (Guest) 24 March 2012, 12:18

To Jabalamadingdong: I've always wondered about the photo. You look like Janis Joplin. I think you should find a better image. Something that truly reflects your personality .... maybe with guts and blood oozing through your teeth.

Default-user-icon FREEDOM (Guest) 24 March 2012, 12:21

I hate hizbullah ! God Gives us weapons to defend ourselves from the demons... i wish a new civil war start in order to get rid of hezbollah then give all weapons from all stupid lebanese to the army the one and only that cary weapons i hate mafias i wish u all die go to hell punks

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 12:28

The good thing about the Israeli occupation is that people were able to go jerusalem or tel-aviv. Too bad they're no longer here. We had more freedom back then! Yes, we were able to go the Nabatiyyeh, Tyre or Beaufort .... Nowadays, you get filthy militia checkpoints that are unsafe for non-Shias.

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 13:01

lol....now this specific one zionist identified himself...former sla...it was about time you admit you are traitor

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 24 March 2012, 12:54

Pathetic army, pathetic government, pathetic backwad hezb that is driven by fanatism. Israel will prevail, cos they are smarter, wealthiers, and have the US on their side.

Default-user-icon mazloom (Guest) 24 March 2012, 14:02

hassan nasrallah 3amel 3esabee 3am yo2bad men iran 7ata el shee3a wa el syad elee 3aysheen ma3on ma 5alseen mn azahon wa ana wa7ad menon hol jame3a ma bya3rfo alla fa elee ra7 ya3mlo bel nas ba3ed awsa5 mn hek s2alonee ana mjareb a7san mn 7akim hahahaha wa sharo el balyatee ma yod7ek

Thumb beiruti 24 March 2012, 14:47

And they call this a country? You can't eat the food, because it is not inspected, or if it is and fails, a little bakshesh will fix it. The buildings fall down every other week. Same reason. The electricity doesn't work, same reason. The cell phone service is the worst in the world.
And this "Party"? Holds off the national army from inspecting, much less seizing a shipment of weapons going to military units that operate outside of government command and control.

How clear it is that the "government" in Lebanon is not a functiong entity. It is a facade, a mirage a cover for the criminal enterprise known as Hezbollahstan.

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:43

the filthy zionist media slime worm-rats cannot believe that lebanon is a country that has party.

we actually have whole bunch of parties. you must know that some of those are your collaborators (code: m14)

Missing ulpianus 24 March 2012, 14:50

Yes, we may not like Hezb and what they are up to, but wishing israel to wipe them out is dangerous. We should find a way to solve our problems internally.
New international intervention----)New militias. We have one last militia left, and the solution should come from inside Lebanon, ending up with one united country.

Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 15:03

Wise man, theoretically you're right. Hezbollah is a reflection of bashar. He's also in power and can intimidate everyone he feels like. Did he step down? No! Why would he? Same for the hezb... They have their 40k rockets pointed at us and we can't do a thing! I do understand people praying Rita as salvation isn't likely to come from within. They bet on Israel.... Wrong bet as they've demonstrated to be Assad's allies, hence Hezbollah's allies.

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:45

the filthy zionist slime admits that calling zionist militia is "theorethicaly" wrong, but than continues to hallucinate about something so crazy it cannot be commented.

Missing ulpianus 24 March 2012, 22:55

Benzona Yes. you said a nice point ,that I have been saying for a long time. The Assad regime is in the interest of israel. As it´s very "hidden" but now its showing up. Assad has kept the israeli/syrian border for a long time AND divided Lebanon----)israels best dream.

Even Hezb. are the same scenario. As long as they exist ( with weopons I mean) israel has an excuse to bomb us but If we dont have militias, the international community cant accept Lebanon being bombed. Simple is that.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 24 March 2012, 15:03

May be Lebanon should surrender to....Hizbollah. At least the army wouldn't continually be embarassed anymore.

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:44

see, the voice of reason. you may not like our glorious resistance but at least you are not traitor.

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 24 March 2012, 15:18

Huzbulah has more than 30,000 missles as per its leader. How did these come to Lebanon? Where were the army to stop them from coming? Coming now to check an arms truck is a joke when everyone know that Huzbullah is mightier than the army itself. I recoomend that Huzbullah be given a free hand in shipping arms to Lebnaon. If the formula of Resistenece, army and people is acceptable to all, including M14, then huzbullah by defacto is entitled to arm itself to defend Lebanon. The politicians have to chose either to uphold the formula or revoke it and start searching for Huzbullah arms. Any grey areas are unacceptable. Until then, Huzbullah based on the formula is allowed to ship in and even out if the need arises weapons freely no matter what.

Missing minlibnan 24 March 2012, 16:15

This isn't new news! We have heard about this 100's of times before. Lebanon must take the hard way. Iza MA kibrit MA btizghar !!

Thumb jabalamel 24 March 2012, 18:49

the filthy zionist slime wants civil war in lebanon

Missing peace 24 March 2012, 16:35

hahaha! and those M8 guys telling us that the hezb COOPERATES with the army! another lie as usual...
this is another proof that hezb feels itself above lebanese laws and they claim to be lebanese? what a joke!

Missing samiam 24 March 2012, 21:08

You claim lots of things, but you haven't proved squat. The facts are the army was prevented from examining an arms shipment bound for Hizb--this just proves that Hizb is not Lebanese but an organization taking its orders from outside powers for its own survival.

I wonder if hassan is going to go on tv and give a 2 hour explanation why they are preventing the army from doing their job.

Thumb Chupachups 25 March 2012, 02:42

jabalamel i comment ur efforts in trying to reply to every single comment on this. Bas BLEASE mata3ib 7allak.

Thumb Chupachups 25 March 2012, 02:42


Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 25 March 2012, 06:47

He's on the Iranian payroll; remember! that's his fulltime job. They should find some1 smarter, but probably he's the smartest and most educated of the a bad bunch.

Missing helicopter 24 March 2012, 18:12

Israel will not finish them, it is not in their interest to finish them. If they do finish them then Lebanon will become a respectable state again and it will compete with Israel in Business and Tourism and in co-existence of religions and so on. They would rather be the only country in the region to depict all Arab states as terrorists to have monopoly on Western support.

Default-user-icon bendiblue (Guest) 24 March 2012, 18:15

Since MTV said it, then it must be... a fabrication, as usual.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 24 March 2012, 20:16

"The party consequently cordoned off the area"

This is an insult to the army's authority and to Lebanon's sovereignty.

One day the party will try to cordon off all of Lebenon. 

Thumb israeliconspiracy 24 March 2012, 20:18

Guys, it's okay! They're only stockpiling these weapons to fight the Zionist threat. Right..?

Thumb Chupachups 25 March 2012, 02:41

ur enjoying this aren't you?

Thumb primesuspect 25 March 2012, 04:01

Divide et impera,,,

Thumb LightLeb 25 March 2012, 02:12

Very sad indeed :(
What is even sadder is without Hezbollah we are defenseless against other bullies like Israel, Western States, and Eastern States (Syria and Iran).
And to rub salt to the wound, there are powerful people out there who are encouraging the divide between Sunni and Shia to keep the status quo.And Lebanese are playing into there hands without realizing it.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 25 March 2012, 11:41

Before it was the PLO that built a state within a state and now Huzb Allah has the same arrangement. Just like then, the Lebanese government, military, economy and people pay the price.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 25 March 2012, 14:29

Jabalamel: Why don't you take a long walk, on a short pier? Please, do all of us a favor and disappear on your way to hell. We are sick of your stupid "filthy this and scum that" comments. In addition to those, you make absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and obviously are a very cold, lonely, and boring person. No one loves you, no one cares whether you live or die, and when you DO die, someone will have to pay 10 poor souls, to carry you to your resting place: Hell.

Default-user-icon Jamall (Guest) 25 March 2012, 14:56

None is filthy zionist but you Mr. Jabalamel and your own filthy people who made up 90% of Lahd army and opened the way to ISraelis until they realized that they can make more money fighting israel than working as prostitutes in Beirut bars....