Miqati Contacts Rifi, Praises ISF Role during ‘Critical Time in Lebanon’

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati contacted on Friday Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi to inquire about the details of the arrest of former minister and MP Michel Samaha.

He praised the ISF’s work, noting that the “current critical phase in Lebanon requires it to intensify its efforts to maintain security and stability.”

The premier also contacted Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi, urging him to request that the General Prosecution maintain constant direct supervision of the investigations with Samaha.

Miqati hoped that the case be referred to the concerned judiciary as soon as the investigations are complete.

The prime minister later held talks with U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on bilateral ties and general developments.

The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch arrested Samaha on Thursday morning "for security reasons," the acting general prosecutor said.

Samaha was arrested following raids on his houses in Beirut’s Ashrafiyeh district and the North Metn town of Jwar al-Khenshara.

LBCI and MTV reported that the former minister confessed to planning bombings that would have been carried out during Ramadan iftars in northern Lebanon.

"Samaha confessed to smuggling explosives in his car from Syria to Lebanon," reported LBCI.

Samaha is known for his pro-Syrian regime views and media reports say he served as an advisor to Syrian President Bashar Assad. He was among several pro-Syrian Lebanese officials who were sanctioned in 2007 by the United States for “contributing to political and economic instability in Lebanon.”

Comments 5
Thumb geha 10 August 2012, 15:56

the evidence is so irrefutable that even Mikati cannot execute the order of bashar to release samaha :)

Thumb geha 10 August 2012, 16:05

ميشال سماحة و من ورائه بشّار الأسد كانوا مستعدّين لقتل البطريرك الماروني كي يخاف المسيحيين من "البعبع السنّي". كم يكون قذرا الانسان ليبقى مؤيّدا لهكذا مشروع سياسي!

Thumb Bandoul 10 August 2012, 16:50

in english man, I can't read this stuff anymore...what does it say?

Thumb geha 10 August 2012, 16:58

Actually this is a quote I copied from another site which says basically:
bashar through samaha were ready to kill the maronite patriarch so the christian get afraid of the freightening sunnis.
how low can a human being be to continue supporting such a political agenda (and here he is referring to mainly fpm.

Thumb geha 10 August 2012, 16:08

to the sceptics: