Aoun: Resorting to Orthodox Gathering Law Normal after Rejection of Proportionality


Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Sunday suggested adopting the electoral law proposed by the Orthodox Gathering, under which each sect would elect its own lawmakers, after the government’s recent endorsement of an electoral law based on proportional representation and 13 electorates infuriated the opposition March 14 camp and Druze leader Walid Jumblat.

“Resorting to the electoral law adopted by the Orthodox Gathering will be normal after the rejection of a law based on proportional representation,” Aoun during an iftar banquet organized by FPM’s Beirut department:

“We have made a sacrifice by accepting the proportional representation system, as we would lose around 10 seats in Mount Lebanon after we claimed all the seats in the past,” Aoun noted, saying he accepted the law to secure fair representation for all minorities.

“The importance of an electoral law based on proportional representation is that we will get rid of the sectarian and inflammatory rhetoric,” he added.

Aoun stressed that a proportional electoral law ensures fair representation for all of the country’s components.

“During the Bkirki meeting, I did not support the law calling for each sect to elect its own lawmakers. The Lebanese Forces and the Phalange Party suggested the Orthodox Gathering law and we suggested proportionality,” Aoun revealed.

Aoun noted, however, that the Orthodox Gathering’s proposal did not enjoy consensus among the Lebanese.

Comments 17
Thumb benzona 12 August 2012, 21:52

7aka ba3ba3.

Thumb beiruti 12 August 2012, 22:22

Wrong again, le generale. If each confessional group elected their own deputies to Parliament, this would increase, not decrease confessional polarization in the Parliament, as each deputy would have no interest in supporting cross confessional policies. Without a mixed electoral constituency, a deputy would be judged strictly on confessional loyalty as there would be no constituency base in his district to suppose a deputy that found merit in a bill proposed by some one outside of his own confessional group. Homogeneity within the district insures no compromise, and without compromise, the government is paralyzed. No Sunni would support a Christian proposal, and vie versa. And this would be true across the board. MP would become a title only as nothing could get done.

The districts must be mixed so that all deputies would find constituent support to strike compromises when necessary.

Missing gcb1 13 August 2012, 06:11

“The importance of an electoral law based on proportional representation is that we will get rid of the sectarian and inflammatory rhetoric,” he added.

Did you even read the article correctly?

Thumb ado.australia 13 August 2012, 08:02

Beiruti... did you read this article? The orthodox gathering proposal, you can only vote for your own sect. this would inflame the sectarian division. the fpm is against this.

I dont know the specifics of the proportionality law. but obviously Jumblatt would be a big loser, coming from his reactions.

Can naharnet publish an article with specifics on what the proportionality law is instead of focusing on politicians reactions to it?

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 13 August 2012, 07:20

Wonder what the price tag on selling us all out is? And the circus with the claoun in the orange suite continues.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 13 August 2012, 13:56

You mean prior to debating politics? I like my English thank you very much, you have nothing constructive to say in defense of this clown so you resort to personal attacks, take a deep look in the mirror before you criticise others.

Thumb Bandoul 13 August 2012, 18:29

fadi, I invite you to take a pledge to completely disregard and ingnore FT and his many other screen names. Never relply to his posts or speak to him directly. Only the complete silent treatment will force him to move on or change his tone.

Default-user-icon Jaque (Guest) 13 August 2012, 07:36

How about letting the March 14 decide on a new electoral law, and let's see what they are going to come up with, they don't want the 1960th, no to proportionality, no to the orthodox law,...let them sugget something, anything, but not just complain with nothing, no agenda or plan like the last 20 yrs. of harrirri dictator ship......

Missing tarator 13 August 2012, 10:55

How touching. The general is willing to sacrifice himself and his party for the good of the country. Oh, but wait...

Wasn't this the same general who was willing to sacrifice the whole country so that his son-in-law becomes a minister?

Thumb Bandoul 13 August 2012, 18:31

exactly right!

Thumb Bandoul 13 August 2012, 18:34

There are two things GMA is the leader of, the Failed Political Movement = FPM and the massive effort to claim the kirseh in b3ada at any cost.

Missing gcb1 13 August 2012, 19:22

All I read in your comment slash is sectarian analysis. Sad. Haven't the brutal days of the civil war taught us anything?

Missing gcb1 13 August 2012, 19:20

What he's saying here implies the contrary

Thumb beiruti 13 August 2012, 20:01

yes I read the article, and because Aoun says that creating confessionally homogenious districts will eliminate sectarian strife, you think that means that it will? Since when has Aoun said anything that had any basis in fact behind it??

Missing gcb1 13 August 2012, 20:33


Dude, you were arguing that "a deputy would be judged strictly on confessional loyalty...Homogeneity within the district insures no compromise, and without compromise, the government is paralyzed. No Sunni would support a Christian proposal, and vie versa. And this would be true across the board"

That is exactly what Aoun is saying and why he wouldn't want the Orthodox plan. "During the Bkirki meeting, I did not support the law calling for each sect to elect its own lawmakers."

Thumb beiruti 13 August 2012, 23:29

@gcb1, well, now he says he is for the orthodox plan, so which is it . . . dude?

Thumb beiruti 14 August 2012, 03:44

I think Aoun was against the Orthodox plan before he was for it. When he was against the Orthodox plan he was for the proportionality plan which favored Hezbollah and allowed the FPM seats in elections where they lost close elections. This would have turned Parliament over to Hezbollah, assuming Aoun would keep his combed over head up Nasrallah's butt and the Iranian and drug patronage money continued to flow to the Orangeman.
Knowing that will fail because Jumblatt won't fall for it, then Aoun says he's for the Orthodox plan that inures gridlock paralysis.
Some patriot this guy is. He wants to turn the Parliament over to Hezbollah, or else render it impotent. o