Haniya Warns of Bids to ‘Sow Discord’ between al-Bared Camp Residents, Lebanese Army

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister of Gaza’s Hamas Government Ismail Haniya condemned on Sunday the “unjustified gunfire” against the residents of the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, warning of bids to sow discord between the Lebanese army and the residents.

A Palestinian was killed and three others were wounded on Friday when the Lebanese army opened fire during a spat at the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon, a Palestinian source told Agence France Presse.

The violence erupted after the army arrested two Palestinian men who were on a motorcycle and refused to stop at a checkpoint, the source said.

Hamas Movement issued a statement saying that “Haniya discussed the conditions of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon with the movement representative Ali Baraka, especially in Nahr al-Bared camp after the unfortunate accident that led to the death of Ahmed Qassem.”

The accident prompted hundreds of the camp’s residents to block roads with burning tires and hurl stones at army troops, to express their denouncement towards the security measures taken by the army.

Haniya urged the government to investigate the accident and ease security measures around the camp, calling for “a swift rebuilding process which allows the refugees to go back to the camp, awaiting their return to Palestine.”

The Hamas top official said he is “very keen on the security and stability of Palestinian camps, as well as the civil peace in Lebanon,” calling for consolidating the brotherly relations between the two countries.

Comments 9
Thumb shab 17 June 2012, 20:25

"go back to the camp, awaiting their return to Palestine?" At last they are all rerurning and now lebanon will be liberated from these scum

Thumb phoenician 17 June 2012, 22:11

How dare you,is that your thank you to the Lebanese people and Army for giving you a home for the past 50 odd years and more and putting up with your terrorism and filth,take your 500.000 illegal scumbags and go back to wherever you come from you despot recluse.

Default-user-icon amir (Guest) 18 June 2012, 01:48

Look who is preaching teh Lebanese.
Lebanese are Blind to even let him talk.
Sad and funny

Default-user-icon Hilal Khashan (Guest) 18 June 2012, 07:20

The exchange is horrible and speaks for unbridled fascism. It is unworthy of further comment.

Default-user-icon david (Guest) 18 June 2012, 07:34

Why have Palestinians been denied their basic human rights in Lebanon for decades?

Default-user-icon Rudy (Guest) 18 June 2012, 09:01

when we get a military chief who doesnt have this eyes on the presidency we will then get an army that hits in an iron fist.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 18 June 2012, 09:58

there is no brotherly tie with any of our " brothers" whether syria or palestine. They both created chaos in Lebanon. The issue of the camps is non negociable. Clean it up from terrorists and outlaws, establish a near by camp and give a maximum of one month for residents to leave just so the army can enter their camps and clean it up . We dont want to kill civilians but we sure dont want to leave scumbags running around Lebanon freely and humiliating our army... Now maybe all other sects understand how great where the lebanese front ( lebanese resistance : LF, Kataeb, Ahrar, Tanzim) when they fought against worse than those guys and the syrians. Which is good is that today the sunnite and druze woke up to see what christians where talking about 30 years ago. Now it is the turn of our last brother sect the chiite to wake up from their coma, and help us restore the state and erase terrorists from our land.

Thumb Lebanese_Templar 18 June 2012, 10:42

Not because a leader is totaly ungrateful that all the palestinians are. The lebanese is generous and protector and that's what our history is all about. Don't be racist because lebanese are moderate. If you want to speak about immigration then we are 12.000.000 lebanese to live outside. So stop this kind of behavior because you are percieved as racist by the international community. Long live lebanon.

Default-user-icon a (Guest) 18 June 2012, 12:41

Removal of the tumorous Palestinian camps from the roots will be a start at solving Lebanese ills.
Hamas should direct its warning toward its occupying enemy..